rainofaugustsith:cricketcat9: jabberwockypie:grrlgeek72:caucasianscriptures: Fucking antivaxx pa
rainofaugustsith:cricketcat9: jabberwockypie: grrlgeek72: caucasianscriptures: Fucking antivaxx parents Idiots. At least their kids didn’t inherit the stupid Gene. https://vaxopedia.org/2018/09/25/how-can-i-get-vaccinated-if-my-parents-are-anti-vaccine/ Useful stuffs Please reblog, someone may need this http://www.vaxteen.org. This is a site run by a young woman which gives laws state by state, talking points to try to convince parents and resources for getting vaccinated for teens who find their parents won’t budge. It’s a terrific resource. https://time.com/6082966/vaxteen-covid-19/ -- source link