earthprxnce: sunwukxng: Special thank to imitationroyalty for the image credit, and didthethiing for
earthprxnce: sunwukxng: Special thank to imitationroyalty for the image credit, and didthethiing for making it into a banner. I created this blog on the night of The Legend of Korra Book 4: Balance premiere, sometime at night, around 10 PM EST. It was the first Prince Wu and Wuko blog, and though it wasn’t meant to be a roleplay blog (as I had put those days behind me) it somehow became one and an ask blog on top of that. A couple of weeks or so ago, I reached 1k+ and could no longer justify putting off the follow forever I had been promising since 200, 300, 500, and 700 followers. It’s been nearly four months and I feel all-powerful. So because the Legend of Korra Book 4 and series finale is in a little over two and a half hours at the time of this writing So because it’s New Years 2015 in about 6 and a half hours, as Prince of Wukoshi Island (where all Wuko trash resides) I will do this follow forever to distract me from the emotional and psychological breakdown and crushing of my soul I’m sure to experience soon. :) If you’re mentioned here in any capacity, then I like your blog or aesthetic and vibes, even if we haven’t interacted. This is a great cue to send me a message because I’m the prince! Thanks for following me, now go follow these quality blogs! B)Gods of our Fandom bryankonietzko, michaeldantedimartino, korranation, jv-club, pjbyrne Arch Angels 0fficermako, equalistmako, subjecta21-senpai, bobbityhobbity, motherofavatars, crossroads-of-destiny Mortals This is pretty much everybody else. My favourites already know who they are, so I’m not going to bother bolding them because that requires effort and I already stylized the hell out of this awesome follow forever.A aangisdead, aanglish, aangrolls, aangsavedtheworld, aangsspirit, aangtheairbender, aangtics, acebolin, actualiceprincess , admirablebeifong, aforavatar, airbenders, airbookworm, airbxnder, airnations, airprxnce , alluringhubris-archived, andwanwasntcoldanymore, arrow-head-, asami-is-love-asami-is-life, asami-week, asamisexxxual, ask-uncle-iroh, askformercommanderbumi, askminghuaoftheredlotus, asktinytahno, askvarrick, askzhuli, atladaily, atlascenery, avatar-varrick, avataraang, avataratlalok, avatards-r-us, avatarextras, avatarparallels, avatarpositivityproject, avatars-legend, avatarsecretsanta, avatarwindboy, avatarxwan, avxtarxaang, awyeahavatar, azula-the-firelord, azxula B baangme, bartallenisflawless, basingtei, beifongacademy, beifongbrothers, beitong , belovedbetrayal, bendingyourbloodslut, beyfongs, bigdaddytonraq, bilbo-swaggins-of-swag-end, bilbolin, bisexual-jetko, blooberryspicehead, bluefirebender, bolinbyrne, bolinprobender, booliin, born-of-fire-and-honor, bornaleader, bringingbalance, bum-jun-lover, bumi-bum-ju, bumithenon-benderbenderC cityboy-mako, classysquirrel, copperyy, corporalbolin, criimsxnD dai-li-traash, dauntlesskyoshiwarriorfan, degenerate-rich-girl, desna-ofnorthern-watertribe, desnaa, desnaofthenorth-deactivated2014, didthethiing, dishonorablezuko, dragonofthewest-jr, durasilexE earthqueen-rp, electric-glove, elementofchange, emperorkuviro, eska-the-water-princess, eskalations, ethereal-airbender, exactlykainora F fabulouslyfreshmako, fanandboomerang, fatherlordzukoz, feetoph, fire-lord-frowny, firebabezuko, firebendingdoofus, fireferretfuzzies, firelement, firelordflameo, firelordizumi, firelordizzumi, firelordzuko, firenationroyalty, fireprxnce, first-lady-buttercup-raiko, first-president-raiko, flameobender, forever-makorra, foreverboybolin, forevergirlkorra, forgedinfireandhonor, freedomsoutcast-archive, freeroleplayerfriday, fuckyeahavatarost, futuriistic, fyeah-team-avatar, fyeahtahnorraG gebbeh, gifbending, godancelikethewind, guards-do-the-thing, guidedpeaceH hairloopy, haveweseenmakoshirtlessyet, he-was-number-wan, heartcoma, himekorra, honoriisms, honxrable, huanbeifongI iamhislegacy, ignitedearth, ignitxr, iintuitive, imaginemako, industrialceo, industryxking, irohnthisplace, irohsami, irohthefirst, irohthesecond, is-doitsu-an-instrument, itjustsaysbear, itsmoltenearth, izumiismsJ jakeenglish, jerkbendermako, jeskaiwindscout, justlinthings, justmakothings K kais-thais, konelmyeverything, korra-naga, korractrify, korralegend, korrality, korrarebel-spirit-deactivated20, korrasami-tsunami, korrasami-week, korrasamilemon, korrasamiology, korratea, kuviraxuniter, kuvirsass, kya-lokL lavabendingfirelord, lcuvira, legendofkorragif, lin-baefong, linbeifong, liroist, loverbolin, loyalzaofuguard, lucasnator2, lunamatrem, lunarprincessyueM magicalmoeblob, mako-is-gay-for-wu, mako-of-steel, mako-rp, mako-symptoms, makofied, makorrasamialliance, makos-booty, makos-lightningrod, makos-torso , makoschumacher, makowutahno, marble-trick, meelothemanly, meelothemansworld, metalbending-momboss, metalclanmamabear, michigopyon, miinghua, minghuaghazan, miss-ill-show-you-lightning, monotonxus, mooomnooon, moxieweed, mrspiritual, mrsplumlee315, mutatedpixie, mxnghua N nerdlordizumi, ninjagirlmai, nuktuk, nxktuk, nyenumaO officerdorko, official-sokka, official-zuko, ofhealings, ofpinkauras, onceuponamako, oohhmakomakomako, outlawedairnomad, ozais-pants P pai-shodown, paintedbender, paintedladyspirit, perseverxnce, perseverxnce-archive, pinacoladamatata, pixellpirates, powxrdisc, praxceptor, prince—wu, prisoncellmako, procurviQ Why are there no q’s R raava-avatarspirit, raava-spirit, raavaxvaatu, recapturedhonor, redlotuszaheer, republic-city-superstar, risewithxthemoon, rollinbolin, ruthlessflame, rxvelationS saikhantheloyal, sassy-mako, sato-mobile, satoru-theengineer, sculptiisms, sexynerdybolin, sifu-tophbeifong, smoothandshadyshin, sokkascactusjuice, sokkascactusjuice, sokxstic, southerntyphoon, spiritedmakorrian, spiritualmaster, staticwaffles, statxra, steelmatriarch , sugxrqueen, switchbladesandstilettos T talesofamakosexual, teabenderzuko, tenpinbolin, that-hottie-bolin, thats-not-a-toilet, the-armadillo-lion, the-avatar-cycle, the-entropic-agenda, the-man-of-the-mask, the-swordsmaster-sokka, theartsyhuan, theavataruniverseblog, thefantasticbendingbrothers, thegreat-republicfuckincity, thegreatunxter, theinvisiblehasook, thelittlebasingseprince, themoonspirit, themoverstar-thatrocks thatrocks, theredmakopill, thestrongestavatar-deactivated2, thetalesofavatarkorra, thetalesofbasingse, thexrunaway, tinysaurus, txrrensigneusU uhvatar-who, unbendable, upinxflamesV vaatu-spirit, varricked, varrickindustries, varricks-smile, viridisoculus—pulchra W wanshiitong, waterbxnding, waterchakraa, waterearthfire-air, waterprincesskya, waterprxnce, waterwhip, weathering-steel, weekofwuko, when-extremes-meet, whyzuko, wiccancomics, wukoforever, wukoheadcanons, wukosanta, wukotrash, wukotrashpile, wukwoahX xhonor Y y are there no y’sZ zeldawilliams, zuzuthefirelord -- source link
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