remusjohnslupin:middle-earth meme: (2/3) heroes ➝ LÚTHIEN TINÚVIEL“But she chose mortality, and to d

remusjohnslupin:middle-earth meme: (2/3) heroes ➝ LÚTHIEN TINÚVIEL“But she chose mortality, and to d
remusjohnslupin:middle-earth meme: (2/3) heroes ➝ LÚTHIEN TINÚVIEL“But she chose mortality, and to d
remusjohnslupin:middle-earth meme: (2/3) heroes ➝ LÚTHIEN TINÚVIEL“But she chose mortality, and to d
remusjohnslupin:middle-earth meme: (2/3) heroes ➝ LÚTHIEN TINÚVIEL“But she chose mortality, and to d
remusjohnslupin:middle-earth meme: (2/3) heroes ➝ LÚTHIEN TINÚVIEL“But she chose mortality, and to d
remusjohnslupin:middle-earth meme: (2/3) heroes ➝ LÚTHIEN TINÚVIEL“But she chose mortality, and to d
remusjohnslupin:middle-earth meme: (2/3) heroes ➝ LÚTHIEN TINÚVIEL“But she chose mortality, and to d
remusjohnslupin:middle-earth meme: (2/3) heroes ➝ LÚTHIEN TINÚVIEL“But she chose mortality, and to d