daily-barton:“You better call it, Coulson. ‘Cause I’m starting to root for this guy.”

daily-barton:“You better call it, Coulson. ‘Cause I’m starting to root for this guy.”
daily-barton:“You better call it, Coulson. ‘Cause I’m starting to root for this guy.”
daily-barton:“You better call it, Coulson. ‘Cause I’m starting to root for this guy.”
daily-barton:“You better call it, Coulson. ‘Cause I’m starting to root for this guy.”
daily-barton:“You better call it, Coulson. ‘Cause I’m starting to root for this guy.”
daily-barton:“You better call it, Coulson. ‘Cause I’m starting to root for this guy.”
daily-barton:“You better call it, Coulson. ‘Cause I’m starting to root for this guy.”
daily-barton:“You better call it, Coulson. ‘Cause I’m starting to root for this guy.”