itspusspeepers: celticbabs13:itspusspeepers:itspusspeepers: Geralt of Rivia confirmed to like be
itspusspeepers: celticbabs13: itspusspeepers: itspusspeepers: Geralt of Rivia confirmed to like being tied up and blindfolded in bed. Guys… I now have to add: here’s a scene with Geralt lying on his stomach waiting for… uh, something, getting spanked, being momentarily confused before lying back down and waiting for more, and being all wtf why did you stop when the prostitute doesn’t continue. This is GOLD. Have to add this: Geralt: AH… Triss? You sure you want to do this? Out here? With everyone watching? Triss: this may come as a surprise to you, but shackles do have uses outside of the bedroom. And lets not forget:Someone tie! This! Boy! Up! He’s so openly thirsty for the femdom. -- source link