steampunkette:pyromania2014:phony-time-traveler:citizen-of-the-fandom:argumate:castiel-counts-deans-freckles:This is like a round of cards against humanityawkward when you have a ship full of gay pirates encountering a puzzle with a heteronormative answer.See I want to know Ragetti’s backstory because of lines like these. I wonder how a man who seems to have been a philosophy student ended up a pirate who plays down his book learning and tells Pintel he can’t read – or was his father the student, and as a boy he picked up big words like ‘dichotomy’ but couldn’t sign his name to save his life? The Ragetti who Barbossa chose as guardian of one of the Nine Pieces of Eight, who is perhaps more consistently loyal to Pintel than Will is to Elizabeth, who casually analyzes a three-way fight between pirates like someone who’s studied Shakespeare, who at one point speaks more gently and honestly to the goddess of the ocean than any other character (“you’re not saying it right, you have to say it right.”), whose first reaction to a ship capsizing is ‘tie ourselves to the mast upside down’ and who sailed to Davy Jones’ Locker just to see Jack again… what is his story?A 14 year old Ragetti, standing at a dock wearing formal clothing: Father says pirates are the bane of civilization.Barbossa, the then still beardless buckaneer: Pirates can be gayRagetti, looking back just for a second before smiling at the captain: Where do I sign up?!Yeah, no, see, that’s actually a pretty damn good explanation. In the “Pirates of the Caribbean: Six Sea Shanties” anthology, it explains how both Ragetti and Pintel became pirates: They were press-ganged.Both Ragetti and Pintel were forced into service for the British Navy against pirates, France, and whoever else the Crown decided needed to have a fleet of ships roll up on. But after years of forced labor, bad food, beatings, and generally being bored, they jumped ship and became deserters and pirates.They became Barbossa’s favorites when his first ship, the Cobra, went down. Barbossa dove into the water in a frantic search for his pet monkey, Polly, who was lost with the ship. They dragged Barbossa out of the water before he could try to dive, again (and most likely drown himself for the attempt).So it’s entirely likely that Ragetti was once a young man of leisure forced into a life of service who speaks sparks of a distant past of idleness, long deceased, in which he would debate philosophy and politics, both only loosely understood, with other wealthy young men…At least several of whom were as gay for him as he is for Pintel.But it also speaks to his heritage… Ragetti is obviously an Italian name. And his mention of the dichotomy of good and evil combined with his whispered confession of love through release point heavily to Dante’s Divine Comedy. In the poem Dante travels through Hell before his “Ideal Woman” guides him through heaven, for whom Dante presents courtly love…Ragetti traveled through pirate “Hell” itself to rescue Jack Sparrow and approached the goddess Calypso (a pirate’s ideal woman is the sea) to break bonds of courtly love (and pirate magic) in shuddered whispers…Something that an Italian dilettante in the 16/1700s might do based on a loose understanding of the Divine Comedy.This has been another segment of “Steampunkette Overanalyzes Everything!” -- source link
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