This is Elliott. The practice manager at our clinic is friends with a landlord. One of their tenants
This is Elliott. The practice manager at our clinic is friends with a landlord. One of their tenants was moving out, decided she didn’t want to take her pet rat with her, and so her obvious solution was to feed her PET RAT to her roommate’s python.Yeah.Python didn’t eat the rat, so her next best attempt was to release her PET RAT who had never been outside before into the woods behind the apartment. During a rainstorm.Yeah.When the landlord came by to clean out the apartment, after she’d left, he found the rat miraculously still fucking alive near the apartment, albeit filthy and covered in ticks. They brought it to my practice manager, who brought it into the clinic.So he’s my PET RAT now and will be treated as such for the rest of his life. Despite all his trauma, he’s a very sweet boy who’s pretty hand-friendly and tolerant! The cage he’s in now is just temporary, don’t worry. I know it’s small. He’s on a two week quarantine just to make sure he doesn’t have any other parasites or develop any URI signs, as my other boys are fragile geriatrics and I don’t want him near them in said cases. If all goes well, though, he’ll live separate on the bottom level of the CritterNation. Probably won’t introduce him to the Methuselah’s just because I don’t wanna stress them out at this stage in their life, but I’ll get him a playmate as soon as it’s convenient. -- source link
#ratties#fancy rats