naliya90:eros-dikaios:naliya90:avantblargh:Before social media sparks fire and everyone claims the p
naliya90:eros-dikaios:naliya90:avantblargh:Before social media sparks fire and everyone claims the phrase #jesuischarlie I want to point out some lovely truths about Charlie Hedbo that the news media may “forget” to point out.Though my heart goes out to the victims to the shooting at the Charlie Hedbo headquarters ( I ALSO DO NOT CONDONE THE ACT OF VIOLENCE AS A SOLUTION TO RACISM OR HATE ) I need it to be known that this newspaper was not some sweet periodical that used it’s platform of freedom of speech as a catalyst to social change in France. Before you allow Fox News to label the shooters as Muslim Terrorist and that all Muslims are terrorist and that Charlie Hebdo was a magazines for families and saints you need to know that this newspaper was infamously known for being racist, homophobic, and highly islamophobic. I am not one to laugh at a blatant racist comic as “oh lol free speech” because with free speech comes RESPONSIBILITY.It should be no secret that the Muslim community in France has often been abused, push to the side, and ignored. Even laws are put in place to prevent then from practicing their beliefs comfortably.For Charlie Hebdo to be a left wing newspaper that questioned the actions of the right wing, why does it often look like they are laughing along with them? Why can’t this magazine question why we are racist and islamophobic than to continue to justify their belief in supposed “ironic” comics?My prayers go out to the victims of this shooing. As an artist, a person who works in magazines, a human, and as a French woman I feel their pain.MAISJE NE SUIS PAIS CHARLIEI will not stand for this magazine, I will not celebrate the privilege of “free speech” to be a disguise for hate. I am a black woman who understands how frustrated one can be as whites continue to use laws as an excuse to be abusive to who we are whether it be religion, skin color, or sexual orientation. I know France is scared, I know people are hurting. But I cannot be this newspaper’s ally. I am an ally for the people of France, I am an ally to the victims and their families but I will not stand in solidarity for this hateful newspaper.JE NE SUIS PAS CHARLIEA bit of context or About Charlie Hebdo and the happy disinformation spread by Tumblr idiots (such as OP)So yesterday, my country suffered a tragedy, the offices of one of our most famous satirical paper were attacked; 12 people died, 8 journalists, artists, satirists and cartoonists, 1 economist and columnist as well as 1 agent of security and 2 cops.What is a good part of Tumblr SJW response to this (like above)? But why, Happy disinformation about what that paper stood for of course! Because now people all over Tumblr call them racist, islamophobic, homophobic and all kind of “ist” and “phobic” because they’re too busy being offended by satirical drawing they saw than actually bother to check out the context behind them (wait… what does this attitude reminds you of?)So let’s take a look to some of those drawing that people are so happy to get pissed about shall we?Here is the first “offender” What people on tumblr so busy being offended about everything without bothering to educate themselves about the context think it means: “OMG drawing a black woman as a monkey! So racist!”What the drawing ACTUALLY means: Do you see the flame logo on the left? This is the Front National logo a far right party of France who’s rallying cry was “Rassemblement bleu Marine” litterally meaning “navy blue gathering” a play with word with the navy blue color of their party and the name of their leader Marine Le Pen. The text above the drawing proclame “Rassemblement Bleu Raciste” meaning “Blue racist gathering”, now do you understand what it means or do I need to spell it for you? It is Charlie Hebdo calling out the FN, Marine Le Pen and their so called “democratic rassemblement” for what they are AKA A BUNCH OF RACISTS! This people are actually ON THE SIDE YOU’RE PRETENDING TO BE ON, but go on and be offended at them!Here’s another “offensive drawing”(note that this is also the subject of the third drawing of the bottom line presented by OP) What tumblr idiots think it means: “OMG so homophobic! Look they make fun of gay people manifesting!”What it actually means: This drawing is actually a drawing denouncing the “Manif Pour Tous“ (unfortunatly no English link for this one) a manifestation that was actually AGAINST gay mariage! It does so by painting the manifestation leader Frigide Barjot and a French politician oppenly against gay rights Christine Boutin as “deux vielles gouines” (meaning “two old dykes” basically) and to say “no to their demonstrations”. CH uses the homophobic language they would use against gay people to call them out on their crap and on their stupid “manifestation”. You can agree or disagree with how they did it, but to call it homophobic is ridiculous; it’s plainly not, it’s the opposite as they openly align themselves FOR gay rights and AGAINST the manifestation seeking to take away those rights with this drawing that openly and clearly make fun of homophobic leaders.Let’s move on to our next offender (and really the main one because this is what they died for)What idiots on tumblr think it means: “OMG ISLAMOPHOBIA BURN IT!”What it actually means This is Charlie Hebdo making fun of Islam just like they make fun of every single other religion! They do not make an exception for islam, just like they don’t make exception for any political parties, actualities or even the president. But apparently people like you agree with extremists, they should have just censored themslves right? Well no, sorry.After this BTW, their offices were firebombed and they responded with this:A drawing titled “Love stronger than hate” with the Prophet Muhammad kissing a satirist of Charlie Hebdo (so damn hateful right!)But really I think the palm of intellectual dishonesty spread by people like OP goes to this drawing:Why? Because the fact that this man is black has absolutly NO RELEVENCE TO THE POINT OF THE DRAWING AT ALL.If Dieudonné (the man on the drawing) had been a white man they wouldn’t have put it up, yet this drawing is all about Dieudonné as a person and especially Dieudonné as Antisemit person! It represent him with the “quenelle” shoved up his ass, the “quenelle” is a rallying sign that he invented against jewish people and Israel (a gesture which, BTW is basically the reverse of the Nazi salute)! So this is basically just Charlie Hebdo denouncing Dieudonné’s antisemitism, but of course OP won’t tell you that!Point of this rant is that EVERYTHING HAS A CONTEXT! So do every single one of those satirical drawings and if you are unable to understand what is the point of satire and therefor unable to undestand them and what they mean in said context PLEASE STOP TALKING ALREADY and stop misinforming people about what Charlie Hebdo was… is (I hope it’s still “is”) about because it’s an insult to the memory of those people who died to call them things they were not! You don’t have to agree with they way they expressed themselves (hell I myself find some of those to be in bad taste) but don’t make them say things they never said and mean things they never meant, because it’s intellectual dishonesty to do so.(BTW if you want to know anything about another drawing feel free to ask).Thank you so much for this. It realy puts some covers in context. Especially the black lady as a monkey. You’re welcome, always happy to provide a bit of information. Freedom of speech, freedom of press as well as issue of racism or homophobia are important to me and I hate to see journalist get their voice distorted by people with an agenda. -- source link
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