terminalmontageyt:WOH! Look at those numbers! I knew the channel has been doing well but to see all
terminalmontageyt:WOH! Look at those numbers! I knew the channel has been doing well but to see all of our accomplishments in black and white is really humbling. :’)I always wanted to tell stories. In middle school, I made comics (on paper) featuring kids inmy class and, to my surprise, they really liked them! My comics would get passedaround the room and it was fun seeing all their reactions.In High School, all of the computers had the Macromedia Studio(now owned by Adobe) so I was able to learn how to draw in Flash and continue makingcomics when I should have been doing my schoolwork. I tried animating here andthere, but I was TERRIBLE and I was always disappointed by the end results. When I graduated High School, my friends and I wanted to goto Full Sail, but my Mother did not want to co-sign $80,000 in student loans (SmartLady). My friends were disappointed, but I made the decision to go to a localcommunity college to get my AA. During this time, my friend Jeff and I started thewebcomic SideQuests with the hopes of turning it into an animated series (sorryfor dropping it in the middle of a season finale, oops).In 2011, I decided to go to Bible College, or “throw my lifeaway” as others put it. :P This came as a shock to people who knew me since Iwas literally a fedora-wearing-atheist in High School and Bible College was afar step away from animation. I worked at a miserable, soul-sucking call centerwhile I was in school, but after 6 months, I quit to continue SideQuests. Myroommates weren’t happy with me, but everything worked out. In 2012, I still wanted to make animations, but I HATEDanimating. Then, I had the epiphany that everyone sucks when they start out, butyou have to work through the suck. There were other animators out there that clearlyneeded more experience, but they were creating and publishing their workanyway, so I thought if they could do it, I could too. I wanted to start withvideogame parodies until I felt confident enough to work on original ideas, soI made “How I got through Dark Souls” and it found its way to the front page ofReddit Gaming! I was off to a good start and, in 2013, I started makingvideos for LORE. In 2014, I met Butch Hartman at an event hosted by the BibleCollege. We hit it off, became friends, and a year later, I made an animated commercialfor the NOOG NETWORK (my friend Jeff wrote the script). Fortunately, Butchliked it and decided to hire me for other projects. I learned a lot working with Butch and I have to thank himfor being one of the big reasons I am the animator that I am today. We workedtogether for 3 years before I started the #somethingseries in 2018. There were times I considered giving up animation, or atleast putting it on the back-burner. When Maker Studios was bought by Disney,there were times when I didn’t get paid for months. The amount of freelanceprojects I’d get were inconsistent. Sometimes I wondered if all the work requiredof animating was worth the pay - one year, I was thrilled because I found out Iwas below the poverty line so I didn’t have to pay the health insurance penaltyon my taxes. I’d beat myself up by thinking that making cartoons wasn’t a “realjob” and I was worried about not being able to provide for my future family. Vanessa and I were in a long-distance relationship at thetime, but I visited her as often as I could. While I was in Florida for her collegegraduation, I made the decision to dedicate one year to the #somethingseries tosee if it would go anywhere. If it didn’t, I was going to apply to animationstudios or get a “real” job. I am thankful to be as blessed as I have been. It’s been along road and, at times, things seemed bleak, but I have always had my Faith,my family, my friends, and an amazing community to keep me going. Tl;dr: thanks for watching my stuff! -- source link
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