bedlamsbard:dogmatix:bedlamsbard:amemait:bedlamsbard:dogmatix:bedlamsbard:dogmatix:bedlamsbard:Other reasons why the timeline in TCW doesn’t add up. This is S2, at most two years into the war. These kids look, what, four or five (I don’t do kids, I can’t guesstimate ages)? And Cut Lawquane deserted while the war was going on, not while he was on Kamino. I get that they’re half-Twi’lek, and maybe Twi’leks age faster than humans, but…..huh. I hadn’t spotted that!I did look at the episode with the young clones (Jax, Hotshot, Whiplash, etc) and Boba and wonder how the hell long the Republic expects to be fighting this war. Because the young clones look, at most, twelve. It’d be two to three more years before they look 16-18 and can fight. So that’s a ~minimum~ of three more years. Four if they want them to look 20.Plus in Season6 when we see the inside of Kamino, there are still kids training. Clones are not fast to produce, so… what the heck?The clones are actually…there’s a specific term they use, but I can’t remember it off the top of my head. They have accelerated aging, though I’m not sure how accelerated, and I’m not sure if it’s still around in the new canon since it came up in the EU.…although, hmm, I wonder if that accelerated aging gets passed down, and that’s why Cut’s kids look older. Could be.They do have accelerated aging (force grown?) and for regular clones it’s x2 - it took ten years for the clones to look 20 years old. So Rex and Cody look in their mid-twenties, but they’re actually thirteen or so years old.Not sure if this stayed canon, but there were clones that were grown even faster, called speedies, whose growth was accelerated x20 - it only took a SINGLE year for them to look 20 years old. They had a lot of flash-training (basically info being piped into their brains) and a few months of practice before being shipped off to war. They were highly unstable and probably only lived to be 7 or 8 years old, IF the war didn’t kill them. (since humans in Star Wars are supposed to be able to live well into their hundreds)Wow, the more I think about this, the more disturbed I am.I’m surprised you hadn’t thought of it before. I have a surprising amount actually.I knew it; it just hasn’t been relevant in anything I’ve written, so it’s one of those details that’s been pushed to the back of my head, like Mace’s ability to see shatterpoints or Plo Koon’s telepathy.Although I have been thinking about it on and off recently due to Rebels and trying to calculate out how much any TCW-era clones have aged since then, because oh my god I need to know about the clones.The clones would be around 50-60 in Rebels. For Star Wars, that’s almost coming up on middle-aged for a human. But I bet you the clones were always in the front lines of engagements, and Kamino’s cloning facilities were scuppered shortly after the end of the war (something about the Kaminoans objecting to the Empire? Wookiepedia should have the info) so there are no NEW clones coming in.The better question is, would any of them still be alive after being pushed to the front ranks every damn time for every damn fight? Also, how many of them ate their blasters after Order 66 made them kill their commanding officers? I mean, I know RotS makes it out like it’s nothing for them, but after Clone Wars…. >_> Yyeah.I am desperately, desperately hoping that we see clones in Rebels.Yeah, I would be very, very surprised if clone production continued past the end of the war. The war itself is so deeply associated with the clones that keeping making clones is as good as saying “oh, the war’s not actually over,” and besides that, clones are expensive to make. They’re essentially an outside force that makes the people of the Republic feel a little dissociated from the war. Recruiting stormtroopers from the civilian population (even if it’s from the lower classes) personalizes the empire and gives citizens the feeling that they themselves are responsible for and connected to the empire in a way that having a bought-and-paid-for outside army doesn’t. Plus, it makes it look more like they’re a peacekeeping force rather than,you know, ~an army.I bet at least one of the named clones killed himself after Order 66. *sigh* If Wolffe had been the one to kill Plo, I’d have said no doubt it was him, but… -- source link
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