ratfarm:Midsummer family altar with offerings; cake from our meal, well water, kale from the garden,

ratfarm:Midsummer family altar with offerings; cake from our meal, well water, kale from the garden,
ratfarm:Midsummer family altar with offerings; cake from our meal, well water, kale from the garden,
ratfarm:Midsummer family altar with offerings; cake from our meal, well water, kale from the garden,
ratfarm:Midsummer family altar with offerings; cake from our meal, well water, kale from the garden,
ratfarm:Midsummer family altar with offerings; cake from our meal, well water, kale from the garden,
ratfarm:Midsummer family altar with offerings; cake from our meal, well water, kale from the garden,
ratfarm:Midsummer family altar with offerings; cake from our meal, well water, kale from the garden,
ratfarm:Midsummer family altar with offerings; cake from our meal, well water, kale from the garden,
ratfarm:Midsummer family altar with offerings; cake from our meal, well water, kale from the garden,
ratfarm:Midsummer family altar with offerings; cake from our meal, well water, kale from the garden,