thelastdiadoch:THEIROQUOIS CONFEDERACY: THE RED ROMANS AND THE RED COATS@moonlightramblr, @bulemicto
thelastdiadoch:THEIROQUOIS CONFEDERACY: THE RED ROMANS AND THE RED COATS@moonlightramblr, @bulemictoaster, @youreaharrywizard, @ceorlhrodberht,SEE ALSO: THE IROQUOIS CONFEDERACY: THE “SAVAGE” EMPIRE – The origins of the Iroquois Confederacy, the early wars they were involved in, the effects that disease epidemics incurred upon them, the Iroquoian cultural use of torture, scalping, and cannibalism, the tomahawk and its symbolism (bury the hatchet), as well as the taking of captives during mourning wars and adopting them in order to replace lost tribal members.THE COUNCIL OF THREE FIRES AND THE PONTIAC-GUYASUTA UPRISING – This post covers some of the history, culture and religion of the Native American inhabitants of the Great Lakes region of North America, focusing on the Pontiac-Guyasuta Uprising and the Council of Three Fires (the Ottawa, Ojibwe and the Potawatomi the peace-pipe, the Delaware prophets, Rogers’ Rangers, the sport that inspired lacrosse, and some Native battle tactics.In thispost I will be covering the religiousbeliefs of the Iroquois Confederacy, their origin story, their belief induality (like yin and yang), their secretive and mysterious masked societies, and their involvementin the conflicts between their two great colonial neighbors (New France and theNew England) like the famed French andIndian War. I’ll also speak of their involvement in the American Revolutionary War as well asthe famed Joseph Brant, a FreemasonMohawk leader who swayed most of the Iroquois Confederates into siding with theBritish. It is believed that without the aid of the Iroquois Confederacy, NorthAmerica would now be speaking French instead of English and that France would’veheld a massive portion of the eastern half of North America, leaving a massive battlefield for the French and Spanish to battle over.By theirAlgonquian enemies the Iroquois were referred to by names signifying cannibals,killers and snakes. Five Iroquoian nations joined into a confederacy referredto as the ‘Iroquois Confederacy’ but since the word Iroquois is believed to bea derogatory one I will try to push for the name most refer to themselves as, ‘Haudenosaunee’ (pronounced,hou-DE-noh-sah-nee [hô-dĕn′ə-shô′nē, Audio]). The name Haudenosaunee, like manyof their other names, usually relate to their rectangular elm-bark dwellings knownas longhouses. The Haudenosaunee (Iroquois Confederacy) lived in what is nowthe U.S. state of New York but, withthe introduction of firearms from the European colonists, they were able to spreadbeyond Lake Michigan to the west and Carolina to the south, raiding evenfurther south against the Cherokee (Iroquoian), the Choctaw (Muskogean), and the Catawba (Siouan).Like the period of conflictthat occurred in South Africa, referred to as the Mfecane (“crushing”)or Difaqane (“scattering, ousting, forced migration”), massive amounts of peoplewere either subjugated, absorbed or forced out [Read more about the Mfecane, ShakaZulu or the Mthethwa-ZuluMilitary Reforms and the Buffalo Horns Formation].^ Iroquois conquests 1638–1711This massive expanse of which they controlled or at leastheld hegemony (leadership or dominance, especially by one country or social group over others) over, the highly organized andsophisticated form of government they possessed, and their skillful use ofdiplomacy has warranted some to refer to the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois Confederacy) as the ‘Savage Empire’, the ‘Red Romans’ and the ‘Romans of the Stone Age’. With the continuation of hostilitiesbetween the French and the English (British after 1707), the Iroquois were drawn intolarger scaled conflicts which would usually end badly for them. Since the landsof the Haudenosaunee lay between the French and the British, advancing landarmies tended to travel through their lands. The Haudenosaunee lands were thereforeused as a buffer state by the British and because of this the Haudenosaunee tookon the brunt of the assaults, most of which ended in the destruction of theirsettlements and crops. Keep reading -- source link
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