All 52 Books I Read in 2016: Rated, Reviewed and RankedBody of Truth by Harriet Brown ★★★★★ This boo
All 52 Books I Read in 2016: Rated, Reviewed and RankedBody of Truth by Harriet Brown ★★★★★ This book is an exceptional research based look into the culture of weight and health. Brown discusses the ways that mainstream media, along with doctors, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals, have warped the data to keep us consuming weight loss products and spending money to “fix” ourselves. Among the staggering statistics in this book: “the average forty-five-year-old American woman has been on fifty diets in her adult life.” If that doesn’t scare you, I’m not sure what will. Our cultural obsession with dieting and weight loss has created an epidemic of self loathing that will only continuing to grow unless we address it head on.Furiously Happy by Jenni Lawson ★★★★★If you or anyone you love has ever battled against mental illness, READ THIS BOOK. It will make you smile, and it might make you cry. Jenni’s writing style, more like a compilation of essays or blog posts, is prime for the lunch-break reader. You can consume tid-bits of the rollercoaster ride without needing to devote hours at a time.No god but God by Reza Aslan ★★★★★Here Aslan offers the fascinating history of the life of Muhammad and the birth and solidification of Islam as a dominant theological system in modern time. Given the growing political climate toward those of Muslim faith, this book offers a much needed look into the similarities between Jesus and Muhammad, as well as between the destruction of their legacies by greedy and selfish men after their deaths. A Man Called Ove by Fredrick Backman (Fiction) ★★★★★I’ve grown up in a family of Saab owners, so the fixation on the Swedish car immediately won me over. Soon after, Ove’s character swelled into one of my all time favorites. The depth of his character, revealed through well constructed flashbacks, is immense. I look forward to whatever Backman writes next.The Liberal Redneck Manifesto: Dragin’ Dixie Outta the Dark by Trae Crowder, Corey Ryan Forrester, and Drew Morgan ★★★★★If you (like me…) have a hard time taking anyone with a southern accent seriously, you should almost certainly listen to this book on tape. Trae, Corey, and Drew are all true southern boys, but each of them has a solid head on their shoulders. We all know that The South’s economy collapsed and never fully recovered after the end of the Civil War, but as a northerner I’d never considered the broad impact of this fact and how it continues to shape individuals from The South as well as the collective American understanding of what it means to be southern. Also, these three are stand-up comics, so be prepared to laugh your ass off.The Night of the Gun by David Carr ★★★★★This is a fascinating autobiography. Carr is a Minnesota native with a rough history of drug abuse. This book follows him as he tracks down those he wronged while under the influence and tries to make sense of the world he once lived in. Carr is raw in his reporting of his prior life; not shying away from the grim details of life as an addict. An excellent read.We Who Are Alive and Remain by Marcus Brotherton ★★★★★Based on follow up interviews with the men behind HBO’s Band of Brothers, this book digs deeper into Easy Company’s campaigns throughout their involvement in World War II. Many of the men that served in Easy are no longer with us, either lost in combat or to old age, but here the remaining few share their experiences before it’s too late for them, too. We follow the men chronologically on their journey from Camp Toccoa and Mount Currahee, onto the Santamaria, through Normandy, Carentan, and Bastogne. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, as the HBO miniseries always leaves me wanting more.Red Rising by Pierce Brown (Fiction) ★★★★★This series is something of a cross between The Hunger Games and Game of Thrones. We’re dropped into a world in which individuals are defined by their caste: Reds at the bottom and Golds at the top. I don’t want to spoil it by providing much more than that, but trust me you want to read this.Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson ★★★★★I read this book, by far, faster than anything else I’ve read all year. I was immediately enamored by the author’s life’s work. There are so many facts cited that are shocking, absurd, and infuriating all at once. I would recommend every American citizen (and anyone else interested in the American criminal justice system) read this book. It will enhance your understanding of the twisted, cruel reality that is our legal system. Stevenson is an exceptional person and this book is an amazing showcase of his life thus far.Two Lives by Vikram Seth ★★★★★This book offers such a unique perspective of WWII. It had me considering the number of incredible stories that are slowly being lost forever because no one has thought to tell them. This is the account of an Indian man studying abroad in pre-war Germany who falls in love with a German Jewish woman. Through her betrothal to another man she is lucky enough to flee the Third Reich (and avoids marrying that man, as she does not love him). The two spend the war years apart– Shanti loses an arm serving as a dentist with the Allies as Henny hides out in England to avoid persecution. In the years post war, through letters between her and some German Gentile friends, it is revealed that her entire family has perished in concentration camps. We are given the unique opportunity to follow both lives as they cope with the impact of such a heartbreaking reality. A lengthy read, but an exceptionally well written and researched account of the impact of the second world war on two fascinating lives.Auschwitz by Laurence Rees ★★★★★I have a morbid fascination with the Holocaust and it seems that no matter how much I’ve read on the subject, I’m always curious to know more. Here we follow the most wellknown of the Nazi camps throughout the course of the war. Rees, a BBC reporter who previously worked on a number of documentary films and non-fiction books relating to WWII, does an incredible job providing commentary on how Auschwitz’ horrific legacy was shaped by the events occurring across the Reich. If you are easily perturbed, I would probably recommend against this title. Rees does not shy away from the gruesome realities of the subject and shares many harrowing quotes from surviving prisoners and officers alike.Switching Time by Dr. Richard Baer ★★★★★This had been on my reading list since high school, and I’m so glad I finally decided to go ahead and cross it off. This is an exceptional re-telling of the therapy experience of Dr. Richard Baer and his most fascinating patient, Karen. Karen, along with 17 alternate personalities, visit Dr. Baer over the course of almost two decades as they work together to uncover the traumatic reason for each of the alternates and integrate the various personality parts into one cohesive person. By the 17th “integration” the process seemed repetitive, but all it took was a moment of reflection on how incredible a process to which I was being given a front row seat before I was sucked back in. Karen’s reality is heartbreaking, and the trauma she’s experienced is horrific. If you yourself have experienced trauma, especially sexual trauma, I would caution you in reading this. However, I did feel that Baer did a great job at sharing only the pieces of Karen’s past that were relevant to understanding how her many identities came to be.Zealot by Reza Aslan ★★★★★Ever wonder what Jesus was like? Really, really like? Ever wonder whether scholars agree with what the guy behind the pulpit says about the man who lived 2000 years ago? Here’s your answer. Aslan (born Muslim, Christian convert, and now-again Muslim) shares the wide breadth of knowledge he accumulated over the years as he tried to find the truth about Christ’s life.A History of God by Karen Armstrong ★★★★★I cannot speak highly enough of this book. This is a comprehensive look at the birth and entanglement of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. From the beginning, when Jews existed without competition, to the rise of Jesus through Paul’s teachings, to the life and legacy of Muhammad, Armstrong really does the justice to the complex interweaving of these three faiths.The Well-Built House by Jim Locke ★★★★★If you’re considering building a house, buy this book. We didn’t end up building a house, but had we gone through with that plan this book would have been an unrivaled resource. Locke has built many houses himself and does not skimp on details: from the difference between OSB and particleboard to calculating R values for the most energy efficient window placement, this book pretty much has it all. I think my favorite feature was the list of sample specifications: all the tiny details that will, at some point in your process, need to be ironed out.Fields of Blood by Karen Armstrong ★★★★★This book provides an in depth look at the role violence has played in shaping three of the world’s great religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. As a non-partisan researcher, Armstrong does not hesitate to highlight the terrible things that have been done in the name of God to other devout followers of God. Though the scope of this book does not include every dominant faith in our world, it does give focus to how the “people of the book” have justified killing each other in the name of peace and love.How Your House Works by Charlie Wing ★★★★★As a first time home owner, this book is a life saver. Houses are intricate, well designed machines and it’s somewhat of a miracle that most everything works most all the time… When it does stop working though, Wing’s got your back with this book.Rethinking Thin by Gina Kolata ★★★★Kolata, a science writer for the NYT, takes us on a factual journey through the world of obsessive weight loss and dieting. We get to watch dieters over the course of two years; one group using the Atkins, the other on a low calorie diet plan. Monitored by teams of medical professionals we watch the participants struggle to drop and keep off the pounds. At the same time we travel through history to better understand out why dieting is so predictably unsuccessful.Stiff by Mary Roach ★★★★Ever wonder what happens to bodies that are “donated to science”? Look no further. Mary Roach takes an exhaustive and sometimes disgusting look at the history of the human cadaver. The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America by George Packer ★★★★This book was touted by NPR and listed in an NYT article as the #1 book to read to help “understand Trump’s win.” Packer weaves together the stories of three Americans from various walks of life: Tammy, a black Ohioan who witnessed the collapse of the robust Rust Belt steel industry; Dean, a white farmer and entrepreneur from the Piedmont Triad of North Carolina who pioneered the crusade into biodiesel; and Jeff, an active Democrat, fundraiser, lobbyist, and self proclaimed Biden guy who witnesses first hand the failure of the American government to prosecute Wall Street bigwigs after the financial crisis. We also get a glimpse of Newt Gingrich, Oprah Winfrey, Sam Walton (Wal-Mart), Jay-Z, Elizabeth Warren, and a few other influential Americans. The only thing standing between this book and a five star rating is some synthesis of the stories so well reported. Packer does an exceptional job observing and truthfully telling the stories that have led to a Trump presidency, but I felt this book lacked useful analysis of how the stories fit into our current political climate.Golden Son by Pierce Brown (Fiction) ★★★★See Red Rising. This book is not as good as the first (but second installments rarely are). However, if you’re like me you won’t be able to resist the need to know what happens next.Daring Greatly by Brene Brown ★★★★Brene is an academic researcher with years of extensive shame research under her belt. As mentioned in my review of I Thought it was Just Me, this and Brown’s previous books have a lot of overlap. I found this title to be a more enticing read, and to focus on a wider range of shame stories rather than just experiences unique to and most common for women. The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander ★★★★This book was recommended in too many places to count. Here we are provided with an critical look at the American penal system, the era of mass incarceration, and the impact of The War on Drugs. Knocking it from five starts to four was the fact that I found it to be super, super repetitive. Not only does Alexander use the same verbiage over and over, she revisits the same questions and topics with frustrating frequency. That being said: if you’re looking for a good book to listen to (audible or the library!), I think this would be a great pick. I often miss bits while I’m attending to something, so I think this would be a really good fit for the audio format. Beyond Band of Brothers by Dick Winters ★★★★Major Dick Winters was the commanding officer of Easy Company - the parachute infantry regiment documented in HBO’s miniseries Band of Brothers. Everyone under Winters’ command spoke highly of him and throughout this book he returns the favor by speaking highly of the men who served beside him. As the cover boasts, Winters “tells the tales left untold” by the miniseries.A Field Guide to American Houses by Virginia & Lee McAlester ★★★★Reading this was a ton of fun. Once I’d finished, I would spend our long drives and commutes pointing out various houses and reciting facts about its construction and design. Beware: this is basically a text book.Life Without Ed by Jenni Schaeffer ★★★★If you or anyone you love has suffered from an eating disorder, I’d recommend giving this book a chance. Jenni bears it all as she relives the years long journey she fought against her inner demons. The chapters are short snippets - easily consumable in a few minutes each. I keep this book next to my bed and when I’ve had a hard day, I read a chapter or two to remind myself that I’m not alone.Writing My Wrongs by Shaka Senghor ★★★★As a fourteen year old living in decrepit Detroit during the height of its crack market, Jay White finds himself slowly pulled deeper and deeper into the drug life. Jay, who takes the name Shaka after finding peace and a growing understanding of his cultural African heritage, undergoes an astounding transformation. We’re given a glimpse into life in solitary confinement and a taste of the fear and violence that’s normalized behind bars, but we’re also privy to Shaka’s inner thoughts as he takes responsibility for his misdoings and sets out to make a positive impact on the world. This is the story of what might be possible for many other young black men, if only our corrections system fostered the self-discovery and intellectual growth that Shaka eventually sought out for himself.Ready Player One by Ernest Cline (Fiction) ★★★★Recommended by the one and only Lojo, this story takes place far in the future, where most people live, work, and play within a virtual reality system unlike any the world has seen so far. The system’s creator dies and leaves his fortune at the end of a trail of Easter Eggs hidden throughout the game. We follow one enthusiast through his quest to complete the challenge and turn his life around.Cat Sense: How the New Feline Science Can Make You a Better Friend to Your Pet by John Bradshaw ★★★★After watching the Netflix documentary “The Lion in Your Living Room”, I had to check this book out. The first two chapters are a bit rough: an exhaustive history of the migration and breeding patterns of various wildcats (complete with maps!). Thankfully, they are followed by practical knowledge that helped me to better understand the inner workings of my furry friends. If you’ve ever been called a crazy cat person, you should probably just suck it up and read this book. It will undoubtedly make you a better crazy cat person.The GOD Delusion by Richard Dawkins ★★★★Dawkins can be a bit of dick in real life, and that really comes through in his writing as well. He’s not one to shy away from belittling those who disagree with modern scientific understanding, and while I am of a similar persuasion, particularly within my own head, calling everyone stupid doesn’t win us any arguments. That being said, if you’re already open to considering the concept of a Godless world, this is an interesting and comprehensive look at the subject. Eileen by Otessa Moshfegh (Fiction) ★★★★This book was recommended during a show by David Sedaris. He touted it as one of those books that, once you finished it, you would need to talk to the person who recommended it. It was disturbing, sure, and there were certainly a few passages that stuck out as exceptional, but Sedaris vastly oversold it. I was tempted to give it three stars just because I was disappointed after his recommendation, but I stuck with four because I’m not a dick.The Whistler by John Grisham (Fiction) ★★★★As always, I love Grisham. This book doesn’t quite meet The Rainmaker or The Innocent Man, but it sure does tell a captivating story. We follow two members of the judicial conduct review board as they investigate an Indian tribe in Florida with rampant corruption sanctioned by an infamous state judge. The Power of Now by Eckhard Tolle ★★★★A good friend of mine recommended this book to me with the glowing review that she’d grown to accept it as a bible of sorts. The premise, to focus on your current situation and enjoy all that life has to offer in this very moment, is a grand idea that greatly appeals to me. I did find, however, that Tolle often lost me in his repetitive appeals for living in “the power of now”. Certainly a great introduction to mindful living, I returned her copy with a smile, but do not intend to keep a one of my own.The Auschwitz Escape by Joel C. Rosenberg (Historical Fiction) ★★★★If you’re looking for a true account of Auschwitz during the second world war, keep looking. If, however, you’re looking for a historical fiction that weaves together real prisoner success stories – you’ll love this! While the story has a historically sound basis and is riddled with accurate facts, it also bends reality to fit the dream of many within camps like Auschwitz.All the President’s Men by Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward ★★★★Bernstein and Woodward were the journalists who broke the Watergate scandal and exposed Nixon’s corruption for what it truly was. This book documents the course of their investigation into one of the greatest political scandals the world had ever seen (except now we have Trump so…)The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown ★★★★After having read two other Brene Brown books, I was a bit Brene’d out. I would recommend this book if you’re looking for actionable steps toward becoming your best self. Brown takes her years of academic research on shame and synthesizes it into ten pillars of wholehearted living. If you feel like your life is missing something, this book might be able to help you to find it.Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari ★★★This book was cute. I really wish I’d read it back in 2012 when I was dating online. It’s full of insight on how to best present yourself in the new world of internet dating, and recounts Ansari’s travels across the globe to uncover cultural differences in finding love in the modern era. If you’re struggling to find a partner in the days of “swipe right”, you might find yourself more successful after giving this a read.The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins (Fiction) ★★★Another NYT Best Seller, this book was everywhere this year. If you haven’t heard of it, you must live under a rock. After all the hype, I had high expectations. I love the journal entry style Hawkins uses here, but I really didn’t find the book itself to be particularly recommendable.Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office by Lois P. Frankel ★★★When I saw this book on the clearance rack, I just had to have it. It’s no secret that I struggle with not being a “nice” girl, and probably also no secret that I want to be successful in my professional life (though I certainly don’t define that singularly as a corner office). What I liked most about this book was that Frankel offers concrete advice on how to improve upon one’s weaknesses. What I found disappointing was the perpetuation of the male-centric workplace. Yes, that’s how it is today; but I wish we could talk about improving the average woman’s lot without berating all men for things like the wage gap.What Money Can’t Buy by Michael J. Sandel ★★★I ran into this book only because Cam purchased it for himself. It’s a fairly quick read about how we, as humans, have begun to monetize things that should, perhaps, be beyond monetization.Before The Fall by Noah Hawley (Fiction) ★★★I picked up this book after seeing it on the NYT Best Sellers list for a few weeks. A private jet crashes with two wealthy families and unlucky acquaintance intending to hitch a quick ride. As the only two survivors, the mysterious acquaintance (was he having an affair with the plane owner’s wife?) and the son of one of the richest families in the world struggle to find land, then struggle to maintain a normal existence after such a tragic event. There were a few characters in this story that reduced my rating greatly: prime among them being the boy’s aunt’s husband – a weak shell of a character concerned only with the inheritance. As an opportunity to enrich the story with his greed through layered traits, he instead fell flat; boring and predictable. I Thought it Was Just Me by Brene Brown ★★★Written with women as the sole target, this book is much more narrow in scope than Daring Greatly and while it provided some information not synthesized in her future books, I found it to be repetitive.Morning Star by Pierce Brown (Fiction) ★★★See Red Rising and Golden Son. By now Brown seems to have fatigued a bit. We see some repetition of earlier storylines, but I’m not a quitter so I absolutely saw this series through. I will say that Brown does a much better job rounding out his series than many, many other authors in this genre (I’m looking at you Suzanne Collins).Let’s Pretend that Never Happened by Jenni Lawson ★★★After having read Furiously Happy this was an utter disappointment. Jenni is an exceptional writer, but this book just doesn’t hold a candle to the level of humor and poignant commentary on mental illness as found in her latest book.Works Well With Others by Ross McCammon ★★★I ordered this book on Amazon a few days after my (first ever) negative performance review at work. My goal was to expand my ability to “play the game” at a corporate level. I gathered a few interesting tidbits, but the majority of the advice was directed at young men first entering the professional workforce: how to shake hands, how to dress for various events and occasions, how to ask for a raise over a drink. The male-centric lens aside, I’d probably pass this book along to a young man about to begin his first job, but until then – it’ll likely collect dust on my shelf.The Sunni-Shi’a Divide by Robert Brenton Betts ★★★This was a quick read, and if you’re interested in better understanding what caused the schism between the Sunni and Shi’a Muslim faiths, this paints a pretty clear picture. I didn’t find it to be exceptional, but it did the job. Don’t expect to learn anything about Sufis or any other factions of the Muslim faith.Compact Houses by Gerald Rowan ★★★I wasn’t sure if I should actually include this on here, but I found the layouts and descriptions in this book to be very intriguing. It is quite common to hear of tiny houses, it’s less common to hear the builder speak about why they made the design decisions they did. If you’re considering the tiny house life, this is worth a read. Be Your Own House Contractor by Carl Heldmann ★★★ Unless you’re about to actually contract your own house, skip this and go for The Well Built House. If you’re serious about running the construction show yourself, this is a great guide.Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by J.K. Rowling (Fiction - Play) ★★I had such high hopes for this play! Who doesn’t want to re-enter the magical world of Hogwarts, especially now that all our favorite characters are grown? This was a disappointment to me, I think mostly because what I love about Rowling’s writing is her incredible attention to detail. In this format, primarily dialogue with bits of descriptors to keep actors on track, all of the whimsy was lost. I imagine the actual play does it much more justice.See Me by Nicholas Sparks (Fiction) ★★This book is more predictable than a Hallmark movie. The “surprises” were obvious next steps for the story. This is probably the most disappointing book I’ve read this year. Two Whole Cakes by Lesley Kinzel ★★This book is nothing exceptional. Kinzel speaks of “fatshion” (or how to dress if you’re a bigger person) and generally whines about how hard her life is because of her weight. She is quite body positive, but other than that – she’s all around pretty negative.Contracting Your Home by Kent Lester ★This book reads like it was never proofed before publishing. I can’t imagine what a mess the first three editions must have looked like. There are instances in which entire blocks of text are repeated verbatim. Save yourself the time and go for The Well Built House or Be Your Own House Contractor. -- source link
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