benignmisogyny:chirpingtiger:dimondlite:elrond50:gutterballgt:3fluffies:chirpingtiger:lowkeyhannigramshipper:chirpingtiger:“You picked the wrong team.”Age of Ultron / Civil WarBut Tony’s not wrong, you know.@lowkeyhannigramshipper Except that he is.In every way.The problem is that you are viewing the situation from Tony’s warped perspective (which was unfortunately the larger focus of Civil War, because had it not been, Tony would have come across as the villain in that film) and not from an objective standpoint.Everything Tony does, every decision Tony makes, is right in line with those of the other “villains” in the film.This was not the right side.It’s what TONY thought was the right side - his side.And it’s not because of any ideals or morals he has. It’s because he came up with the decision to sign the Accords first, and he thinks his own opinions are infallible.Therefore, he sees that the others picked Steve - a man he hates and constantly harasses purely to get back at his father for an imagined childhood slight - instead of picking Tony and General Thaddeus “I hate the enhanced” Ross, and he decides that because their opinions did not align with his, they were wrong.It’s why he shoots Sam for what Vision did. Because Sam picked Steve’s side, therefore Sam must automatically be in the wrong.It’s why he has Vision lock up Wanda for something a known HYDRA terrorist did, and why he turns his back on her at the Raft when she’s clearly being abused and held in unlawful conditions. Because she picked Steve’s side, so she must automatically be in the wrong.It’s why he threw Natasha under the bus after the fight. Because she picked Steve’s side, so she must automatically be in the wrong.It’s why Tony left his supposed “friends” to rot in an illegal, top-secret, supermax underwater prison that’s breaking half of the Geneva Conventions on prisoner treatment. Because they chose Steve’s side, so they must automatically be in the wrong.Everything Tony does in this movie is done with the intent to punish his “friends” and “teammates” for picking Steve instead of throwing themselves at his feet and groveling over how Tony was right and Steve wasn’t.The only reason that Tony is selling out Clint’s family here is because Clint picked doing what was right over soothing Tony’s ego, and Tony is getting him back for it in the most cruel way he can think of.Tony isn’t saying that Clint made the wrong decision because Steve was breaking the law.Tony is saying that Clint made the wrong decision when he picked Steve over Tony.Because now Tony is going to make him pay for it.By knowingly and willfully endangering an innocent woman and three children in revenge, to punish him.#Tony Stark - a true heroYep, long before Tony went ballistic and tried to murder Bucky and beat the hell out of Steve, I wondered at his frenzied zeal to enforce a treaty he was ambivalent about at best.In short, Tony was never a devotee of the Sokovia Accords (evidenced by the number of times he broke them when it suited his purpose). He simply wanted to WIN. He wanted to bring Steve to heel. He wanted to bring Wanda to heel. He wanted to show Ross up and prove Iron Man is the HBIC by bringing Steve and Bucky in on his terms. He yelled at Steve in the airport, “Because it’s US!” but what he really meant was “because it’s ME!” Do what he says, Steve, make Tony the winner and the right guy or face whatever consequences Tony chooses to mete out.Anything that goes wrong when Tony takes it to blows? Not Tony’s fault (in Tony’s mind). So when Vision misses Sam and hits Rhodey? Tony shoots Sam. Steve was silent about his brainwashed best friend possibly being the killer of Tony’s parents? Tony’s going to kill Bucky in front of Steve as punishment for STEVE - the Russos themselves confirmed this. Then once Tony has Bucky half-conscious on the ground and Steve staggering, does Tony finish Bucky off, the “murderer” of his parents? Nope, his attention remains on Steve: “Stay down, final warning.” He’s not interested in avenging Mom and Dad, he is going to blast Steve into the concrete (pausing every now and then to kick a man in the face who can barely hang onto his ankle while Steve watches, just so Steve knows he can do it).Tony wants Steve to lose - first the debate, then the conflict, then everything. Tony Must. Win. and anyone who gets in his way has committed Nth Degree Treason and Must. Be. Punished. without mercy. Victory for Tony Stark at any cost. The most entitled Avenger, a chronic case of affluenza.I agree with those fans who say that while Zemo was the antagonist of Civil War, Tony Stark was the villain.Tony Stark wants immediate guilt relief. It’s in almost everything he does outside of his own movies. Honestly, I like him in the Iron Man movies, for the most part (he was kind of a dick in II, but I still like the movie itself), but when he’s in literally anyone else’s movie, he sucks all the air out of the room with his kneejerk reactions to whatever stimuli is put in front of him. ESPECIALLY if it’s someone blaming him for something.He’s supposed to be brilliant. He’s supposed to be a fix-it man. Why, then, does he make the most kneejerk response to anything anyone brings to his attention that makes him feel bad about literally anything? And then refuse to hear anyone else’s input about the situation?THAT’S my problem with Tony Stark. Like his file said, he doesn’t work well with others and shouldn’t have been brought into the Avengers. Yes, I know he’s a founding member in the comics, but seriously, MCU Tony Stark causes 98% of the strife between them in literally every Avengers movie.And yes. Civil War was an Avengers movie. You can’t put Cap’s name on something that he was in for less than 20 minutes.He backed the wrong horse out of a nagging need to feel less guilty. I think he even knew he backed the wrong horse, well before Natasha told him flat out. But he’d already committed, and if he changed course, he’d have to admit he was wrong.So he didn’t. Not until literally every other option was gone.THEN he finally decided to help Steve, but even then, only on his own terms. He refused to listen to what he’d already known was true - that Bucky was brainwashed, that HYDRA was ultimately responsible for his parents’ murders, that killing Bucky would be the same as breaking a gun used in a murder (satisfying in the moment but ultimately meaningless).I don’t dislike Iron Man Tony Stark. But I do not like Avengers Tony Stark, and his fans’ over-reacting defense of him grates on my damn nerves because they, like he, refuse to listen to anything but their own arguments.I will add for the 100th time: Steve Rogers was right. He said governments have agendas. Again, imagine Donald Trump with the ability to hamper the Avengers. Leaders change. The best hands to control their power is their own. That is Steve’s argument in a nutshell. Tony changes in Iron Man II and the Avengers; he almost dies in both. He brought a KID to Germany! Ultron was his disaster and he wanted the whole Avengers to pay that price via the Accords. Don’t get me started on Ross. One of the things that upset me is that Tony was played into signing the Accords, and if he had taken a moment to think about how he was setup to to meet the “grieving mom” and how much backroom deals came into these Accords (cause it looks like they came out of nowhere) he could’ve gone, should’ve gone, let the lawyers look at it. Trusting people is how Obie voted you out of your board Tony. Not verifying is bad. I think the where waiting for him to be on the outs with Pepper because she was his slowdown and think person, Rhodes is good for Tony but the military mind isn’t going to think like a civilian. A very valid point, @dimondlite and one that actually ties back in to my previous theory that Charlie Spence’s mother was a plant, sent specifically to sway Tony into leaping down the “easy fix” path without question.Likewise, I don’t think Peggy Carter’s death was as natural as they’d have us believe. After all, it was VERY conveniently timed, and who is going to run an autopsy report on a 90-something year old woman with Alzheimers?I’m still convinced that HYDRA has been planning this specific political move since Winter Soldier. After all, what better way to ensure that they don’t have a repeat of the Triskelion failure than by requiring Steve and all his enhanced buddies to wear tracking chips full time, prevent them from crossing any international borders, and require them to get permission from the ENTIRE U.N. before they can take any counter action?This whole thing was a trap from day one.When Luke Cage came out I had a hc that Mariah Dillard was hired to pretend to be Charlie’s mom (Alfre Woodard plays both) and work TS up in exchange for political clout or money. All she had was a photograph that she wasn’t even in. TS didn’t do any follow up, no research, he just got scolded in a hallway. She set everything in motion & was never seen again. He projected his guilt and self-loathing onto his friends & was willing to destroy their lives not to give her justice, but to ease his personal pain. A more proactive response would have been to find and help those directly harmed by their missions, which he should have done anyway instead of that MIT research grant pr stunt that only helps a very small group of people in no immediate need. But we know TS only cares about Americans harmed by his actions, everyone else is collateral damage so it never crossed his mind. OMG THAT’S WHY CHARLIE WAS AN AMERICAN BOY VOLUNTEERING OVERSEES. He could have been helping the victims all along but Ross & Co knew he wouldn’t give a damn unless a victim was an American citizen.Now I’m not so sure about Peggy’s death too! It’s harder to shake Steve up but taking his last known connection to his life, to himself is a good start.I’m glad to find other fans who share my theories about Miriam Sharpe and the timing of Peggy’s death. I headcanon (and wrote) Miriam as an unwitting pawn of Ross (note that she works in the State Department - it’d be just like Ross to seek out a grieving mother in his own effing employ and gently nudge her towards blaming Tony and making the opportunity for her to pass through whatever security was at MIT so she could confront Tony in person.) -- source link
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