Prophecies From The Holy Bible Part -77th.(Sanatana Dharma Alone Protector of world Peace)The &rsquo
Prophecies From The Holy Bible Part -77th.(Sanatana Dharma Alone Protector of world Peace)The ’Prophecies of Jesus Christ’ speak of, the coming of the ’Comforter’ from the East; and Present is the time for his appearance. Besides several foretellers from different comers of the world have predicted that before the close of the 20th century, a new culture would rise in India and it would spread like storm and tempest all over the world. Of all the religions in the world it is Santana Dharma only that speaks of taking a man to the zenith of his spiritual evolution According to Vedic psychology, the Spiritual Science, the human body is composed of seven types of sheaths about which and their development we have talked in their entire details in the chapter. “Initiation” Out of them only four Matter, Life, Mind and Science or the supermind have been evolved to a higher stage of consciousness so far. The remaining three Bliss, Becoming and Being have yet to be developed to their full bloom. As per the Scriptures from Annamayakosh to Vijanamajakosh it is the lower half of the existence where nescience dominates over knowledge whereas from Anandamayakosh to Satmayakosh it is the higher form ‘of existence where knowledge has prevalence over ignorance, and here nescience afflictions and limits do not exist even as worth the name. As there is a predominance of ignorance in the first to the fourth ’koshas’ (Sheaths) therefore the use of Science, instead of being utilized for creative purposes is made more for achieving destructive ends. It is in Vedic Dharma only that the theory of God becoming incarnate on earth from time to time is accepted as an eternal truth. It also holds that the direct realisation of God and seeing Him is possible. No other Prophetism on earth has such capabilities. They only know of God on the basis of the preachings of their Prophets. In the religions of the followers of the Prophets no methods, functional methods for that matter, are available to directly realize and see God. When the people of the world have acquired knowledge about four out of the seven 'Koshas’(sheaths) then it should be possible to become fully knowledgeable about the remaining three ’Koshas’ also. Acquisition of knowledge about them is within the competence of Sanatana Dharma only. More so when people from the world of Prophetism cannot accomplish such an activity. As only remaining three elements sat + Chit + Ananda = Sachchidananda, remain to be developed now therefore India alone will fulfil this assignment received from God. Since time immemorial India has been giving this knowledge as a gift to the people of the world. It has been for this divine knowledge that India had for long remained in occupation of the seat of Guruhoodship of the world. According to prophecies made by several of the foretellers of the world India would propagate and spread this divine knowledge throughout whole of the world before close of this, 21st, Century and thus she would once again enter into the period of her golden age. -- source link
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