lady-arryn:“Take care of my children for me.“ The words twisted in Ned’s belly like a knife. For a m

lady-arryn:“Take care of my children for me.“ The words twisted in Ned’s belly like a knife. For a m
lady-arryn:“Take care of my children for me.“ The words twisted in Ned’s belly like a knife. For a m
lady-arryn:“Take care of my children for me.“ The words twisted in Ned’s belly like a knife. For a m
lady-arryn:“Take care of my children for me.“ The words twisted in Ned’s belly like a knife. For a m
lady-arryn:“Take care of my children for me.“ The words twisted in Ned’s belly like a knife. For a m
lady-arryn:“Take care of my children for me.“ The words twisted in Ned’s belly like a knife. For a m