aeliad:rubykgrant:byecolonizer:byecolonizer:Kidsdon’thavejobsHow evil do you have to be
aeliad:rubykgrant:byecolonizer:byecolonizer:Kids don’t have jobsHow evil do you have to be to think that some children just deserve to be hungry?why in the ever loving HECK do so many people think it isn’t totally evil to say “Yeah, I hope poor kids starve”“How evil do you have to be to think that some children just deserve to be hungry?” Some people have been brainwashed so much by neoliberal capitalism that they think they’re making a galaxy brain take every time they say “ah but nothing is FREE” And also American culture pushes a narrative that poor people are poor because of moral failings and thus deserve their situation. This goes all the way back to the United States’ roots in various protestant sects that believed in Calvinist predestination and that hard work and the “protestant work ethic” was the way to heaven. -- source link