heikes-classy-ass:couragedontdesertme:to-makingitcount:splitseconddecision:thekanechronicles:No marr
heikes-classy-ass:couragedontdesertme:to-makingitcount:splitseconddecision:thekanechronicles:No marriage required.the entire time i spent watching this movie i was just waiting for charlotte to turn into a traitorous bitch, because that is what the media has told me for my entire life that her character archetype is supposed to dokudos to disney for proving me wrongLet me tell you how great Lottie is.1. She has EVERYTHING. This girl can literally have anything she wants and instead of hanging out with girls of her social class she’s friends with a poor girl.2. Not only is she below her social class but she is African American which back in the twenties was COMPLETELY frowned upon. Lottie is risking social status to be friends with Tia. 3. When Tia and Naveen end up together in the end, Lottie doesn’t throw a fit or act upset, she is genuinely happy that Tiana has found true love even though that’s all Lottie has ever wanted her whole life. Something that her daddy can’t buy for her. 4. She’s true to herself and doesn’t let others judge her just because of how much money she has and she has a wonderful friend like Tiana that loves her for that. Lottie is wonderful and is highly underrated.LOTTIE IS THE GREATEST, OKAYLIL SOUTHERN BELLE PRINCESS CUTIEPIEBUBUi will forever wit for a second movie were lottie gets the true love she always deserved -- source link