aeschylus-stan-account:morbidfantasy21:Dead bybeeple. #the twa corbies but with an astronaut instead
aeschylus-stan-account:morbidfantasy21:Dead bybeeple. #the twa corbies but with an astronaut instead of a knight AS I was walking all alane I heard twa corbies making a mane: The tane unto the tither did say, ‘Whar sall we gang and dine the day?’ In upon yon unco hauchI wot there lies an astronautAnd naebody kens that he lies thereBut his crew and his nine flaucht-guiders fairHis crew is tae the starnies ganeHis nine flaucht-guiders do him tyne,The gelly-flouer his only mateSo we may mak our dinner sweet.‘Ye’ll sit on his white hause-bane, And I’ll pike out his bonny blue e'en: Wi’ ae lock o’ his ferlie stroud We’ll theek our nest to mak it proud.'Mony a one for him sall mane, But nane sall ken whar he is gane: O'er his white banes, when they are bare, The wind sall blaw for evermair.’–Translation of the new stanzas:Out upon the far, strange meadowI know there lies an astronautAnd nobody knows that he lies thereBut his crew and his nine flight-controllers fairHis crew is to the little stars gone,His nine flight-controllers do forget him,The gillyflower his only mateSo we may make our dinner sweet,You’ll sit on his white collarboneAnd I’ll pick out his pretty blue eyes;With a strand of his strange suitWe’ll thatch our nest to make it proud -- source link
#child ballads