Me and MeDigital Comic presented by Fraternal Order of Mirror in association with Blueversusred[Syno
Me and MeDigital Comic presented by Fraternal Order of Mirror in association with Blueversusred[Synopsis]Kanami and Yuna stayed late at night in school in preparation of the Culture Festival. By chance, when setting up the decorations for the event, they accidentally encountered Himeko-sensei who taught them about the “Seven Wonders of the School” in the back of the old building. The secret is to stand in front of the mirror near the stairway of the former schoolhouse on a particular day, where you can meet your doppelganger..The first installment of an original manga series to pursue eroticism with exactly the same person. It’s a completely new work with “lesbian selfcest” as the theme!E-Junkie Store: Pages English (Japanese, Chinese, & Korean language versions included!) (Adults only!)【あらすじ】文化祭の準備で夜遅くまで学校に残っていたカナミとユナ。旧校舎に装飾の材料を取り入った時に偶然ヒメコ先生に出会い、ヒメコ先生からこの旧校舎にまつわる「学校の七不思議」の事を教えられる。その内容とは、ある特定の日に旧校舎の階段踊り場の鏡の前に立つと、ドッペルゲンガーに出逢うという……。何もかも全く同じの人物同士でのHを追求したオリジナルコミックシリーズの第一弾。 「自分同士のレズ」をテーマに描きおろした完全新作です!【簡介】因準備文化祭而忙碌到晚上的佳奈美和優菜,她們在去取舊教學樓的裝飾品的途中偶遇到了姬子老師。從姬子老師那裏得知了某個關于舊樓學樓的「學校七大不可思議」。據說…如果在特定的某個日子站在舊校學樓的樓梯平台的鏡子前,就會與自己的二重身相會……。由同角色同好會獻上的以「自攻自受的百合」為主題的最新原創漫畫系列第一彈!敬請多多指教![줄거리]문화제 준비로 밤 늦게까지 학교에 남아있던 카나미와 유나. 구교사에 남아있다는 자료를 가지러 갔을 때, 우연히 히메코 선생님과 만나 [학교 7대 불가사의] 에 대한 이야기를 듣게된다. 그 내용이라 하니, 특별한 날에 구교사 계단 옆 거울 앞에 서있으면 도플갱어와 만나게 된다고 하는…….완전히 똑같은 동일인물간의 섹스를 추구한 오리지널 만화 시리즈의 제1탄. [자기자신과의 레즈]를 테마로 그려낸 완전 신작입니다! -- source link
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