adaine:[ID: eight panel edit for the unsleeping city. each panel has a blue painted background, an i
adaine:[ID: eight panel edit for the unsleeping city. each panel has a blue painted background, an image representing a character, and a name in gold lettering at the top. 1: the text reads “kingston brown” and a gold subway token is below it. 2: the text reads “pete conlan” and a white cowboy hat is below it. 3: the text reads “sofia lee” and the profile of a gray cat with a green eye is below. 4: the text reads “kugrash” and an everything bagel is below. 5: the text reads “cody walsh” and the hilt of a sword is below it. 6: the text reads “ricky matsui” and a black and white dalmation is below, looking toward the viewer. 7: the text reads “misty moore” and a microphone is below it. 8: the text reads “iga lisowski” and three white tarot carts with black artwork are below it. /END ID]@diversenet event six: found family >> the dream teamonly in new york, baby! -- source link
#dimension 20