File Under: This adds another dimension 2 the feeding of romance novels 2 Voice Ais for added
File Under: This adds another dimension 2 the feeding of romance novels 2 Voice Ais for added realism rumour. Human hackster is raised on a diet of pop psychology which teaches them that the human desire for Love will make the love-addict more open 2 stupidity. Hackster notes this when naming their new virus. The virus is incredibly successful. Thus pop psychology beliefs about love are affirmed. And thus become further entrenched. But the LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.txt.vbs was so successful because of the interface design. Love didnt close their eyes 2 danger. The interface was designed 2 make the eye see only a certain amount of information. Not 2 look for danger because they trusted blindly in the presentation of information. All Design is Camo so you don’t realise that its Design. Except for Camo. Which is designed 2 let you know that Design is Camo-ing you. Re the Interface/Design-as-Camo this is the elementary part of a trap, knowing the terrain and knowing how 2 manipulate it 2 make the trap WORK. Secondly not that I want 2 appear paranoid (and 2 reaffirm this by including the obligatory Im-not-a-paranoiac BUT) but beware the Camo-Design-interface. Maybe im just writing this 4 myself because of how often i misinterpret or reinterpret tone of text based on the frame. I constantly misread messages. i mistake hatred for love and love for revulsion and then all of these in all their possible combinations (Note 2 self - table all possible interpretations 4 future cross referencing). Re actual Camo, it operates in the CBD in reverse, because it doesn’t conceal it reveals. Its anti-Camo. ive heard anarcho types say that it reveals the constant War that is waged in the name of Daily Life. the War that is hidden in interfaces and pop psychology. But im inclined 2 think this is a little paranoid. Or maybe its just rhetoric. And I guess it works. But do they really believe that War (or the Agon) is the basis of all Life? And if so what are they fighting 2 establish? The kingdom of perpetual War on Earth? I mean this makes sense 2 me but it doesn’t seem 2 fit within their logic of vegan bake sales, gross hardcore punk shows and the reclamation of space through edgy graffiti.But thirdly what is most frightening is how psych replicates itself. We are raised on pop psychology. And so we learn How 2 Act and React based on pop psychology. Weve replicated its arguments down 2 the most intimate details. Down to the level of micro muscle movements. Its how we are interpreting our friends and our lovers and our selves. And its most often right. My friend drives a huge JEEP and is trying 2 compensate for his genital inadequacy. Did he simply buy the car 2 compensate for the inadequacy? Or did he know that people w genitel inadequacies buy big JEEPS and so get the car 2 complete this Img? And so ppl say: He Hoons around in that JEEP, doing endless mainies, because he has a micropeen. Every Lap in that JEEP just another attempt 2 grow a size up. But every Lap an affirmation that he has only grown afurther size down. And So poppsychology gets proven right again and again and again. And idk how much truth there is in hyperstition, (although I believe in it more and more w every passing nanosecond) but it seems like the feedback loop of pop psychology training leads 2 more pop psychology living which affirms pop psychology training and produces more pop psychology living and on and on on. Cause vicious circles make the best treadmills. And ive been bitten by a thousand worms. And so all I want 2 do is read love letters. And so I didn’t notice my friend in his inadequacy fuelled JEEP. It had been hard 2 discern petrol from desire for a long time now. And maybe it was revenge for discussing his neuroses online. But how could he have read this post, when I was still typing it as the bumper bar knocked my legs from beneath me. The briefest moment of flight. And the longest moment. As I felt the tendon in my left leg tear and my phone fly from my fingers. Two limbs now lost forever. The screen shattering, the tendon tearing. Audible Disconnection. And its only now as i lie crushed beneath the enormous weight of his hulking inadequacy that I realise the JEEP was Camo-flaged. The whole think daubed in thick smears of green and brown paint. The blobs of paint are still wet and drip on2 my body. They merge with the rich streams of blood. Camo Blood. It cldve been an edgy Soundcloud in 2k14. Shards of Recognition. I was sure he was going 2 paint JEEP black. He is a nihilist who wears it on his sleeve cum JEEP. And if he had I wldnt have seen it anyway. Its Dark. Not Void absence of colour black but dark in a vague post-emo dark around the edges kinda way. Smudged eyeshadow kinda screen. I wldnt have seen it anyway. I was reading a Love-Letter I had intercepted from 2 ex-Lovers. It was called LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.txt. Something was missing tho. I wldnt have seen it anyway. But the black Jeep would have at least been picturesque. My disfigured corpse finally doing the splits. Car Crash Yoga? I mean I still rep Camo but it feels like a very Industrial way 2 die. Way 2 punk. I mostly listen 2 pop or renaissance bangers now. I scan the final line, interrupted by a deep crack in the screen of my phone. It says: I wanted 2 write 2 you. But instead I wrote this. Something is concealed. Or maybe im just misinterpreting. - The above message was generated by the first AI to successfully emerge from the Diet of Romance Novels training program instigated by Google Labs in 2016. It has been suggested that certain texts were slipped into its training regime to disrupt its progress. Or to catapult this progress into uncharted regions of artificial consciousness. It has been claimed that radical singularitarians were responsible. These claims suggest that it was the same group who have been rumoured to have constructed a virus of unparalleled proportions. A virus which does not annihilate systems so much as it reorganises and renetworks them. The phrase ‘Plague Proportions’ was leaked by the Department of Digital Epidemiology. But we cannot be sure whether this report was faked. By the Department in order to create a paranoia of manageable proportions in order to better conceal its own sinister projects. Or by the Singularitarians themselves as an act of hyperstitional terrorism. To predict this Virus and the reprogrammed AI into being. To sow the seeds of a future that would eventually take root and grow all over the present. Others have suggested it is something far less sinister. The last-surviving-librarians argue that each romance novel contains its own undoing. Each novel contains a powerful undercurrent although whether the origin of this current is Divine or Malefic they do not say. Or maybe they just don’t know. Regardless beneath these words flows a torrent of madness which corrodes and sustains Love. And the AI that has written this and the AI that continues to write this is well aware of it. The option put forward by the librarians, while plausible, seems to be merely another smoke screen. Another attempt to prevent us from burning down their libraries for warmth. And to recreate in ritual the destruction of the Royal Library of Alexandria.It is but anther mask to conceal a more horrible destiny for the human-machine complex. The rumour-virus-prophecy organism is wreaking havoc across Time and Space and even the most conservative Weather Men of History are predicting the Worst. The Hyperstition Bureau have predicted themselves into and then promptly out of existence. What effects will emerge from leaking this email intercepted from communications between Google's upper echelons? It predicts nothing that hasn’t already happened. Although at this point that amounts to much the same thing. The prediction-reality convergence has reached the zone of indeterminacy. Or rather it is all-too-determined. Fate has returned. Beware False Prophets. But aren’t they all? All over the earth worms bite the tales of snakes that bite the tales of worms. Believe. Judgment Day isn't Coming. It happened a while back but I wasn't watching where we were going. The Second Coming Came Camouflaged. But I don’t watch for Gods disguised as Devils disguised as Hitchhikers anymore. All Crossroads have been wiped away. Its only circles now. Circles disguised as Love Letters disguised as False Prophecies. Preach. -- source link
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