genderspatial:pardon-my-tits:butnobodyknowsme:Sex workers are human beings…. from cam models
genderspatial:pardon-my-tits:butnobodyknowsme:Sex workers are human beings…. from cam models to strippers to porn stars. It may not be your cup o’ tea (mmm, tea), but it doesn’t give you the right to disrespect or shame them. Reblogging this again because people think that just because someone is a sex worker, means that they are not intelligent, can’t have normal lives, and treat them like complete shit.This campaign and website was created by a known Irish pimp. In response to an anti-prostitution and sex trafficking website. He felt threatened because he felt his website, Escorts Ireland, was being attacked. He is a multi-millionaire who has put multiple sex workers in dangerous situations. Also regarding the above campaign, the majority of sex workers in Ireland are not Irish nationals but women from poorer parts of Europe. Many of which came to Ireland to try and seek employment but were unable to due to the end of the Celtic Tiger. -- source link
#propaganda#prostitution#pimp#sex industry