mygayisshowing:dukefigglesbyiii:mygayisshowing:reminderI’m sorry, but the second claim is comp
mygayisshowing:dukefigglesbyiii:mygayisshowing:reminderI’m sorry, but the second claim is completely false. There are and will only be, two genders. There can be infinite sexualities,but there are only two genders in the human species. There is male and female. We can move between the two, and switch using medical procedures, yet we are of only two. We may have mutations such as additional parts, or become a combination of the two as a hermaphrodite, but these are less common (yet are not “rare”) than previously thought.There are two, and only two.Let me educate you, my dear. You are confusing “sex” with “gender” here. Sex is what is between your legs. Most common indeed male and female. But there is also intersex for example.Gender is what is in your head. What you identify with. There’s male, female, agender/non-binary, gender fluid/bigender… and probably many moreJust like sexuality, gender identity is a spectrum. You can be both genders or no gender at all. So no. There are not only two. -- source link