chirpingtiger:chirpingtiger:groovycrusadeperson:haley-black21:myuniverseagain:xmagnet-o:myuniverseagain:xmagnet-o:hotmessfassy:“Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.” — Stan LeeAvengers: Age Of Ultron (2015) dir. Joss Whedon He definitely could have if he wanted to If he could’ve picked up the hammer, he would’ve lifted it up all the way. He wouldn’t physically exert himself.True. Hes only exerting himself to please ThorRight, also may I add that Cap wasn’t worthy considering he was hiding the fact that he knew who killed Tony’s parent. Thor, on the other hand is somewhat humble but completely honest; Vision being an “innocent” AI robot also made him worthy. Steve was probably honorable by Mjolnir but could not properly yield it. @groovycrusadeperson Oh Christ. I don’t think Mjolnir gives a fuck about Tony Stank’s parents, dead for thirty years. And Steve, who was neither alive when it happened nor culpable in their deaths, was in no way obligated to tell Tony about the split second inference Zola made in TWS. I also doubt some vague standard of ~honesty~ is what definitively makes one worthy of the power of Thor. Unless you’re also saying Thor has never lied in his 1500 years of existence, or withheld information. Which of course would be stupid, as well as false. This line of thinking also does not explain why Rhodey can’t lift the hammer, even though as far as I can recall he’s never once lied in all of his screen time. And finally, ‘Mjolnir found Steve honourable but not worthy’ makes very little sense. ‘Honourable’ is a far less arbitrary gauge of worthiness than honesty or innocence, not to mention far less context-dependent also. If the hammer found Steve to be ethical, principled, righteous and right-minded (all synonyms of honourable) when he’s keeping Hydra’s involvement in Tony’s parents’ deaths from him…why in the world would it not find him worthy? And how does that even work when he can clearly move the hammer? He’s either worthy or he isn’t. He can’t be both at the same time.@myuniverseagain“may I add that Cap wasn’t worthy considering he was hiding the fact that he knew who killed Tony’s parent”The hammer is a yes/no option, not a freaking slide rule.You are not “kind of” worthy or “a little bit” worthy. There’s not some percentage that you can move the hammer if you’re deemed “honorable enough.” It doesn’t magically get harder to move or heavier to pick up if you are harboring a secret from someone.You either are worthy, or you are not.There is no middle ground.The only reason Steve could move that hammer at all is because he was worthy. Simple as that.Mjölnirhas not been budged/shifted/rocked/slid/nudged/wobbled/scooted/tipped/tilted/turned/bumped/shaken/any other form of small movement by any other being that tried to move it, save for the royal family of Asgard.(And later, Vision.)Once that hammer is set down, it stays freaking put and there is nothing that can move it.It is literally the whole feature of the hammer - that it can’t even be moved the tiniest fraction by someone who is not worthy.Steve absolutely could have picked up that hammer.The only reason Steve didn’t pick it up is because Thor had bet his kingdom on it after a few drinks……and Steve is too much of a good person to take advantage of someone who’s been drinking. Unlike certain other characters who would not only take him up on it, but would abuse the power immediately for their own immoral gain. Say, by reinstating prima noctra or becoming a dictator.Because we all know that Thor is nothing if not a man of his word, and would have absolutely upheld his bet, however ridiculous it was.I mean seriously, look at the gifs.Cap prepares to go at it, but after that first little tug he stops pulling it immediately. If you watch the video (which I’ve added a gif from above) you can actually see Steve let the handle slide through his hands so the hammer is resting back against the table.Cap shifts the hammer a little with his first attempt, and once he realizes that he can actually pick it up he lets it go again under the pretense of “adjusting” his grip as Thor looks on with an increasingly worried expression. Then Steve “tries to lift the hammer again now that he has a better grip on it.”Look at Steve fake that strain. Look how quick he gives up after one more pathetic tug that does nothing to move the hammer. Look how relieved Thor looks when Steve puts his hands up like “nah it was just a fluke, totally can’t move this thing, Thor’s the only worthy one.”Look at that darling smile on the Thor’s face.Cap pretended that he wasn’t worthy enough to lift the hammer in order to spare Thor.It’s stuff like this that makes him worthy enough to lift it.However, just for fun’s sake, let’s say that this isn’t the case.Let’s say that the hammer did not find Steve worthy, and that’s why he could not pick it up all the way.This means that Steve, by sheer muscle, managed to overpower the mythic power of Mjölnirto the point where he was able to move the hammer.Even for someone who is supposedly not worthy of the hammer…that’s pretty fucking impressive.Also bringing this back because reasons. -- source link
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