Spring was now here, and Katie’s eighteenth birthday fell in March. Her present was some new i
Spring was now here, and Katie’s eighteenth birthday fell in March. Her present was some new ice skates and her mom signed her up for an ice skating class. ——————————————————————————————-I became very good at ice skating and that spring I started practicing to be in an ice skating contest. I got my own coach, and of course, she had to know about my diapers. Every day after school I had a one hour practice, and on Saturdays I had a two hour practice. My mom instructed my coach to change me if I needed to be changed, but also informed her that she was going to put me in thicker diapers for practice, so unless I wet a lot or went poop I shouldn’t need to be changed. It was very embarrassing at first, showing up wearing my training clothes, which were essentially tights or tight fitting workout pants that made my diaper painfully obvious, but after a while I forgot about being in diapers and just enjoyed skating and getting to know my coach who became a good friend to me. On the day of my first practice, I was a little nervous. My mom thought I looked so cute, especially since my diaper was obvious, but I was scared others would say something, especially since everyone here were people that didn’t know me from school and didn’t know that I wore diapers; at least not yet. However my fears subsided a bit when I noticed other kids practicing at the skating center didn’t really notice me since they were busy with their own coaches. The first practice was going pretty good. I started practicing skating moves right away. After about twenty minutes of skating, I felt the need to pee and before I could think anything more about it I was soaking my diaper while skating. I wet my diaper a lot and it was getting really soggy and the diapers my mom had put me in, the ABU’s I normally wore, just got bigger and bulkier, which made it a little hard to skate. I then slipped on the ice since my mind wasn’t set on what I was doing and landed flat on my butt. Of course it didn’t hurt much since the padding of my thick diaper cushioned my fall. I could feel the warm urine squishing around in my diaper when I fell. My coach asked if I was okay and I said yes. I got up and skated back to her. I decided not to tell her I was wet because I didn’t want to have to hassle her with getting changed. By the end of the practice, my diaper was cold and soggy. When I got home my mom changed me and saw I got a small diaper rash. “Katie, dear, you’re going to have to tell Mrs. Johnson when you go pee pee in your diaper. Otherwise you’ll keep getting these rashes,” my mom said. She applied some baby cream on my rash and put a new diaper on me. ——————————————————————————————- The next practice came and this time when I wet I decided to tell Mrs. Johnson. “Uh, I just wet my diaper. It’s really wet. Can you change me?” “Certainly,” she said with a smile. She took me into the locker room and into the bathroom and changed me in there. It really wasn’t all that bad. No one saw me getting changed so I felt better about it. While I was getting changed, she treated me as if I was a little two year old and even talked baby talk to me like my mom did. It was great knowing my coach was so accepting of me. ——————————————————————————————- By the end of spring and beginning of summer, I was ready to enter the Girls 18 and Under Skating Contest. I was a bit nervous, but felt good about myself. The big day came and it was my turn to compete. This contest was being aired on a local TV station. Of course, I was wearing a diaper, and my mom had put me again in my ABU diapers saying that a thinner diaper might leak and I might not have a chance to get changed between the time I got to the arena and the time I was supposed to go on to do my routine. So it was fairly obvious I was diapered, especially since now I wasn’t wearing warm up and practice clothes, but my competition outfit which was a short skirt, which barely covered much, let alone a thick bulky diaper. “And now, for our final contestant, let’s give a warm welcome to a young lady who is a newcomer to the skating scene but shows a lot of promise, give a warm round of applause for eighteen year old Katie,” the announcer said, and the crowd applauded generously. It was finally time. I began skating to the music being played over the loudspeaker. My routine was going great until around the last few minutes. I felt the need to poop and did not want to because obviously skating with a loaded poopy diaper wouldn’t be the best combination.It was impairing my concentration. As I was trying to stay focused on what I did, and with a pained expression on showing on my face, my body forced the poop out of me. I tried with all of my might to keep it in, but it was no use, as I had virtually little to no control these days when it came to pooping and peeing my diapers, and I was now skating with a poopy, squishy diaper. Despite this fact, I tried to do my best. I was doing fine, and still hanging in there doing my routine, that was until my very last (and most challenging) move where I had to jump in the air, spin, and land back on the ice and skate to the side. I began to jump, and when I landed, instead of landing on two feet, I completely missed and landed on my bottom. The impact of me hitting the ground and smashing the poop in my diaper was a strange and incredible feeling. I had sat in my poopy diapers plenty of times before, but smashing it down with such force like I did this time was completely foreign to me. I felt so miserable and embarrassed and instantly shed tears. Forgetting the fact that several thousand people where watching me and that I was on local TV, I cried to my coach “I’m sorry. I went poopy in my diaper and I lost control.” She then ran over to me, helped me up and brought me back to where she was sitting. Reality came back to me and I realized what I had said in front of everyone. People were staring at me with strange looks. I put my head down and closed my eyes, crying. My coach tried to comfort me, saying that it was ok and that no one could hear me or see my diaper, even though there was now a foul smell lingering around me and my diaper was noticeably sagging well below my skirt. I appreciated her trying to calm me down, but knew everyone was still watching. I wondered what the people from the TV station were saying on the air about me. My coach escorted me away from the competition area, grabbed the spare diapers and changing supplies my mom had given her before the competition and took me to the locker room to change me out of my completely loaded diaper. She laid me down on a special counter space in the girls locker room that was meant for moms that had to change babies, but I fit just fine on it. She didn’t really have to undress me to change me, she simply lifted my small skating skirt up and started to undo my diaper, which revealed the massive load I had made in my diaper. I always do pretty big poopy’s, but my body betrayed me today with this massive load I had filled my diaper with, and during the middle of my skating competition no less. When I got home I watched the skating contest that my mom had DVR’d. They didn’t mention anything about me wearing diapers since their microphones didn’t pick up what I said. But all the people watching heard me. I was feeling pretty bad that day from losing the contest, but my mom made me feel better. She saw me crying in my crib that afternoon and picked me up. “Aww, it’s ok Katie. You tried your best. Mommy will make you feel better. You look tired. You need a nap. Would you like me to rock you and read you a story?’ “Yeah, please mama,” I said quietly. She put me in my sleeper and began rocking me. I feel asleep in her arms only after two minutes of the story she started reading me. When I woke up I was soaked and still in my mother’s arms. She changed me, and dressed me back into some of my comfy baby clothes I wore around the house. I felt better after my nap, and didn’t care what those people thought anymore. I didn’t know most of them anyway, and being in diapers was something that I loved to much to give up, regardless of who knew about it. I returned the next week to continue my practices, and now all of the other kids at the skate center who practiced there knew I wore diapers. I even heard a few of the other girls my age giggle when they saw me, and saw them pointing at my diaper underneath my outfit, but I just tried to ignore them and kept on getting better and better at my skating and Mrs. Johnson always had my back too. By the end of the summer I had entered two more contests and finished 5th and 2nd, and thankfully didn’t have anymore poopy accidents while skating, but did skate both of those contests in wet diapers both times. After all, I’m a diaper girl and diapers aren’t going to keep me from doing things I love to do, and I’m certainly never going to give up my diapers either. -- source link
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