It came to be November. Katie was of course still in diapers and was wearing babyish clothes around
It came to be November. Katie was of course still in diapers and was wearing babyish clothes around the house, and pretty much being treated like a toddler around her home 24/7. Every Thanksgiving holiday her family would always go visit her relatives. She always liked going to see these relatives and they always met up at her Grandmother’s house. The night before they left she asked her mom if she’d have to wear baby clothes at her Grandmother’s house. Her moms reply was no, but she said that if someone notices her diapers that she would tell them why she wore them.—————————————————————————————— We arrived at my Grandmother’s house early on Thanksgiving Day. By the time we got there, my diaper was soaking wet and cold. I was still wearing the ABU diapers, and had in fact switched to these diapers almost exclusively. I liked the babyish designs on them, and my parents said that since I was essentially a toddler anyway that I should wear diapers that fit with that image. I was happy to wear these diapers, even though it was fairly obvious by the crinkle and bulk under my pants that I was diapered, but by this point I didn’t care because of how much I loved being in diapers 24/7. Anyway, by the time we got to my Grandmother’s I badly needed a changing but I didn’t know how to get my mom’s attention without flat out saying “my diaper is wet,” so I nudged my mom’s leg a little and pointed to the front of my pants. She understood what I was trying to say. “Excuse me, we’ll be right back.” She grabbed my diaper bag and took me into the bathroom and changed my diaper on the bathroom floor. “If you need to be changed you are going to have to come to me and tell me.” My mom said mater-of-factly, as she finished powdering my diaper area and taped up my fresh diaper. “But mommy.” I said in a whiney voice. “But nothing Katie. If you can’t act like a regular teenage girl and use the potty, and wear big girl panties like other girls your age then I guess everyone should know.” My mom said as she rolled up my used diaper and placed it in a plastic bag before putting it in my diaper bag so they could dispose of it when we got back home. My mom might have not cared if others found out I wore diapers, but she still wanted to be considerate and not leave my stinky diapers in the trash for everyone to smell while we were at my Grandmother’s house.I was a little stunned by what she had said and wanted to cry. I hoped that I wouldn’t need to be changed for the rest of the day, but knew that was impossible since lunch was only an hour away and we wouldn’t be leaving until after supper time. After I was changed I went off to play with my cousins. One was my age and the other two were a year younger. None of them wore diapers of course. The one who was my age was a boy and the other two were girls. We got along quite well for the most part, except my guy cousin, John, sometimes picked on us girls. It came to be lunch time. My diaper was dry at this point but I knew that wouldn’t last. I ate a lot of food since I was quite hungry. I also drank a few glasses of chocolate milk and some water and lemonade as well, and knew I’d be paying for it later. Later came. Around mid afternoon I was playing games with my cousins when I wet my diaper. Of course, after a few seconds it didn’t feel very wet and things were fine. A half hour later I had to pee again. This time the wet feeling stayed. The diaper wasn’t leaking, but was beginning to get soggy and bulky (the ABU’s always got thicker when wet). When I walked they made more noise, as usual. One of my cousins, the one my age, noticed the crinkling noise and asked me what that was. I acted as if I didn’t know and he forgot about it. Another hour passed. Now my diaper was soaked and the pee was cold. I could feel the wetness in every move I made. I didn’t want to tell my mom I needed to be changed, so I didn’t, and just tried to ignore it and hope for the best, and hope that I could hold off mentioning my diapers to my mom until we left that night. She hadn’t come to check to see if I needed a diaper change, so I thought that just maybe I could make this plan of mine work.Something happened which made my little plan fail though. When it was my turn to spin the “spinner” on the game we were playing, I felt I had to poop, and I knew it was going to be a big load since I hadn’t gone since earlier the day before. So I tried my best to hold it. I didn’t have much control left after being in diapers for so long, but what little I had I was determined to try and hold off pooping my diaper until maybe my cousins went to do something else or maybe when they had to use the bathroom. It wasn’t meant to be however and my ability to hold it lasted for about ten minutes. Then the feeling was stronger and I couldn’t hold it any longer. I stopped for a short bit during the game and kind of gave a muffled grunt as I felt my muscles give in, and felt almost two days worth of poop fill my diaper. Before I knew it, there was a strong odor coming from my diaper. And of course, my cousins noticed it. “What’s that smell? Darn it, Lisa, did you have another accident again?” John, the cousin my age asked his sister who was a little older than my sister, and a year younger than me, and apparently had been having some accidents in her pants from time to time lately. “No. I didn’t go poop.” Lisa said with a red face. “Then who did?” He looked at me and I just kind of was there squatting down, not wanting to sit in my dirty diaper and smoosh it, so I just acted like I didn’t hear him, and I didn’t say a word as he continued to look at me and the stance I was in, with a now obvious diaper bulge around my crotch, and a smell that couldn’t be mistaken for anything but a dirty diaper. “Was it you Katie? Did you poop in your pants?” John asked with distain in his voice.I knew I was busted and couldn’t get out of it. My other cousins, the girls around my age, were both wearing leggings, and it was obvious that they hadn’t pooped their pants and didn’t have a diaper on underneath their leggings either. I on the other hand was wearing toddler-style overalls that my mom had dressed me in earlier that morning, that also had snaps in the crotch and legs for easy diaper changes. How they hadn’t noticed my poofy butt and crotch earlier was an amazing feat in itself, but now I was busted and there was no way out of it. I got up and ran, or more like waddled with my now loaded diaper, to where my mom was playing cards with tears in my eyes. I shyly told her “I need my diaper changed.” “Oh, excuse me, Katie needs her diaper changed. From what I smell, I think she pooped her diaper” My mom said nonchalantly. As if changing a teenage girls diaper was just a normal everyday thing.Everyone at the table, except my sister and father, who were playing cards had a puzzled look on their face as my mom patted my bottom to feel my loaded diaper and then held my hand and led me to the bathroom, with my diaper bag over her shoulder.I heard them comment, “Katie wears diapers? Since when?” My dad began telling them the whole story. He explained how they had caught me with an opened pack of diapers in my room and they had busted me wearing diapers about 10 months earlier. He told them how they had confronted me about my diaper wearing and after some discussion and my admitting that I enjoyed wearing diapers that they had decided to return me to diapers and treat me like a toddler 24/7. My relatives had tons of questions of course, but my dad was patient and explained to them that I was no longer really potty trained and was now reliant on diapers. That back at home I was dressed as a toddler, and I also slept in a crib and got changed on a changing table, and they brought a diaper bag with them whenever we went out in public. I no longer wore panties like other girls my age, and they had in fact thrown away all my panties when I had decided to wear diapers. And of course I didn’t use the toilet at all, and if I had to pee or poop I just did it in my diaper like a toddler would do.In the bathroom, while my dad was explaining all of this to my relatives, my mom was changing my diaper, and getting me all clean after the big mess I had made in my diaper. Finally after cleaning me thoroughly, she pulled out some footy pajamas and my paci and put the paci in my mouth as she slipped my legs into the pajamas. I kind of let out a moan of frustration, and tried to object, but my mom gave me a quick pop on my diaper.“Katie, you are a toddler, and around the house you wear these clothes, and now that everyone knows you are in diapers it shouldn’t make a difference. Unless you want to wear just your diaper and t-shirt and paci when we go back out there. Is that what you want baby girl?” My mom paused as she waited for an answer.I quickly shook my head no. “That’s what I thought. Don’t worry, it’s no big deal. Now everyone knows you’re a baby and wear diapers, so now you can enjoy yourself and not worry about people finding out about your diapers.” She said as she zipped up my pajamas, rolled up my loaded diaper, which my Grandmother had said she could throw away in the regular trash now, helped me to my feet and then gave my diaper butt a pat before leading me out of the bathroom.When my diaper was changed, my mom and I walked out of the bathroom, me in my toddler footy pajamas with my paci in my mouth, and my mom holding my diaper bag in one hand and my loaded stinky diaper in the other as she headed towards the trashcan. A few of my relatives looked at me strangely and when I went back to play with my cousins, John poked fun at me. “You baby. Can’t you use the toilet like everyone else?” “Shut up.” I said in a crying voice. It made me sad when people, especially family laughed at me for wearing diapers. “Oh, did I hurt the baby’s feelings. I’m sorry.” John said mockingly. “Cut it out John. So she wears diapers. Katie, I don’t care if you wear diapers. Let’s play somewhere else.” Lisa, who was one year younger than me, said. I was glad she didn’t mind. Alyssa, my other girl cousin didn’t care either. We played games without John and he just watched TV for the rest of the day. My Aunts, Uncles, and Grandmother didn’t seem to care very much either and I overheard one of them saying something like, “Well, everyone’s different I guess. I’m sure it’s just a phase she’s going through.” If this was a phase it was the happiest phase of my life, and I had no intention of ever giving up my diapers. -- source link
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