bougiefemme:What Happens to Sex Workers When the Hood Gentrifies? by Shanna Collins“For s
bougiefemme:What Happens to Sex Workers When the Hood Gentrifies? by Shanna Collins“For sex workers, the added criminalization that comes with gentrification only exacerbates the already abusive history that exists between them and the police. “While not every person who engages in street sex trades experiences police brutality, reports and studies from around the world indicated that law enforcement is the ‘Big Daddy’ of perpetrators,” Chateuvert continues. “Profiling and violence also encourage modern-day vigilantism, creating a climate for ordinary citizens to stalk, threaten, and harass sex workers on the street.” Transgender women of color (who are often arrested by cops on suspicion of prostitution regardless of being sex workers or not) are particularly and aggressively targeted by police.”“We must link how gentrification, criminalization and police brutality function together. Decriminalization of sex work is not the only step in reducing violence towards sex workers. Only then can we begin developing more empowering strategies towards revolutionary countermeasures against the state by our communities. “ -- source link