7E Guest Artist - Casey ReasThe first time I was exposed to Casey Reas’ artwork was throug
7E Guest Artist - Casey ReasThe first time I was exposed to Casey Reas’ artwork was through installation art he created for Yeasayer. I was excited to see them perform at FYF in 2012 since they had recently added Cale Parks, one of my favorite drummers, to the lineup. I was wondering who created the triangular installation on stage and much much later found out it was Casey in collaboration with Aranda\Lasch. That discovery led to another realization that I had actually been introduced to his work even earlier by using Processing, the programming environment for visual artists. Casey co-created processing with Ben Fry and it has of course also now been adapted as the default development environment for arduino. Learning to code was a necessity to express his art. Casey’s visual work is mostly generative, always interesting and spans a wide range of mediums. Jinna would love to own one of Reas’ pattern dresses shown above. As an engineer I deeply respect an artist who has made such widespread contributions across the union of Art + Engineering. Thanks Casey for joining us on 7E.-terryhttp://twitter.com/7electrons -- source link