Not making gains? Because overweight people have such a large fat supply that they can still manage
Not making gains? Because overweight people have such a large fat supply that they can still manage to designate enough calories towards muscle growth, a 230 pound person with 25% BF may be able to supply 1500 calories from fat per day so if they ate 1000 calories they may realistically be supplying 2500 calories. If this 230 pound person dropped to say 180 pounds with 10% BF then they now have a much smaller supply of fat stores so it is impossible for fat to provide as much energy per day as it previously did, at 10% BF thier fat stores may only be able to supply perhaps 700 calories per day so they would have to eat more calories to compensate for a lower amount of calories coming from fat stores. This is exactly why fat people can drastically cut caloires without losing much muscle tissue, thier fat stores are capable of supplying these calories, but a person at 5% BF is an entirely different story, they can only reduce calories very slightly otherwise they will experience excessive muscle tissue breakdown because they simply do not have the capability to supply large amounts of calories from fat stores because they hardly have any fat stores. - The lower your BF is, the more calories you need to gain muscle while bulking or to retain muscle while cutting. - The higher your BF is the less calories you need to gain muscle while bulking or to retain muscle while cutting. #fitblr #fitgrams #getfitnotexcuses #makeachange #gymqotd -- source link