thespectacularspider-girl:did-you-kno:Researchers at Columbia University proposed a new kind of hang
thespectacularspider-girl:did-you-kno:Researchers at Columbia University proposed a new kind of hanging cemetery for NYC, which is running out of room to bury the hundreds of people who die there each day. The vision for Constellation Park is to suspend bodies in glowing pods under the Manhattan Bridge and leave them to decay like luminous works of art. SourceAh yes, I too look forward to the day where cadavers will be stored hanging overhead constantly reminding me of the looming fate of a cold, empty, lifeless end to my own existence.Certainly these corpse pods will do our society well, the glow of them will surly distract from the fact that they’re filled with the rotting carcasses of the deceased. Finally, we can thank science for looking at a cemetery and saying “This is fine but what if it is suspended in a necro-fuckswing”?We can all anticipate no longer looking up at the stars with our children. Instead of pointing out the lights of the big dipper you can point out the light belonging to grandma’s moldering remains.And it’ll be interesting. When the apocalypse plague hits we’ll just have to deal with it raining zombies occasionally. -- source link