geosaurus:dearcissexism:girljanitor:[TW: Transmisogyny]rad-scum:socialjusticemage:rad-scum:Let&rsquo
geosaurus:dearcissexism:girljanitor:[TW: Transmisogyny]rad-scum:socialjusticemage:rad-scum:Let’s evaluate, shall we?“they believe that patriarchy is the root of all oppression and that male privilige trumps all other privileges”I actually have no idea where you could have gotten that. Like, none whatsoever. Sexism is one of many types of oppressions, and it is the one that affects females. Perhaps you are confused because we refuse to let our feminism be derailed by men? And of course, if their blog is dedicated to radical feminism, their focus will be on sexism and the patriarchy, because that is literally what feminism is for.“They believe that trans women have male privilege”Maybe we believe this because trans women are male? Why do libfems accept calling it “male privilege” and then decide that it should only apply to some males. Male privilege applies to all males.“They think they are oppressed by trans women using women’s bathrooms”Well, you are correct that we don’t think that males should be allowed in female bathrooms. Consider why you wouldn’t want “cis” men allowed in our bathrooms and transfer that to trans women. No amount of “gender fuckery” or surgery erases years of male socialisation. Radical feminists support the safety of females. Why this is a radical concept? Who knows.“They say women shouldn’t be reduced to body parts while at the same time asserting that you can only be a woman if you have breasts and a uterus”Women shouldn’t be reduced to body parts. That doesn’t change the fact that “female” is a biological term referring to the sex with uteri and the ability to bear young. Males cannot be females.“They think that men of color have privilege over white women”I also have no clue where you came up with this. All men, regardless of race, have male privilege where women don’t. All white people, regardless of sex, have white privilege where POC don’t. The two forms of oppressions aren’t comparable. You can’t say that one has it better over the other. That’s bullshit.I hope this has helped you. Maybe now you have a better grasp on what radical feminism is.I’m going to humor myself in thinking you’ll actually change your mind after reading this, but I’m going to begin to address this fuckery.For such a “radical” movement, you certainly like to call women “females” a lot, just like those oh-so socially revolutionary MRAs (this is sarcasm, by the way).Number one.“I actually have no idea where you could have gotten that. Like, none whatsoever.”Could it be the rampant lack of intersectionality within the radical feminist movement that makes me think that? Could it be the white cis thin neurotypical nondisabled affluent women speaking over everyone else? Noooo, I must just be getting that idea out of nowhere, then! (also sarcasm)Number two.Trans women do not have male privilege. Women, cis or trans, are not male. If privilege is such a dichotomy that anyone who can’t bear children has male privilege, then why do cis women who are infertile or who have had hysterectomies still not experience male privilege? Does a cis woman gain male privilege after menopause? How does this mythical system of male privilege work?Number three.“Radical feminists support the safety of females. Why this is a radical concept? Who knows.”Once again, using the ever-progressive wording that MRAs resort to when they talk about women as objects. And if radscum ACTUALLY believed this, then they’d be standing up for and getting angry on behalf of women who don’t fit their rigid definitions of what a woman is. They would actually give a fuck about women of color, disabled women, poor women, queer women, fat women, etc. Radscum put the safety of privileged women at the top of their priorities and every other woman gets ignored. I’ve not once seen radscum actually stand up for the safety of marginalized women, because if they did, then I wouldn’t be responding to this, now would I?I’m going to humour myself in thinking you’ll actually change your mind after reading this, but since it didn’t work the first time, I’m guessing not.Number one.I am not cis. You do not get to call me that. I am also not thin or non disabled. There are many other feminists in our movement that also do not fit what you described, and your erasure of them is actually really gross.Radical feminists, unlike many other branches of feminism (particularly liberal feminism), do not speak over females. We do not silence their experiences (often true in the case of sex workers, whose negative experiences are constantly silenced by libfems because it doesn’t fit their idea of sex positivity)Number two.Trans women are male. Sex is a biological fact. It cannot be changed through surgery, because it is about more than just your visible genitals. Additionally, even if trans women could somehow magically change their sex, they would still have grown up with male socialization (this is how the ~mythical system~ of male privilege works, males are given privilege. Crazy, right?). They would still know male privilege, and still have the male sense of entitlement - this is obvious considering how often they try to force their way into our safe spaces or convince lesbians that by not wanting to have sex with them they are somehow terrible people.Number three.I’ll level with you. I despise having to call women “females”. It’s gross and dehumanizing. But with people like you, there is no other choice, because if I say “women” you will think that that includes trans women, which generally, it does not. However, it is still less gross than calling women “cis”, since that implies that we are okay with the gender roles that have been forced on us since the day we were born. Just to let you know, from now on when I say women, I mean women who are female.All women are marginalized. You are the one shitting all over women, and as a feminist I will call that out. Also, as I mentioned earlier, plenty of radfems are not white, straight, able-bodied, etc. etc. (Including myself. Actually, a majority of radfems seem to be queer.) Stop pretending that we don’t exist. I know this probably won’t convince you, but I do truly hope that you will take some of these concepts to mind and do your own research, because that is how I escaped the group think of liberal feminism.This is like six paragraphs when you could have just said, “Everything you’re saying is accurate and I don’t/can’t refute any of your points, I just need you to know that I hate you and will actively work against your safety and happiness.”Like, why are you even in this thread, when it’s just a person being like “here is what radscum is, since you asked” and you coming in from left field being like “Huff! How dare you! Yes, this is exactly what I am and how dare you EXIST!!!”Like, even by your own standards, you’re failing.Everyone, let’s take a moment to appreciate GirlJanitor, who is taking the time out of their(?) day to argue with this brick wall. I salute you, and all you stand for, because dear god I could not handle this.If I may but into a conversation that doesn’t need me, our radscum friend over here brilliantly demonstrates the particular equivocation that drives me mad; sex=gender.What exactly does “Biological sex” refer to? An individual’s genetic makeup? The presence or absence of particular tissues, the ratio of hormone within the body? Biological sex, I have discovered, is a dangerously vague term. It means ‘the physical appearance of a person’s genitalia that results from their genetic make up.’ It’s saying, ‘a man is a man because he’s a man,’ but meaning, ‘a cisman is socially considered a man because his 47th pair of genes is XY and he has a penis that developed in the womb.’ In this essay tumblr post I will deconstruct the invented notion of biological sex as it relates to gender.1. Genetic sex (karyotype)There aren’t two genetic sexes; there are as many genetic sexes as there are mutations of the 47th chromosome pair. The more common ones include XXX, XXY, XYY, and X. Though these mutations are uncommon, most individuals who are either XXX, XXY or XYY don’t know they aren’t XX or XY because the effects are minimal. All these karyotypes, however, are still considered male or female because their sex is evaluated by their bodily sex.2. Bodily sex (Phenotype)In a developing fetus, the same cells that become the sensitive tip of the penis on an XY, XXY, or XYY baby become the clitoris on an X, XX, or XXX baby. It’s literally the same group of cells. There isn’t an inherent difference between the two. It comes as no surprise then, that when doctors look at a baby’s genitalia to determine its sex, sometimes, they can’t tell. Humans can be intersexed, meaning that their genitalia is not clearly male or female, even if their 47th pair of chromosomes is XX or XY. What should come as a surprise is that It is common for doctors to perform surgery the baby’s genitalia so it appears to be either ‘male’ or ‘female,’ preferably before it’s 18th months of age. Sometimes there are urine drainage issues, but usually it’s just to make the genitals “look right.”Let me put it out there; we live in a society that considers forced surgery on an infant’s genitalia an acceptable way to reassign sex, but the voluntary SRS of an adult disgusting. Food for thought, though you’ll probably get food poisoning.3. Gender (??????)I’ll be honest, I have no fucking clue what gender is. People will claim that ‘men’ act a certain way because testosterone makes them, ignoring that 1. cismen are conscious human beings and 2. ciswomen also have testosterone. Therefore, consider the rest of this unscientific. It is at best philosophy, at and worst my opinion.What I am fairly sure of is that gender is social. That doesn’t make it less real. Different cultures have different genders (white people cannot be hijras, for example), and it is the work of white academia to resolve them into the two ‘biologically derived sexes’ they have used to oppress their own women, trans*folk, intersexed folk, and non-gender compliant men (gay men, cross-dressing men), and to justify oppression abroad.Call me a Quaker, but as I see it, Gender Identity is an individual’s way of expressing their personal truth. At least, it becomes that when every other way of understanding your sexual existence is a lie. I identify as gender queer so you will understand I am not a woman; a transwoman identifies as a woman so you will understand that she is. And you, my dear rad-scum, are shitting on that, you are litearally shitting on people based on where exactly where they want to shit, because you’re a shitlord, I guess.I hereby deem you rad-shit. -- source link
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