sparkafterdark:bonygirlalister:i-am-santafuckingclaus:ohmygil:winterwolff:viennesewaltz:crazyrestlessdumblove:Each ball weighs differently, causing each one to bounce to a specific height, and when precisely placed in the dust pans and thrown down… 2013EVERY TIME this comes up on my dash i just sit here and stare at it FOREVERRRRRrr.whoaaaaaaaaaaaaReblog while you can, the year’s almost over D:I’ve literally seen this all through the year and it STILL leaves me in a state of utter awe.The fact that a single person believes that this is in any way real fucking amazes me. “they’re weighted differentl-” NO SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU LYING IDIOT.PHYSICS DOESN’T FUCKING WORK LIKE THAT.NO DEGREE OF HUMAN PRECISION COULD POSSIBLY ACCOMPLISH THIS TASKalso the every frame is .08 seconds long except the first frame after he steps out of view which is almost a second long,also the background shading changes slightly, but also instantly and all together in the frame of the first bounce.also the guy who made this video is a SWISS ANIMATOR NAMED RAFAEL SOMMERHALDERYOU PEOPLE ARE FUCKING IDIOTSHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA FRIEND YOU FAIL TO REALIZE THAT I REALLY DONT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT HOW THIS CAME TO BE. ITS COOL NO MATTER WHICH WAY IT FUCKS ME, SO KINDLY ZIP A LIP AND STOP CALLING US IDIOTS WHEN IT LITERALLY DOESNT MATTER WHAT KINDA WITCHCRAFT THEY DECIDED TO BRAINSEX ME WITH. I SIMPLY ENJOY IT NO MATTER WHAT AND YOU SHOULD TOO RATHER THAN BEING A PARTY POOPER -- source link
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