(The Car (1955), by John Brack)Epiphany - FramesWhen I talk to people, I observe what kind of frame
(The Car (1955), by John Brack)Epiphany - FramesWhen I talk to people, I observe what kind of frame they have. With smart, good and hearty people you don’t notice or get distracted by their frames. Just like a good painting. It’s organic and fused with the whole.For harmonious souls, their frames are not visible. It’s there, but as if it isn’t.And I’ve already said it, there is the third type. They don’t live within frames. Not between breakfast and dinner, nor between midsummer eve and New Years. Not between Riga and Moscow, nor the north and south poles. They have learned to swim, to swim without floaters. They go out from the cosmic vessel without a tether. They live without frames.But that is just how it appears. It is only a pretence. In reality there is no one without a frame. Those who we think are without a frame, or believe themselves to be without a frame - they don’t see their own frame. Their inner life is so rich that they can’t see their behavioural motives. Hence they are unattached. They feel free since they can’t see their frames. It is like they are blind and deaf. They go everywhere carrying their frame but don’t notice it - they are that strong. They are deaf, with a bell around the neck, but they can’t hear it, and it doesn’t disturb them. I wish I were this third type, and to go everywhere with all my frames, and my bells around my neck, but I am the second type. And there is nothing that can be done about that.- Imants Ziedonis(Under the cut for the Latvian original)Kad es runāju ar cilvēkiem, es vēroju, kāds ir viņa rāmis. Gudram, labam un veselam cilvēkam rāmi nejūt, neredz. Tāpat kā īstai labai gleznai. Tas ir organisks un vienots ar visu kopā. Harmoniskai dvēselei rāmji ir neredzami. Tie ir, un it kā to nav. Un es jau teicu – ir trešie. Viņi rāmjos nedzīvo. Viņi nedzīvo ne starp brokastīm un vakariņām, ne starp Jāņiem un Jaungadu. Ne starp Rīgu un Maskavu, ne Ziemeļpolu un Dienvidpolu. Viņi ir peldēt pratēji, viņi peld bez glābšanas riņķiem. Viņi iziet no kosmiskā kuģa nepiesējušies. Viņi dzīvo bez rāmjiem. Bet tas tikai tā liekas. Tā ir tikai šķietamība. Patiesībā nav cilvēku bez rāmjiem. Tie, kurus domājam esam bez rāmjiem vai kuri paši sevi domā esam bez rāmjiem, - savus rāmjus paši neredz. Viņu iekšējās pasaules darbība ir tik bagāta, ka viņi neredz savas rīcības motīvus. Tāpēc viņi ir nesaistīti. Viņi jūtas brīvi, jo viņi neredz savu rāmi. Viņi ir kā aklie un kurlie. Viņi iet visur ar savu rāmi un to nejūt – tik stipri viņi ir. Viņi ir kurlie, kuriem zvaniņš kaklā, bet viņi to nedzird, un tas viņus netraucē. Es gribētu būt trešais un iet visur ar visiem rāmjiem un zvaniem kaklā, bet es esmu otrais. Un tur nekā nevar darīt. -- source link
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