Afternoon Ashtanga Primary Series Practice: Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend or Prasarita Padottana
Afternoon Ashtanga Primary Series Practice: Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend or Prasarita Padottanasa Prasarita= Spread out; Pada= Feet; Uttana= Intense Stretch; Asana= Pose How often have you heard people say, “I can’t do yoga- I can’t even touch my toes”? What they don’t realize is that yoga isn’t about touching your toes or achieving any other goal; it’s about learning to skillfully move your body through its appropriate range of motion. When you practice Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide-Legged Forward Bend), the aim is to fold forward from the hips so that you can stretch your hamstrings without straining your back. It doesn’t matter how close you get to the ground. What matters is that you learn to stabilize your legs and your spine while you bend forward. When you do Prasarita Padottanasana mindfully, it stretches your hamstring, calves, and hips; strengthens your feet, ankles, and legs; and build awareness of how to protect your lower back. This pose is also a mild inversion, as it lowers your head and heart below the hips. The combination of the inverted shape and the forward fold tends to bring a wonderful feeling of calmness. Finally, this pose will build strength in your shoulders and upper back, and it will give length and ease to your neck muscles. Namasté #yoga #yogi #yogadudes #yogamen #yogalove #yogainspiration #yogaeverydamnday #prasaritapadottanasana #wideleggedforwardbend #ashtanga #ashtangi #drishti #manduka #asana #primaryseries #fit #fitness #vsco #vscocam #vscodaily #igyoga #instayoga #om #flexibility #yogaforlife #om #variation #namaste #holistic #wellness (at Patrick’s Mini Yoga Shala) -- source link
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