italianartsociety:ByJean Marie CareyEven measured by a tumultuous and cruel time,Vitellius, born 24
italianartsociety:ByJean Marie CareyEven measured by a tumultuous and cruel time,Vitellius, born 24 September 15, was a terrible emperor despised by the RomanArmy, civilians, and Senate. Reigning for eight months of the “Year of FourEmperors” in 69, succeeding Galba and Otho, Vitellius was the first to add thehonorific cognomen Germanicus to his name instead of Caesar.Vitellius executed Roman creditors demanding repaymentfor their financing of the Legion. With financial affairs in a state ofcalamity, Vitellius took to killing citizens who had named him as their heir,often together with any co-heirs. Moreover, he engaged in the pursuit of everypossible rival, inviting them to the palace with promises of power, only toorder their assassination. His claim to the throne was soon challenged by legionsstationed in the eastern provinces, who proclaimed their commander Vespasian emperor instead. War ensued, leadingto a crushing defeat for Vitellius at the SecondBattle of Bedriacum in northern Italy. Once he realised his supportwas wavering, Vitellius prepared to abdicate in favor of Vespasian but wasexecuted in Rome by Vespasian’s soldiers on 22 December 69.The Senate acknowledged Vespasianas emperor on the following day, beginning a phase of relative stability.Reference: Don Nardo. “Vitellius.“ The Greenhaven Encyclopedia ofAncient Rome, Greenhaven Press, 2002, p. 68. (Gale Online WorldHistory in Context.)Gold Aureus of Vitellius. Reverse: Libertas standing, holding pileus in right hand and long rod in left; LIBERTAS RESTITVTA. c. 69. Wriston Art Galleries, Lawrence University, Appleton, Wisconsin Ottilia Buerger Coin Collection, Nr. 91146.EmperorVitellius, c. 50. Rock crystal; foundin Caesarea. Erich Lessing Cultureand Fine Arts Archives, Nr. 08-05-06/62.AntonioTempesta, Emperor Galba on Horseback, The First Twelve Roman Caesars, c. 1596. The Illustrated Bartsch.Vol. 35, Antonio Tempesta: Italian Masters of the Sixteenth Century, Nr. 602(146).Tintoretto, c. 1550, Head of Emperor Vitellius. University of California, San Diego. Unknown sculptor, Emperor Vitellius, c. 1650. Onyx, porphyry. Musée national des châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon. MV 6185.Further Reading: David Colin Arthur Shotter. Lives of Galba, Otho & Vitellius.Warminster, Eng.: Aris & Phillips, 1993. Nancy H. Ramage. RomanArt: Romulus to Constantine. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson, 2015. Charles L. Murison. Galba,Otho and Vitellius: Careers and Controversies.Hildesheim: Olms Verlag, 1993. -- source link
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