This really gives you a sense of just how late I have been in getting to my inbox– sorry a
This really gives you a sense of just how late I have been in getting to my inbox– sorry about that! But Hotspur is forever diamonds so I hope you will forgive me (if not for the inappropriateness of comparing Hotspur, the LITERAL ANTITHESIS OF FOREVER, to forever diamonds).I absolutely get what you mean about preferring Hal because of everyone else hating on him, I don’t think we ever give enough credit to just how difficult it is to form our opinions in a void. I mean, unless one actually does exist in a void, in which case I suppose one doesn’t have much choice in the matter. After all, the main reason that I prefer Falstaff over Hal is that the play is on Hal’s side! Which is, I think, a similar kind of recalcitrant reaction to yours. It might be debatable whether Hal thinks of his ascendancy as a kind of sacrifice, but my resistance to that reading probably has a lot to do with the fact that I generally shy away from ascribing a coherent internal psyche to characters who have a lot going on in their skulls (e.g. Hamlet). I just enjoy it a lot when people like Hal and Hamlet show up onstage and fuck shit up while everyone around them throws their hands up in the air and is like “BUT WHY?????”That Gryffindor vs Slytherin metaphor though, oh my god, too accurate :’( Hotspur is what really happens to Gryffindors, guys! It should be the house with the lowest life expectancy!A dozen more asks under the cut– seriously, it’s a backlog swamp in here. NO NO THE ABILITY TO FEEL IN RE: LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE WAS ALWAYS ALREADY WITHIN YOU, all I have done is remind you of it! For god’s sake anon why would you go anon for this, the latter-stretches-of-the-book-series section of the Little House fandom is minuscule enough without you choosing to remain faceless! I’m joking, of course you should remain every bit as faceless as you desire, SO AS LONG AS YOU KEEP TALKING TO ME ABOUT HOW MUCH YOU LOVE CAP GARLAND, LOUDEST FUCK IN THE WESTA family friend gave me one of the books when I was nine or ten, and because that was long before I grew fed up with the written word, I proceeded to slowly collect and devour the rest of the series – I think I just have a weird natural predilection for latter stretches of growing-up narratives, for example I much prefer the “I have a job and I can buy fancy underwear!” section of A Tree Grows in Brooklyn – and then Cap Garland happened, and he and Almanzo Wilder wouldn’t stop hanging out, so you know, I just assumed… that they were banging… as you naturally assume of any guys that hang out with each other… you know, as you do. Kevin Smith called male relationships “just one pleasantry shy of a cock in the mouth”, which seems scientifically accurate to me. Anyway HOW ABOUT THAT CAPMANZO ANON? EH? I’m sorry for temporarily being the bozo who stole the ice cream at her own party, but it was only to nudge you towards other types of ice cream that are not made entirely of garbage u__u What kind of parties do you go to that people steal all the ice cream at it on a regular basis? That’s such bullshit, I hope you beat them up! Unfortunately I am back with more garbage ice cream – even though the first time I absconded with it, I was only pretending, and then a little while later I was kidnapped along with the garbage ice cream and I was forced to be absent from the party for several months – you know what, I am hurting myself with my inability to wield this extended metaphor, so I’m going to stop laboring the point. I’m here with garbage ice cream! You stay tubular too! I suppose the universe hates those who hate themselves, anon :((((( HOW CAN YOU PROTECT YOURSELF WHEN YOU DON’T KNOW WHO YOU’RE PROTECTING? A CASTLE WITHOUT GATES HAS NO WAY TO LET THE FOOD IN, ET CETERAIT’S ALL VERY DISMAL ISN’T IT When I was eleven and making my best effort at a watercolor landscape, my art teacher looked over my shoulder at my sketchbook and whispered, “No… oh, no…” and literally backed away. But that wasn’t my fault, watercolors are hard and we hadn’t ever really learned how they worked, so whose doing was it really that I gave BIRTH TO A MONSTER? What I mean to say is that you are very forgiving and that I still have no idea what I’m doing, thank you very much! I will continue to horrify all the art teachers out there until I can horrify them a little less! :D Thank you my bro, nobody said anything about quality but for you I will keep on v v v IT’S ON YOU NOW, YOU BEAR THE WEIGHT OF MY ATROCITIES. BE THE HIDEOUS PORTRAIT IN MY ATTIC Unfortunately I don’t think that is possible, since the size you see the comic at is the size it was drawn in– the resolution would probably not work as a poster-sized print. But if you find a workaround of any sort, please feel free to go for it! THAT’S “HEADCANONS”, RIGHT, ANON? It’s not… H/Cs or HARDCORES?? kf;dlhg; WHAT AM I SAYING, “HARDCORES”, THAT’S NOT A WORD. Anyway, headcanons! Yes! What fandom do you have in mind? My entire fandom existence is headcanons! I mean, that is, if variable headcanons are headcanons. I tend not to stick to fixed characterizations, but I really enjoy fucking around with different potential incarnations of characters and arranging overly elaborate accoutrements around them!Like… I’m 99% sure that you’re not here by way of Inception fandom, but my headcanon is that Arthur’s favorite musician is Orange Caramel – which doesn’t really get in the way of my other headcanon that his favorite is Tom Waits and he goes around skulking in alleyways wearing trenchcoats with upturned collars and pretending that he’s way more hardboiled than he actually is – and if some measure of seriousness were required of me, I’d say that his favorite is PJ Harvey, hands down.Also, Eames gets super into dog racing and at first Arthur is like “Wow a new way for you to throw away your hard-earned pay, great job” and Eames is like “You think I hard-earn my pay? That’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said about me!” but then despite his best efforts Arthur gets super into it too and they both become obsessed with promoting humane kennel conditions for racing dogs and they drop out of the dreamshare business to BECOME GREYHOUND BREEDERS FOR THE GREATER GOOD Same, anon… same :’( It’s alive and kicking! Panel comics just take more time to draw and I always feel like I need to mentally prepare myself for them even though, you know, what’s the big deal, IT’S ALL JUST DOODLES OF STUFF IN THE END. I’ll get around to it, if only because I’m way too fond of dragging stuff up from years and years ago out of nowhere! Ooh I hope you’ve been having fun :D I use SAI for linework and Photoshop for coloring– people are really good at making SAI tools resemble traditional media, but for some reason I haven’t quite been able to replicate the look so I’ve sort of given up on that. It could be that my version of SAI doesn’t have full functionality, but also it’s not like I have strong fundamentals with trad media so I wouldn’t necessarily know what to do even if that were an available option! SAI for linework and Photoshop for coloring is the fastest way to go from zero to png that I know of, and the stuff I do (casual, line-focused, disposable) doesn’t strongly benefit from spending lots of time on it so it works for me.Lately (SHE SAID, LIKE SHE’S BEEN DOING MUCH OF ANYTHING LATELY) I’ve been just using the SAI simple round pen tool with no width variation. It’s not the most elegant, but it has a certain easy charm that I enjoy! The bottom line is that I can and will answer any questions to the best of my ability, but all my methods are ramshackle and terrible and you should avoid them, probably. It’s like watching a child raised by wolves trying to operate a zipper for the first time. (If your URL is where you live, I will find you and leave you still lifes of sausages in your mailbox)Holy shit I went through a whole rollercoaster of emotions while reading this ask. During the first third of the sentence I COMPLETELY FREAKED OUT and then during the middle third I was like “……wait wh… why sausages… like, I suppose it’s funny, but… is that a traditional French form of veiled threat, leaving people pictures of sausages…” and then as I moved into the last third I remembered that it is in fact not my address and that I didn’t really have anything to freak out about. It was a very rapid succession of visceral reactions!I think there is currently a bakery at 16 Rue de la Verrerie though, so please do not leave them any mysterious messages in their mailbox ESPECIALLY IF IT IS A TRADITIONAL FRENCH FORM OF VEILED THREAT God do I also love Artemis or what!!!!! I feel guilty about drawing her because I make her much too cuddly, although all puny mortal representations of her vicious transcendental magnificence are too cuddly by far– which, you know, you could likely say about most goddesses of any pantheon. Your love is well-noted and vigorously shared, I will see what I can do! NO NO NO that’s dumb, what a dumb thing to say, I don’t need to SEE what I can do, the referent here is obvious, I should be drawing! I’m not going to SEE WHAT I CAN DO, I’ll just… shut up and do it, in the name of the moon I’ll– wait the streams are getting crossed I was so close to chastising you for that hour of your life you’re never going to get back, but then again I just spent an hour falling into a rabbit hole of Youtube clips so who am I to be sanctimonious. All that remains is for me to thank you and to keep on shitposting– so thank you! And THE SHITPOSTING SHALL RESUME ♥ -- source link
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