keatulie:the–highlanders:keatulie:thinkingingallifreyan:thetwojamies:ettelwenailinon:keatulie:keatulie:keatulie:the–highlanders:keatulie:the ‘Jamie’s from Skye’ headcanon is looking pretty strong.#I just remembered that The Indestructible Man actually gives him the correct spelling of the surname #guess the author was a stickler for accuracy #funnily enough #I only found this because I thought ‘what plaid is Jamie even wearing’ ‘is it just a commercial design’ #so I had to go looking around obvooh interesting! Do you know if it was used before the 1800s? (you probably know this already, but most clan tartans were invented in the revival movement and they were more area-based, hence different setts being worn by the same clans at Culloden, but some seem to date back to at least the 1700s. e.g I think at the entrance to the Culloden museum there’s a set of pipes with a MacKenzie tartan that’s practically identical to the modern one, so it might be older).the only date I could find is from one registered in 1981, though with this being captioned as ‘ancient’ I expect it’s a separate one. still couldn’t find a date for that one, though.I did find a bit of interesting information here, however!‘Alas, there was no recognized MacCrimmon tartan until relatively recently, although being hereditary pipers to the MacLeods, the MacCrimmons would likely have chosen to wear the MacLeod of Harris tartan since the adoption of clan tartans.’I’m glad to know it’s specifically the MacLeod of Harris tartan, that makes me quite happy. I mean, this does only come from one person on a forum but I expect they’ve done their, it’s looking like no after all. but I (possibly) found an answer to my original question ‘what is Jamie even wearing’ on the same forum, which seems to be a mix like a hybrid of the Stewart and Maxwell tartans. my guess is the production team hired someone to make a kilt and they just did a random design? or the kilt was just hanging around in the BBC costume dept. and someone else made it. it’s a mystery.#Jamie has tartan of his own #the Clan TARDIS oh my god. Jamie designing a whole new tartan for his little space family. what if that’s what Victoria is wearing in The Enemy of the World?he tries to do the same with Zoe later she will only wear it if it comes in skin-tight space jumpsuit formYessss, perfect. I always thought that Victoria is wearing it to match Jamie. Good. I had the Skye headcannon since I read about the McCrimmons of Skye on an Outlander book, but I didn’t know it was real. And a great information for the next time I had to describe Jamie’s kilt on a fic.I’d be all for Jamie coming from Skye, but “Highlander” and “Islander” are definitely different identities, and I feel that Jamie falls very much on the “Highlander” side of things. Skye may be connected to the mainland these days, but the Skye bridge is even more recent that the MacCrimmon tartan. :P (For example: Kilts actually weren’t part of Western Isles Gaelic culture until much, MUCH later than the highlands anyway, so if he were an islander [even from Skye] he probably wouldn’t be as attached to wearing his kilt, even as a Jacobite.)there was a thread a bit back where we briefly theorised he may be from Inverness, because there’s a bit of dialogue in The Highlanders (though I can’t remember which part right now) that implies he lives (or lived) fairly close by.but I guess, with no canonical birthplace, you can choose from a lot of places.#things I should know I am not a credit to my heritage #I’m all for accurate world-building Jamie #seeing as the show isn’t going to do it for us #except for The Indestructible Man which I mentioned before actually refers to him as MacCrimmon #I’ve never seen any other part of the EU that does that though there may have been ones I haven’t readAccording to the notes at the end of my copy of the Moonbase novelisation, early scripts spelt it ‘Macrimmon’ (they were… close???), and later scripts had everything from McCrimmon to McCrimmond. Most of the books I’ve read seem to settle on Macrimmon, but that would be a derivative of ‘mac Rimmon’, not ‘mac Crimmon’.If the info in the Facebook page you linked to is correct, though, the spelling ‘MacCrimmon’ wasn’t in use until the 1800s! Oops…ah, yeah, that’s one more thing. pretty sure at this point Jamie is just an anachronistic mix’n’match Scotsman dressed in Stewart’s clothing, but let’s research him anyway because it’s interesting.“In the sixteenth century we find the name in its present form in two of the MacLeod documents, and the following variations in spelling occur subsequently:1614 MAC CRUINNEIN1616 MAC CRIUMMEN1626 MAC CRIMON1664 MAC CRIMMON1717 MAC CRUMEN”Jamie was born in approx. 1724, so it’s likely that the last variation would have actually been his name - or, since it’s the closest to the character’s name, the one still used today.oh this is really neat tho coming as he does from the 1700s and being illiterate I can’t imagine Jamie being that fussed about the spelling of his name maybe he uses the more modern spelling cause the first time he had to have it put down in writing while travelling with the doctor the person filling out the paperwork was like ‘and how do you spell that mccrimmon’ and he was like *blank stare* 'however ye want’ and they were like 'ooookay’ *picks at random* and it stuck imagine Two introducing him to Starbucks though.“what’s your name?”“Jamie.”“oh, we already have a Jamie with this exact order funnily enough. would you mind giving is your full name?”“uh, sure. Jamie McCrimmon.”“and how do you spell that?”“however you like.”“ok.” -- source link
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