jaskenator: Kind Words A silly bit proposed to me by Mickel over VC, and while not the most in-chara
jaskenator: Kind Words A silly bit proposed to me by Mickel over VC, and while not the most in-character thing I’ve ever worked on, but still a very fun bit to make. Especially fun to have the freedom to give characters experssions they normally wouldn’t make. Dialogue was mostly done by Mick and Cas. Check out the real reason this was made, for the dub (coming soon) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL9LCKl6rWzS0pWLN6-qJKA @mickelpickelvoiceacts @casvoiceacts Ladies and gentlemen, may I please direct your attention to THE FREAKIN LEGEND, JASKEN!!! He 100% NAILED the vision Cas and I had for this comic, and I can’t wait to show y’all the dub of this soon!!! In the meantime, go support the heck out of this dude!!! He’s the real MVP ^_^ -- source link
#zootopia#complementary#jaskenator7000#jasken#nick wilde#judy hopps#zootropolis#zootopie#mickelpickelvoiceacts#cas voiceacts