thewinterotter:amy-vic:bjornwilde:heylookitsarevolution:ghettablasta:Cop forces disabled Black man t
thewinterotter:amy-vic:bjornwilde:heylookitsarevolution:ghettablasta:Cop forces disabled Black man to get off the cable car (run by SFMTA) because the driver is afraid of his pitbull service dog.In a viral video shared by San Francisco resident and attorney Gina Tomaselli, a man with a pit bull is seen sitting in a cable car as he argues with a San Francisco Police Department Officer. The operator “refused to drive the cable car unless the disabled man got off the car — even after he presented written documentation of the dog’s status, and then issues him a citation.”Trained service animals are allowed to ride free of charge on all Muni vehicles, and service dogs may travel without a muzzle but “must be under the control of their owners,” the policy reads, and service animals must ride on their owner’s lap, under the owners seat, or as “far out of the aisle as possible,” and animals may not occupy a seat.We can clearly see that the dog is calmly sitting on its owner’s lap.This behavior towards DISABLED Black man is totally unacceptable. In America this could only happen to a person of color. They wouldn’t dare to ask a white person with disabilities to disembark the cable car and nobody would call him asshole.Please, share.#StayWokeAll those white people always championing animal rights need to go do something, take your pitbulls and occupy his trolley. Honestly since I see so much of their activism based around animals why not use it to be intersectional? This is a blatant case of ableist racism and highlights the fear of Pitts always being discussed, so people in SF need to do something, occupy, stand up with this guy>:(I AM SO SICK OF THIS BULLSHIT. LET ME COUNT THE WAYS:1. Racist? Yep. I guaran-goddamn-tee you that if this had been, say, a white lady, nobody would have said shit. But oh ho ho, a Black man + “scary/violent” dog = DANGERDANGERDANGER!!12. Ableist? You betcha. Even after SHOWING LEGAL DOCUMENTATION that proves his dog is registered as a service/support animal, this man is disbelieved. I’m sure, though, that if he’d been wearing dark glasses, carrying a white cane and had a Golden Retreiver wearing a service halter/leash, nobody would have questioned anything. 3. JFC A “PIT BULL” DOES NOT IMMEDIATELY EQUATE TO “SCARY LIMB-RIPPING DEATH VIA ANIMAL,” YOU BRAINDEAD MORONS. Also? From what I can see in that video, the dog is the chillest being on the entire cable car. Also also, yes, this name thing infuriates me, since there are about half a dozen Actual Breeds of dog that are classified as “pit bulls.” #Petition to once more start calling these dogs American Staffordshire Terriers 2K16.I…this makes me irrationally angry, I am not thinking clearly, and I cannot handle this right now. So I’m going to step back and take a minute.Also, he isn’t legally required to show any proof that his animal is a service dog. There is in fact no official service dog registry of any kind… there are places that will “register” your dog as a service animal, but they’re basically scams and are actively harmful to service dog teams, because people expect you to show some sort of certification, which doesn’t actually exist in a legal sense. Some handlers may have some kind of documentation from the organization they got their dog from, or from their doctor, simply because of situations like this, but under the law in the US, you can’t actually demand documentation from a service dog team. So the fact that ANY of this happened the way it did is wildly illegal. I hope the fact that a lawyer took this footage means this man is going to be leveling a hell of a lawsuit at this metro, this driver, and the police department if the cops were there helping to throw him off the tram. Every part of this from beginning to end is absolutely absurd. -- source link
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