━ episode 7 : FINALE ; august 10th, 2019 • #5047performing with : jo yuri #5014 , sia kim
━ episode 7 : FINALE ; august 10th, 2019 • #5047performing with : jo yuri #5014 , sia kim #5026 , lee nakyung #5030singing & dancing : GET IT by PRISTIN V & 기대해 by GIRL’S DAYdistributions : ☁ & ❆ outfits : ☀ & ☽getting second place was something xuxi was extremely happy with - of course, getting first would’ve been even better, but he was just happy to not be last. of course, with such amazingly talented girls in his group he knew they were a shoe in for a good placement. that being said, they all knew the inevitable; one of them was going to be going home, and xuxi hated to think there was a large chance it would be him. the only criticism being the abrupt change of songs wasn’t much - of course he didn’t blame sia for cutting it the way she had, it had been a group decision after all, and sia wasn’t a super experienced professional in it. she’d done her best, and that was all they could ask of her. xuxi was more worried about how he fit into the group. being about a head taller than them all left him sticking out a lot, even when he tried so hard not to. the girl dances were trickier for him, with his stiffer hips. as much as he loved girl group songs he knew they would always look better on the girls. so, when eliminations begin, xuxi’s heart’s in his throat, almost suffocating him. he can hear his blood thrumming behind his eardrums, and he’s so sure it’s going to be him. but then -jieqiong. his knees almost buckle as the lump falls from his mouth is a choked sob, eyes welling with tears as his head whips round to look at jieqiong. his favourite. his new best friend. he was so sure they if he did make it through, they’d make it through together. sure, he’d only known her a few weeks, but it was enough to form a strong friendship. he can’t stop the tears falling while they’re still on stage, no matter how much he blinks and tilts his head back, and eventually has to lift a hand to cover his face as his lower lip trembles. he’s always been a big crybaby. ☀that night xuxi’s still not finished his crying. it’s hard to think about. it was hard for them all, though he can’t imagine how it would feel being in jieqiong’s position. they’re all hurting in different ways, and finding it hard not to blame themselves. it seems worse now, than it did when yuqi was eliminated. the longer you’re in the competition, the more you feel like you can really make it, like you can really win. to lose that early on might not sting as much as it would when you’re just one step away from the final. he’s curled up in bed beside sicheng when his phone lights up with a text in their group chat. from sia. reading though her messages he can’t help but smile - jieqiong will always be a part of their team, even if she’s not on the stage with them, she’s there in their hearts, and they’re going to make sure people know that. ☀ walking into the kt building, to their practise room, xuxi notes how heavy he feels. jieqiong won’t be there, as she was last week, smiling brightly like the little star she was. he misses being able to greet her in mandarin, share whispers and giggles with her during breaks in planning and practising. he remembers it all over again as he enters the practise room, and it takes all his strength to not cry again. his eyes are red from crying the night before, and his shoulders sag, unlike his perky posture of last week. even so, his hands are filled with the girls favourites from the coffee shop nearby - he’d gotten to know what they all liked best last week. if he can do anything for them right now it’s to fill the hole they all have inside with sweet drinks. they’re a lot less jokey and playful as they begin to plan, the tone much more subdued compared to last week, but they all share in the gloom, at least when they first start. there’s a determination in the air though, because they all know this week is a battle, and they’re going to give every last ounce of themselves to win it. they’ve already discussed the plan to include jieqiong, and agreed to not mention it around the cameras; it’s going to be a surprise. but they all easily agree on continuing last weeks story, moving into the chapter where the bad boy played them. xuxi, as the only boy in the group, gets to play the bad boy, which he’s frankly thrilled about, despite it being so at odds with who he really is. they decide on get it for their first song, the ideas sparking quickly. xuxi’s head’s filled with possible outfits and props, a mood board of ideas forming in his mind. they all chip in their ideas, nakyung with the secret hideout, xuxi a couch, and yuri chain link fences with keep out signs. there’s no fighting over this or that, they’re on a mission, and every suggestion gets paid equal attention, until they’ve formed the perfect idea, outfits and all. ☀next, comes their royal stage. this part, they all realise, is going to be a lot harder. none of them are too familiar with royal - xuxi barely knew the companies names before joining the mgas, so he’s not much help. at least with kt they had a week of experience in the area, along with the appropriate environment. even so, they manage to find a song that fits their storyline. it took a while considering yuri and nakyung’s age - they couldn’t do anything too sexy. so, it all ended up coming to expect, by girl’s day. even with the song chosen, they were then struck by the weight of the task they were now presented with - creating a stage for this performance. after a while of back and forth discussion sia comes to the rescue, taking it upon herself to save them from having their heads explode. they all know sia’s good at this kind of thing, so during breaks xuxi’s not surprised to see her sitting staring at her phone and scribbling notes. until she has her eureka moment. she describes the stage to them - a wooden partition sort of backdrop, elegant standing lamps dotted across the stage and blue, white and red lighting for mood. with that in place, xuxi’s mind turns to outfits, as it always does. gold. he suggests. the suspenders that are so iconic from the original song need to be a feature, so he comes up with their outfits comprised of black with gold accents, then links it to the get it stage by matching their accent colours. there’s an overwhelming theme of elegence in the expect stage. their expressions and posture making a huge difference to the whole feeling of the performance. it’s only when they’ve figure out both stages, with their stories, props, lighting, outfits, and everything else that goes along with it that xuxi finally manages to take a breathe and appreciate just how much work goes into being an idol. he’s sure most groups don’t have as much control over things as they currently are being given, but he knows seeing the whole process, appreciating how much work goes into everything, is important, and will be exceptionally useful if he manages to get the end result that he’s praying for from the mgas. ☀their team name takes a lot longer to figure out. it’s not that they don’t have any ideas, it just seems to be that none really fit quite right. there’s always something wrong with the ideas suggested, and xuxi feels like they might have hit the biggest hurdle yet, which seems ridiculous. they can come up with to whole performances but not a group name? so, they turn to their saving grace, ariel. though she’s busy, off with eclipse doing idol things, she said they were welcome to contact her, so that’s just what sia does. xuxi realises around this time that although they call ariel their team leader, xuxi sort of sees sia as their leader. she’s always the one to step forward and lead them when they’re not sure. he notices that when there’s a situation, or question that xuxi can’t figure out, he looks to sia first. ariel, to no surprise, comes up with a name within just a few minutes; black widow. it’s perfect, and it sort of makes them all wonder how they didn’t think of it before. one more hurdle passed, and they’re fast approaching the final, even with a whole day more to prepare than usual. monday arrives, and they all know what that means - it’s a special day. sia’s birthday. they prepare a small spread of drinks and cupcakes, and as soon as she walks through the door their smiles brighten the room that at the beginning of the week seemed so dim. their little birthday celebration doesn’t last too long, but xuxi spends the rest of the day trying to treat sia like a queen - rushing off to get her a drink, or food any time she even whispers that she might be thirsty or hungry. sia’s birthday brings a moment of reprieve, but it’s short lived, and they don’t have enough time to properly celebrate when every spare moment is spent on preparing their performances. ☀ one of the nights during the week they all pile into sia’s apartment, accompanied by jieqiong, who xuxi greets with a tearful bear hug. it doesn’t take them all that long to record the surprise they’d made sure to not let slip in front of cameras. this is their secret surprise. they get to work recording a short medley of lion heart and i got a boy, including jieqiong’s voice - she was and still is a part of their team, and they’re going to include her in any way they can. the story is that jieqiong was the friend who felt so hurt by them that they she let them go, and the girls blamed each other, pointed fingers, when they should’ve been blaming the bad boy who ruined everything. that’s where xuxi comes in - the bad boy. it’s sort of funny, him playing the part of a bad boy when just a week prior he was crying right there on tv. it’s nice. being a complete group again. with jieqiong there, recording her parts, it almost feels like she was never separated from them. the reality floods back when they part ways again though, the wound still so fresh xuxi mentally shouts at himself to stop nearly crying every time he has to say anything to jieqiong. ☀the days pass in a sort of blur from there on out. they practise hard from sunrise to sunset, putting their blood, sweat and tears into it. xuxi’s entire body hurts every night when he lays down beside sicheng, ready to pass out for as many hours as he can before he has to drag himself up and out of bed again. though he feels like a piece of dough fed through a sheeter machine, flattened like a pancake on the practise room floor, the prospect of being able to win this keeps him going, keeps him hoping. he wants to win. he doesn’t want to settle for second best this time. his team aren’t second best, they’re the best. sia, with her resilience and great ideas, nakyung with her dance skills, helping them out when something is too hard, and yuri with the voice of an angel, making goosebumps raise all over xuxi’s body. overall though, they’re wonderful people. they’re caring, and they never leave someone behind. teamwork is something that flows in their group like water in a stream. they all work so hard that xuxi can’t even imagine them not being the best in other people’s eyes. because they certainly are in his eyes. he knows that unlike some of the people he’d worked with in weeks prior during the mgas, that they’ll stay in touch, remain friends even after the competition, no matter the results. ☀the day arrives, and xuxi’s nerves that seemed to allude him in many weeks prior, catch up with him. he feels sick. he’s sure he’s a lot paler than usual when he sits and has his makeup done. of course, he’s gone through this all before many times, but this time is different. it feels like there’s so much more he has to think about. he’s come so far that to think this is what it’s all led up to makes his head spin. he worries that they’ve not perfected something, that something will go wrong, or that their performance that they’ve put their heart and soul into won’t captivate the audience as much as they’d intended it to. their story, where no girl get’s left behind, where the bad boy ruins it all; it has to be told, has to be heard, and has to be appreciated. xuxi knows his team has worked their absolute butts off this week, and he knows they deserve that first place spot. this is it. ☀alongside the girls, xuxi finds his spot on the stage, eyes moving over the audience, where, to his surprise, he spots a few signs with his name on. it’s not a sight he’s seen in over a year - since his last performance on the ice, when he’d won gold. his heart aches a little for those days, for his lost dream, but he’s pulled back to the stage by nakyung starting off their introduction. “when cupid fails, we are -” then they all chime in with “BLACK WIDOW.” the girls turn as they say their team name, all pointing finger guns at xuxi, and in turn he raises his hands in surrender, eyes wide with playful surprise. then, they take turns to individually introduce themselves, xuxi brightly smiling when it’s his turn. “i’m your prince charming, wong yukhei!” with a wink at the camera, he adds to his intro this time, blowing a kiss at it as well. xuxi knows the next part, the surprise start of their performance is going to be hard for him to get through, despite how much he’d listened to the audio clip. they move to their starting positions on the stage decorated with the props they’d planned, lit in the colours they’d chosen - all their work. then, the stage goes dark. of course, xuxi’s not surprised at the confused mumbling from the audience, but just a second later the medley with jieqiong’s voice just a tad louder than their own comes in. xuxi bites his lip, his nerves waning just a bit as he smiles - it’s nice to feel like she’s still here with them.then, the line they’d all agreed was of paramount importance this week. “THE STORY ISN’T OVER.”the lights comes back on and the music for get it begins. the start of the song they all stand in a line, expressions sombre, the air heavy with a far different feeling than their performance from last week. yuri starts the song, her voice powerful, leading them as she has done so successfully up until now with her beautiful voice. then, his turn, his voice deeper, contrasting with yuri’s - it makes their story line all the more clear. the girls who’ve been played by the bad boy. 자꾸 눈치 보지 말고 uh uh네 멋대로sia takes over, front and centre, and xuxi thinks about how proud he is of her. sia’s done exceptionally well throughout the entire competition, and xuxi can’t blame the judges for seeing just how wonderful she is. sia deserves to be here, on this stage, and she deserves to win, to move on to bigger and better things, to become legendary. he truly believes that she can. sia has it in her to do anything she wants to do. they’d moved the choreo around a bit to fit to the four of them, the reminder that they used to have a fifth team member stinging as they had to rearrange some formations. they shifts things around just enough that it looked like the same dance, but fit without any gaps for a four members team. now you listen to me what I’m saying xuxi leads them into the chorus, yuri taking centre as her voice rings louder than the others, who sing the chorus along with her. the iconic chorus dance is strong. xuxi, the bad boy who’s been playing with their hearts and pitting them against each other. he tries to be the bad boy, expressions cocky with just a little bit of mischievous sensuality to them. his gaze is strong, accompanied by a smirk when the camera comes near him, trying his best to perform his perfected bad boy expressions he’d practised beforehand. 누가 봐도 착한 널 달콤하게속삭여 망쳐 놓을래까무러치도록 get it, hit it, kill it너를 모두 내게 맡겨his part follows yuri, and he takes the centre, showing off his bad boy persona for the audience. last week was all about being in love, full of soft sweetness, heart beating for that special someone. this time, it’s about the bad boy, the feud, the hurt and the lost friend. they’re all blaming each other, when the villain is standing right in front of them. 재밌지? like a villain좀 더 sa ha ha ha뻔한 voice 지겨워정말 나 나 나 난i don’t need sugar love(don’t need sugar love)xuxi dances through his rap, centre stage again. he’s playing the villain, though the rap he works his way through is for the girls - they’re angry at each other, angry that they’re all vying for the same man. xuxi’s body moves to the music easily, dancing like he was taught for so many years alongside his skating - dancing had always been easy for xuxi, it was just never his passion. 유난히 계속 끌리는 게 생긴다면 말야내가 갖는 게they dance around each other before xuxi’s line that leads them back into the chorus. yuri and sia’s higher, pretty voices leading up to his, far deeper, voice. the chorus is led this time by sia, then nakyung, swapping over to give everyone a fair share in the lines. soon, they come to the the key point in the song, where they form a circle around yuri, her hands raised like she’s surrendering this time, instead of xuxi, who, along with sia and nakyung, have their fingers pointed like guns at yuri as she begins to sing. 뭘 고민하는 거니네 대답을 기다릴내가 아닌 거 알지?then comes his part, which could work both ways. is he singing for the girls, who are waiting for him to pick one of them over the others, or is he singing for himself, as the bad boy, getting the girls to once again choose him over each other. he plays it like the bad boy though, his eyes on the audience, smirk on his lips as he tells them he won’t wait for an answer. nakyung’s rap comes after, their dancing surrounding her. the lyrics sort of imply that nakyung’s part is the friend who thinks xuxi is playing other people with her, thinking it’s all a dangerous game, when really the only one who isn’t a victim is xuxi. he’s the bad boy, playing with every single one of them. 네 맘속에 불을 켜전부 네 멋대로 get it네가 원하는 대로전부 네 멋대로 hit itthe chorus comes round again and xuxi has the first part this time, though the centre position is taken by yuri’s high note in the back of the chorus, xuxi and the other girls surrounding her as they dance. he moves across the front of the group with a playful wave, delicate and beckoning before sia takes the centre for her part of the chorus. yuri goes on to start the ending of their performance. this part of the whole song xuxi thinks might be his favourite. it’s delicate, and draws you in. they sing about the story, and it all ties in nicely to their overarching theme for this week. sia ends the song with the slightly risque lyrics. they all walk forward, swiping a finger on their lips and xuxi points with a swooping wrist to the audience, gaze deep and mischievous smirk still present. they turn, and walk to the back of the stage, xuxi using his professional walking skills from modelling to make it look appealing from behind, though adding a tiny way of his hips so as to not make himself stick out next to the girls. they end with the stage going black and spotlights landing on each of them, though a fifth shines beside them, symbolising where jieqiong, their lost member, should be. ☀with their first stage over they have time to go backstage and sit down for a bit, catch their breaths, freshen up a little and change into their outfits for expect. there’s not enough time to dwell on their performance. they pay each other on the back, because they did well. they showed what they prepared to it’s fullest, put their heart and souls into the performance. but now, on to the next one. ☀this is it, xuxi thinks, the last time he’ll be performing on the mgas. it’s all led up to this. each and every week. every practise. every tear shed. every evening spent aching. it’s all led up to this very moment where they stand on stage, ready to perform for the final time together. xuxi’s learnt a lot over the course of the competition. he’s learnt how to put aside his own desires for the betterment of a team, learnt how to hold himself on stage, how to be appealing on camera, how to get things done behind the scenes, and most of all, how to really dream his dream. he’s also learnt some other things, like the name of some of kt’s groups, and which one is katie lee, but the other stuff is a lot more noteworthy.so now, for the very last time- team kt, black widow, singing and dancing their hearts out for the title of winner of season 5 of the mgas. the dance for expect has a lot more femininity than get it, and for xuxi, that was the hard part, making something look serious, and good, when his body isn’t build the same as the girls was hard. it was a problem he’d tackled last week as well, but this song had a lot of hip action. he was hoping that over the last two weeks his hips would have loosened up a bit, in the rotating department. he’d practised his way round the problem though. sia starts off the song with her voice sensual and pretty, alluring, drawing people in. this is the part of the story where the girls are done fighting over the bad boy who’s pitted them all against each other and they simply want to move on - but can’t. xuxi, still the bad boy, is losing his hold on these girls slowly. yuri follows up, lyrics confirming that they’re just not ready to let go, that it’s harder than just deciding to delete his number and forget. he’s right there in their minds, pulling them back into him. he’s bad luck, and they know it, but they just can’t stay away. moving into the prechorus the choreo takes them to the floor, fingers tapping on their hips raised up from the way they’re sat on the floor. 자존심 탓 때문에말도 못해 이렇게they’re stuck on the guy who won’t let them move on, and xuxi is that boy - the bad boy once again, though this time with less of the cocky expressions. this performance is about elegance. xuxi plays the girls, even though they know, as sia’s lines suggest, that they could find men anywhere else, they don’t need him. they come together for the chorus, where, with their backs turned, they look over their shoulder and slide the suspenders off their shoulders as their hips rotate to show off their behinds. it’s the sexiest part of the song, and xuxi was worried at first about it, what with yuri and nakyung being younger, but they’d come to the decision that it was a lot less sexy than many of their other options. 이런 기분 너무 싫어 나 또다시 널 잊으려잊으려 애를 쓰고그렇게 아파하고his lines, about trying to forget the bad boy, are sung as he dances, as one part having to lift his hands to his head and pop his butt out. it had taken a lot of practise to make it not look ridiculous on his lanky figure, but he’d managed to change it just enough that he didn’t look like he was jokingly doing a girly dance. that was something he worried about a lot with these dances; that people would take his performance as a joke, when he was trying his hardest to respect the beautiful dances. they move on through the song and the girls tell it beautifully with their voices. yuri and sia working together to carry them into the chorus again. xuxi’s part as the bad boy, visually, seems to suit him. he knows a lot of people from his high school took him for a playboy purely on his appearance, and the fact he dated two girls in high school (though of course not at the same time). people took his charisma and good looks as a sign that he must be a player, couldn’t possibly date only one person at once. he had never been anything close to a player, though. xuxi was always the perfect gentleman, the hopeless romantic. his mother raised him right, and would have had a heart attack if her son turned out to be a playboy. xuxi dated only two girls, both of whom he treated to lunch dates, to picnics, carried their books to their lockers for them and just spent time hanging out with them, like a good boyfriend would. he just wasn’t raised to think he could ever do that, he’d probably have cried himself if he’d ever hurt one of those girls. (바보 같은 나는 뭐니)바보 같은 나는 뭐니Ooh Ooh Ooh, Ooh Ooh Ooh,Ooh Ooh, Ooh Ooh, 귀엽게Ooh Ooh Ooh, Ooh Ooh Ooh,Ooh Ooh, Ooh Ooh, 예쁘게널 내게 널 내게 다가오게 만들래Ooh Ooh Ooh, Ooh Ooh Ooh,Ooh Ooh, Ooh Ooh, 기대해너 때문에 및역아 웋 옿 옿너 때문에 및역아 웋 옿 옿again, they come together for the chorus after xuxi leads them in with the echo of yuri’s line. once again, they’re trying to show the boy what he lost in their dance moves, and xuxi thinks he’s lucky to have found his soulmate so young. he trust sicheng to the moon and back, knows he never has to worry about him cheating or falling out of love - they’re bonded by their souls, and he’ll be forever grateful that he never had to go through a heartbreak like their story tells. i just want you to come to me,다가와봐 내가 손짓 하잖니i just need you to give your love어서 내게 네 마음을 보여줘xuxi’s rap follows the chorus, his hands on his hips as he struts through the centre. the dance moves are simple and easier at this part, thankfully, just a lot of steps and hand movements. this part he’s still stuck on the bad boy, still trying to get him to turn over a new leaf, trying hard to let go but admitting that they can’t yet. they come to the climax of the song, calling out their hate for the bad boy, even when he can still make their heart flutter. they each sing one after another here, line after line, and xuxi had to practise a lot to her his lines perfectly timed with nakyung between his two lines. 네 입꼬리에, 네 입꼬리에, 네 입꼬리에, 네 목소리에, 네 목소리에, 네 목소리에,난 가슴이 떨려nakyung’s line comes between his own, but after his last line the beat drops and yuri and sia have their high notes and adlibs as they stand between nayung and xuxi who dance and sing the last chorus, saying they’ll make the bad boy regret what he did by making sure he can’t live without the girls, so he’ll be left chasing them once they’ve moved on and left him in the dust. Ooh Ooh Ooh, Ooh Ooh Ooh,Ooh Ooh, Ooh Ooh, 기대해the song ends with xuxi stood, hands behind his head to spread his arms out, weight resting on one leg while the other sticks out to the side. as the camera comes close he flexes his biceps with a wink at the camera - one last shine of bad boy, before the audience begin to scream and clap, and a grin blossoms on his lips. and that’s it. their last performance of the mgas over. ☀his chest heaves as they walk off stage, heading back to the preparation area to await the calling of the winner. they don’t change out of their expect outfits, and xuxi manages to get a selfie in with them all after they’ve gotten their breath back. this is the end of a journey, but also, for some, the start of another, probably much bigger journey. xuxi truly hopes he gets lucky - that he gets that contract from trc that he so desperately needs. after so much work, they’re done, and they can finally breathe. ☀ TEAM PLANNING DOC. -- source link
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