Eldarion was played by Sadwyn Brophy, son of one of the Orcs (actor Jed Brophy). If you recognize th

Eldarion was played by Sadwyn Brophy, son of one of the Orcs (actor Jed Brophy). If you recognize th
Eldarion was played by Sadwyn Brophy, son of one of the Orcs (actor Jed Brophy). If you recognize th
Eldarion was played by Sadwyn Brophy, son of one of the Orcs (actor Jed Brophy). If you recognize th
Eldarion was played by Sadwyn Brophy, son of one of the Orcs (actor Jed Brophy). If you recognize th
Eldarion was played by Sadwyn Brophy, son of one of the Orcs (actor Jed Brophy). If you recognize th
Eldarion was played by Sadwyn Brophy, son of one of the Orcs (actor Jed Brophy). If you recognize th