sugarsnow1116:x-slytherinpride-x:psychopompious:datvikingtho:datvikingtho:magelet-301:Here it is, ca
sugarsnow1116:x-slytherinpride-x:psychopompious:datvikingtho:datvikingtho:magelet-301:Here it is, canon evidence that Salazar Slytherin was NOT a racist bigot. He was concerned for the well-being and safety of the magical community, which could have been compromised by letting the “common people” know that wizards and witches existed.datvikingthoShoutout to this fine lady for bringing this to my attention. Let’s further the argument:Hogwarts was canonically founded around 990 A.D. - The Christians were finally taking hold of Scandinavia, meaning that all of Europe was now Christian. It was towards the end of the Dark Ages, or else the Early Medieval Period, which (In Europe) was famous for its intolerance of non-Christiandom, which included the teachings of Ancient Rome, Greece, and of course any Eastern countries. People were publicly defamed and in many cases killed for as much as considering these old ideas and teachings. These teachings really didn’t come back to light until the Italian Renaissance in the 14th century.So when people did things the Christians couldn’t explain, they blamed it on Witches; people they believed to be inhabited by the devil, sent to earth to wreak havoc on every God-fearing man, woman, and child. So what did they do? Imprison or kill those people.Now, here comes Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin, who all agree to take pureblooded witches and wizards and teach them. But then they have to discuss magical folk who aren’t born from magic folk.Gryffindor is brave and brash, and imagines the glory of having an entire society of witches and wizards with great command of their powers.Hufflepuff is kind and loving, and wants to provide a sanctuary for all those who are under duress from the population at large.Ravenclaw sees the merit in bringing all these different people together - the amount of information regarding magic that can be shared is the stuff of her dreams.Slytherin is cautious. He recognizes that there is a great possibility for individuals to play spy for the Muggle community, in hopes to gain favor by outing them all the while hiding their own powers from muggles. He sees them as a potential threat, and instead of risking the safety of not only their own lives, but the countless volumes and tomes of ancient wizarding knowledge tucked away in their castle (see The Burning of the Great Library at Alexandria), Slytherin says “I really don’t think we should allow people with connections to Muggles in here. We could lost *everything.*Gryffindor calls Slytherin a coward, saying they would fight back and beat down any who try to oppose them. Slytherin suggests they do all they can to avoid confrontation. Hufflepuff can’t bring herself to deny that sanctuary she’s built. Ravenclaw sees endless potential in bridging that gap between worlds with learning. And this is what drives them apart. Future racists and pureblooded elitists will take and twist Slytherin’s words, having heard only the story that has been passed down for a thousand years. They use words of caution to justify their want for genocide. Slytherin isn’t the bad guy, here. And I am so down for clearing his name.To continue the crusade to clear the name of Salazar Slytherin, I have more evidence for your consideration. This is regarding the Chamber of Secrets.Now, the scene pictured above is one of Harry’s slightly less dull History of Magic classes, in which Professor Binns is asked to talk about the Chamber of Secrets. What we get from him is that the Chamber is a myth. There is legend surrounding it, no one is sure if it exists, etc etc etc.Here is the VERY NEXT PAGE in the book, in which Professor Binns again admits to the Chamber (as we know it today) to be a complete myth. We find out, obviously, that the chamber isn’t a myth, but I believe that the purpose of the chamber has been fabricated over a thousand years by misinformation and slander.Let’s check it out. Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, and Godric Gryffindor all know Salazar Slytherin and say “yep, he’s an upstanding man. Let’s start this school with him!” For a number of years, they had a school together and it worked out great. What we know is that there was a falling out, not Slytherin declaring they needed to murder muggle-borns! A disagreement that may have ruined friendships but did little else, I think.What we know is that one of Slytherin house’s key virtues is self-preservation. As I discussed earlier in the thread on this post is that Slytherin was afraid of muggle-born witches and wizards acting as spies for the larger muggle community during a time in which wizards and witches were killed for their “demon powers.”And so, when it comes to the Chamber of Secrets, I believe Slytherin built a Panic Room, not an Evil Lair.Think about it. Slytherin is horrified that any day there might be an attack on the school. So he builds a secret chamber that only he (or another parseltongue, an incredibly rare magical ability) can open. He doesn’t want any double agents or spies to know about it, so he tells no one. He hopes, of course, that he never has to use it, but in the event that there is an attack, he can get the school to safety while he sets the basilisk on the attackers.But I’m sure you’re looking at the basilisk and thinking “what sane man would put a monster in a panic room?” Glad you asked. I can consider two possibilities.1) Slytherin put a basilisk that was under his control in the chamber, a creature that he could set loose on his enemies, aka, anyone attacking the castle. The basilisk would annihilate any army of thousands just by looking at them, and what’s more, it could get almost anywhere in the castle through the goddamn walls! That kind of power is exactly what you need to defend your castle. And again, ONLY HE or an heir could control it. I’m sure at this point he was thinking about himself and his potential progeny, not Tom Riddle some thousand years later.2) Slytherin didn’t put the basilisk there, and it was instead placed there later by Tom Riddle while he was at school. I don’t have evidence supporting or disproving this.So how does this get so misconstrued to modern-day Hogwarts lore? Maybe toward the end, the founders did find out about the Chamber. Maybe Slytherin said something to them, maybe he let it slip…maybe as they were cleaning out his room after he left, they found some journal entries about it. It could have been anything. But perhaps, in their wisdom, seeing no way to access the chamber, felt it best that no one knew about the existence of a (now) useless panic room, nor did they want anyone to worry about the basilisk.Maybe word *did* get out, though. And not one of the founders wanted to admit that Slytherin didn’t trust their students, and so to most of the student body, Slytherin’s departure was suspect. And the moment they heard about a secret room that no one was quite sure about, they started inventing campfire stories about it. Fast forward ONE THOUSAND YEARS and now everyone assumes Slytherin was always evil (despite being a good friend and founder of Hogwarts with three other lovely people) and created a secret evil lair to murder muggle-borns, which he could have easily done without a lair if that was *ever* his intention.Thank you so much! I’ve been looking for this post. I always felt like Slytherin being a horrible evil bigot never really made any sense historically speaking, and it just doesn’t add up. Although I have to say I don’t put much stock in option 2. The dude could talk to snakes. And as Hagrid will happily tell you, a creature being scary and “monstrous” doesn’t make it evil. Why couldn’t he be a Hagrid, with a fondness for big “misunderstood” creepy crawlies? Having a basilisk doesn’t make Slytherin evil in and of itself, any more than Hagrid having an acromantula makes him evil, even if most of wizarding society would condemn him for it. Obviously popular opinion isn’t always accurate.The conservationist and history nerd in me feels a pang whenever I think about how much of a loss that basilisk was. I know it was being used for murder and that it needed to be stopped, but it’s a knee-jerk reaction to such a huge loss of knowledge. That thing was alive a thousand years ago. It knew one of the original founders of Hogwarts. Any parselmouth could have spoken to it and asked it what things were really like in those days and gotten a first hand account, but unfortunately the only person to speak to it in a millennium was an idiot who only thought about killing people. Did he even think to ask its name? Nagini clearly had a name, but he never refers to the basilisk by name. That’s just… really sad to me.I think a lot of people forget that Slytherin house is more than just self-preservation too; loyalty is a core value. Slytherin’s message is about protecting your own more than nearly anything else. Slytherin pushes unquestioning acceptance of and loyalty to your fellows, regardless of blood status, even in Harry’s day, according to their welcome message on Pottermore. You very rarely see a Slytherin making a disparaging remark about another Slytherin. You do see even the most bigoted Slytherins (like the Malfoys) being supportive of Slytherins who are much lower on their little social hierarchy than them (like Snape). In Salazar Slytherin’s day, I think he would have extended that loyalty to the whole school and the other founders. They were “his own”, and he would have wanted to protect them.In depth analysis about Harry Potter is what i’m here forthis is the theory i’ve been looking for“Those who are unworthy to study magic” doesn’t equal “muggleborn.” Slytherin was worried about letting muggleborn students in because of their relationships w/ muggles, who were at the time very dangerous to the wizarding world. These weren’t foolish bumbling Dursleys. These were potentially very violent, very bigoted threats. Imagine that Slytherin was afraid of a scenario where Hogwarts was betrayed by some (not all) muggleborns—or by their muggle relatives. Say you’re a 10th century muggle & you find out your child is a witch–how supportive are you likely to be? Keep in mind we’ve already seen how quick, even now, 1,000 years later, too many families are to betray and even kill their own kids for not being ‘normal’ (think of lgbtqa+ youth, for instance). And in this scenario, these muggles were a danger not only to their muggleborn kids, but to the entire Hogwarts community. What was to stop a bigoted relative of a muggleborn from gathering up an angry mob and invading the castle, beauty and the beast style? Well, we know Hogwarts has certain protections from muggles. Muggles can’t see or access the castle, for example, at least in modern day. So theoretically, muggles would need magical assistance to invade Hogwarts. And since the only magical beings they knew in the first place were muggleborns….Imagine that Slytherin was motivated not by bigotry but by serious concern for the school’s safety in the case of being betrayed by a muggleborn student. Now ‘betrayal’ could mean a muggleborn being pressured or outright forced by muggles to help with an invasion. We’ve seen plenty of times in the books characters being forced to choose between loyalty and fear, between friends and family, between what they know is right and what they are pressured to believe. To put it in a familiar way: to choose between what is right, and what is easy. And we saw characters makes the wrong choices, and the great costs that followed. So what if “those who are unworthy to study magic” never meant muggleborns? What if it meant those who would betray Hogwarts (muggle, muggleborn, or otherwise), or (more relevantly) those who would fail to protect it when protecting it came at the cost of their lives, or the lives of their families. An unfair, impossible situation to be in. But a situation that 10th century muggleborn students were very likely to be put in, far more likely than their magicborn peers.For Slytherin, the best solution was the safest one: don’t risk letting them get into that position in the first place. Don’t risk making muggleborns choose between the magical and non-magical world. By not giving them the choice in the first place. Let them stay in the non-magic world, where they could be safe, and where they could not endanger others. This would come at great cost—to the muggleborns who would never receive their Hogwarts letter, would never receive their birthright, and to the magical world who would never receive the gifts and talents and wonders all the muggleborns had to offer. A great cost, to avoid a potentially greater one, at a time when the collision of the magical and non-magical worlds often ended in fire and violence. A time when simply being a Hogwarts student came at the risk of being burned alive in case of discovery. How terrifying for a school founder to know that just by attending school their students were being put in danger of death. What a terrible responsibility to have to balance. -- source link
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