Chapter 7Song for the chapter: Let it Land - Tonight Alive “And hide it if you&rsquo
Chapter 7 Song for the chapter: Let it Land - Tonight Alive “And hide it if you’re broken, but always keep your chin up.” ★☆★ Vivian’s POV “Is that Luke?" Kenzie asks, craning her head towards Luke and his friends. "Yeah.” I sigh, not knowing how to feel about Luke right now. He so confusing. First he’s nice to me, then rude, then he wants to know everything, then he wants to help me with my math. I just want to know what he really wants from me. There’s no way that he wants to help me with math this bad, to keep chasing after me after I run away from him. “Is Ashton with them?” She nearly stands up as she looks at their table. Thankfully none of them are looking our way right now. “I don’t think so.” At lunch Ashton wasn’t sitting at Luke’s table like he usually does. I noticed him glaring at Luke, I have no idea what’s going on, but it’s odd, since they’re usually hanging around with each other. “Dang it, I really think I’m getting somewhere with him.” she slumps down, and takes a bite of her food. I resist the urge to roll my eyes; she’s so clueless. Every time she goes around Ashton he looks like he’s disgusted, and always makes up an excuse to leave. There’s no way she’s making any progress with him any time soon. “So, what store should we go to next?” She perks up, looking down at the five bags she already has. When I go home Kenzie called me telling me that she was bored and wanted to go shopping. I agreed, not wanting to be at home more than I didn’t want to go shopping with Kenzie. We’ve gone to five shops, and she’s bought something at each one. “I don’t care, your choice.” I repeat for what seems like the hundredth time during this trip. “We haven’t gone to Forever 21 yet!” She realizes, and hops up, grabbing all of her bags in one hand, a skill I have yet to learn. I grab my one bag, a deep purple scarf that Kenzie practically forced me to buy because ‘it would look so good on me’, in reality I would never wear it. We throw away our trays, and head to Forever 21. I turn my head to Luke’s table to see him staring at me. He smiles an half smile, causing my heart to flutter a little. I look away before he can see the blush on my cheeks. Embarrassed of how he affected me like that, I don’t even know what happened. “Ooh! This shirt is so cute!" Kenzie exclaims, jumping up and down next to a bright pink top. I grimace at it, then smile at her, nodding. "It is cute.” I nod, and pretend to look through some other shirts. “But I don’t have enough for it. Wanna borrow me $30?” She gives me an innocent smile. I bite the inside of my lip, and dig through my wallet, handing her two twenties. She always does this, and promises that she’ll pay me back, but she never does. She probably owes me more than 600 dollars now. Like always, I don’t say anything, and go along with her. “Thanks, I’ll pay you back later!” She squeaks and rushes off to pay for it. This is going to be a long shopping trip. ★☆★ The next day at school flew by, which is a shock. Right now I’m sitting in my last hour, my hands sweaty, because of how nervous I am to study with Luke. Ever since I saw him yesterday at the mall, I’ve been over thinking everything. What if he thinks I’m stupid? What if he’s just messing with me for my money, like all of my other 'friends’ do? What if he actually wants to be my friend? Why would he even want to be my friend? I place my face in my hands, and try to get myself to stop thinking. One question stays in my mind though; Should I go through with the study session? The bell rings before I can answer the question. I slowly get out of my seat, and make my way to my locker. I slowly put in the combination, and place all of the things in it, besides my math things. I close my locker, and stand there looking at it for a moment. My feet carry me to the library, and without my brain’s permission my hands open the door. I immediately spot Luke. He’s sitting at a table in the back, and I can clearly see that he’s just as nervous as me. I walk back to the blonde boy, and as I’m three tables away he notices me. He grins, and quickly hops to his feet. I smile small at him, and look down as I walk the rest of the way towards him. “For a minute there I thought you weren’t coming.” he laughs nervously. “So did I.” I mumble, and place my bag at the seat across from his. Luke looks at me with a confused face, but ignores it as I take a seat, and he copies my actions. “So, um what should we start with?” He asks whilst biting on his lip. I blink, trying to ignore his action. I pull out a sheet of paper from my math binder. “How about this?” I suggest, passing him the paper. “The review, that’s a good idea.” He smiles, looking over the paper. Mr. Hensley said that everything that is on the review, would be on the test when he gave us the paper today in class. Luke came and sat by me again, asking me if I was sure about the study session about 20 times before the bell rang. I nod, and pull out a blank sheet of paper, to write out my work on. “Lets just start with number 1, and take it from there, alright?” He says, looking at me for my opinion. “Yeah, that’s fine.” I agree, in reality I needed help on every single problem on this review. “Alright, so start writing it out and solving it, and if you go wrong somewhere, I’ll just stop you, and explain and stuff.” I nod, and pull out my pencil, starting to write the problem out. I do the next step, knowing that it’s the right thing, but the third step is where I get confused. I start to write it out, and Luke stops me. “So here, you’re supposed to simplify, instead of add.” He says, showing me on the paper what to do. I nod, “Okay, now what?” I ask after taking that step. “Now you add.” I do just that, and continue the steps, eventually getting the answer. I look up at Luke to see if I gor the correct answer. He nods, grinning at me, “Try the second one.” I write out the second problem, looking up at Luke when I get confused. “Simplify, then subtract in this problem.” He smiles softly at me. A small blush forms on my cheeks when our eyes meet. I look away, and simplify the problem, then subtract, and get the answer shortly after that. Luke tells me that it’s right, and I move onto the next problem. After three more problems like that, the type of problem changes, and I get confused again. “So with these you have to use this formula.” He writes it down near the set of problems that are like that. I start to plug the numbers into the formula, but Luke stops me, “So that’s a common mistake everyone makes. You’re supposed to plug this into here, instead of here.” I nod, and do that, not getting the point, but it makes the process of solving the problem easier, and quicker. I look up at Luke for the answer, and he nods, signifying that it’s correct. “How about the next one?” I nod, and start on the next one, remembering what I did wrong last time. He nods, telling me that it was right. There’s only one more problem like that, and I do it quickly, getting it right, with some help from Luke. The next problem is a word problem, and immediately my mind panics. I let out a breath, and suck in my bottom lip, looking up at Luke. He stares at me for a minute, then blinks a few times and looks down at the paper. “Ah, word problems. I’m guessing that you really don’t like them.” He lets out a small laugh, causing me to look down at my lap in embarrassment. “It’s fine, really, they are hard. I have trouble with them.” I sputters quickly. I still don’t look at him, but look at the paper. “Um, so we just have to look at each sentence separately, then we form a problem from that.” He says. I nod, and look at the word problem. Just looking at each sentence calms my mind down slightly. “Okay, so the first sentence doesn’t say anything important, but the second one does.” He explains, and writes down the numbers on my sheet of paper. He goes through each sentence, and writes down everything from the sentences. After every sentence’s numbers have been written out, Luke helps me form a problem, then helps me solve the problem. “See, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” He smiles at me, and I shake my head. “I guess not.” I answer truthfully. I continue, and work on the next word problem, then the two after that, getting the correct answers with the help of Luke. “Okay, I need a break, or I’ll get a migraine. I slump back in my seat, closing my eyes tightly. "Yeah, that’s fine.” He agree’s. After a few seconds, I open my eyes. I catch Luke staring at me, then he quickly looks away. He clears his throat, “Can I ask you something?” I give him a confused look, “I guess so.” He looks at me cautiously, “Why were you crying, that day?” I look away quickly, I should have known that he was going to ask that. I try to think of some reason, knowing that there’s no way I can tell him the truth. I look up at him, my expression going neutral, “Why do you care?” He looks surprised by my question, but his reply is quick, “Because I do, no one should be alone crying off in a hidden corner of the library.” I’m more surprised by his reply, than he was by my question. I look down, blushing hard, because Luke Hemmings just admitted that he cared about me. It’s gotta be a lie, no one truly cares about me, they only care about my money. I look up at him, even more confused than I was before. His blue eyes show clearly that he’s telling the truth, which makes me start to panic. And what do I do when I start to panic? I run. “I..Um.. this wasn’t a good idea, I um, I have to go.” I start to gather up my things. “No, Vivian, wait.” Luke stands up and reaches across the table, grabbing my wrists to stop me. I look up at him, studying his features, “I’m sorry. Please don’t go, you came here for help with math, not to be interrogated, I’m sorry, just stay, please?” He gives me a pleading look, and I sit down, not knowing why I do. He lets out a breath, and lets go of my hands, “Where were we?:” ★☆★ “So how do you think you’re gonna do on the test tomorrow?” Luke asks, as we gather up our things. We went over the whole review, and even more on some of the homework I didn’t understand. I got a better understanding on it, but I don’t think I’d do well on the test. “I’m not sure. I hope I’ll do good, get above passing even, but I don’t know. I’m not good with numbers.” I answer truthfully, and place my bag on my shoulder. “I think you’ll do fine, just don’t freak out when you see the problems. You just have to calm down, and focus, and you’ll do great!” He smiles warmly at me. I nod, and smile slightly at him, still not sure at where I am with him. He’s doing fine, helping me with my math, and even making me blush, then he goes and asks about me crying, and tells me he cares about me. This boy is so confusing, and moody. We walk out of the library, and head towards the front doors. By now it’s nearly 5:00, and we studied for nearly two hours. If we hang gotten 'kicked out’ of the library because it was closing, I’m sure we would have stayed longer. “Where’s your car?” Luke asks, looking around at the nearly empty parking lot. “None. I turn sixteen in two weeks.” I blush, and look down. He looks surprised, “Really?” I nod my head, “Really.” “Wow. I don’t drive yet. My birthday was half a year ago, but I’ve failed the test a few times, and we just can’t afford to get me a car right now.” He says, shoving his hands into his pockets. A feeling of guilt feigns in my stomach. I’ve never had the problem of not being able to afford anything. I’ll most likely get a car on my birthday, as a bribe from my father to talk to him more. The amount of hatred I have for my father, could fill all of the oceans on this planet. My fists clench for a moment, then I see Luke looking at me, and I calm down. “So how do you get home?” I ask, guessing that he usually takes the bus, but today he didn’t. “I walk. I only life a few blocks away from you.” He answers, then his eyes widen, “I-I know where you live because I’ve seen you. I mean, I wasn’t watching you, God I’m not a stalker I promise.” He rambles on. I bite my lip to hold back my laughter, “Sure.” I decide to mess with him and see how he reacts. His cheeks turn bright red, “Vivian, I swear! I-” “I’m joking!” I interrupt him before he freaks out even more. He lets out a breath and smiles at me, looking relieved. We walk in silence for a little while, but it’s more of a comfortable silence, than it is an awkward one. “Do you have any other siblings besides Julian?” Luke breaks the silence. “No, it’s just me and him.” I answer, wondering why he wanted to know. This year Julian’s graduating, and leaving to a college across the country that he got into by a basketball scholarship. It’ll just be me in that huge lonely house, for two more years. “I know you’re mum’s a homemaker, but what does your dad do?” He looks over at me, and I look away, hoping that he doesn’t see the hatred on my face. “He’s a.. um… a CEO of our family business.” I answer trying to manipulate my voice so it isn’t full of hatred. “Oh.” he nods, and thankfully doesn’t say anything else. “What does your dad do?” I don’t know why I asked, a part of me is curious, but me as the whole I really don’t care. “He’s the head chef at a restaurant where he lives.” Luke answers proudly. “Where he lives?” that part of his reply confused me. “Yeah, my dad lives a few towns over.” I look up at Luke, “Are him and your mom?” “Divorced? Yeah, they have been since I was like 8.” he shrug's as if it’s no big deal. “Wow, Luke I’m sorry.” I feel awkward, and bad for him. “Don’t be. It’s for the best.” He smiles softly. “Do you have any siblings?” I ask, wondering how they felt about the divorce. “Yeah, two older brothers, but they’ve been out of the house for a while.” He replies with a small frown on his face. “So it’s just you and your mom?” He nods his head, “Yep.” He pops the 'p’ I nod my head, “Julian’s graduating this year so it’ll just be me.” “And your parents.” He adds. “Yeah, and my parents.” I softly agree, where in reality it’ll be me and Sonya. Luke stops walking and I look up at him confused, “Why’d you stop?” “Isn’t that your house?” He points behind me. I turn around, and see than in fact we are at my house. I sigh, and turn around, facing Luke. For some reason I’m disappointed, because I have to go home yes, but I want to spend more time with Luke, and just talk like we are. It’s nice to have someone to talk to about anything, instead of just the other person. “Yeah,” I frown, “thanks for helping me with everything.” “It was my pleasure.” He grins at me. “See you tomorrow.” I smile, and start to walk away. “Wait, Vivian.” Luke calls after a few seconds. “Yeah?” I turn back around to face him. “If you um ever need help, with anything, here’s my um number.” He bites on his bottom lip and scratches the back of his neck, whilst holding out a slip of paper. I blush and take the paper from him, mumbling a quick “thanks,” before hurrying to my front door. I glance at where Luke his as I enter my house, and blush even harder when he smiles at me. Once I’ve shut the door, I lean back on it and look at the piece of paper he handed to me. I pull out my phone and add his phone number to a new contact, and open up a new message. It takes me ten minutes of typing, then deleting, then typing again, until I finally have a message I’m pleased with. 'Hey Luke, it’s Vivian. Thanks again for the help.’ After a few seconds of debating whether to actually send it or not, my thumb presses the send button, then there’s no going back. I sigh and place my phone in my pocket, and walk up the stairs, to my bedroom not bothering to see where my mother is. As I throw my bag onto my bed, my phone vibrates in my pocket. Luke'You’re welcome. If you need help again just call or text and I’m here :)’ I quickly send back, 'Okay :)’ And, lay back on my bed, letting out a breath. I think I’ve made a new friend. ★☆★ Authors Note: So here's chapter 7, it’s kinda a filler, but not at the same time. I know it’s boring, but it’s about to get dramatic, just you wait and see. If you enjoyed this chapter please vote & comment! Hugs & Kisses -Hannahxx -- source link
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