gloriousdownfall:wrathomatic:hermanngottliebs:wrathomatic:hermanngottliebs:wrathomatic:gloriousdownfall:[snipped for lenght]Okay, you didn’t finished the game you had no experience with Sera and you feel entitled to share your incomplete opinion in a post that isn’t even supposed to support Sera exclusively. It’s about lesbian representation and how Bioware keeps on doing t wrong. If Bioware wants to keep doing it they better do it right. Yet I’m glad that Bioware does it, don’t take me wrong. They gave us two lesbian representation out of 4 in the whole videogame industry of games. (without nitpicking for 2 second lesbian male-gaze sexual content). What Sera is or isn’t for you shouldn’t even be relevant.And your “observational facts of the timeline” are so very wrong and you should re-consider them. Someone is considered a kid if they are from age 0 to 14. Sera tells she doesn’t remember of something that was 10 years ago. She also tells you she left Denerim. Alone. Now, check your book of “Thedas world reality” and you’ll see that Elf+Girl+Alone ends with death or abuse and most probably both, if she would have left Denerim with 5 years old she wouldn’t be alive, fact. Also, no Friend of Red Jenny would give a 5 years old a chance to take a bow and do what they do, because like Sera tells you, the moment they take the job their lives are in danger, they are little people against big shots, it happens frequently. Sera is all but used to mourning her friends, but she never takes it lightly. She turned a guy into wine because of it.Sera as a lot of symptoms that indicate positive to many illnesses, if she is indeed ill I don’t know, Lukas Kristjanson never said a word about it. I say it is very probable and most likely.And I’m sorry, but your “she’s a shitty character anyways” doesn’t excuse your accepting stance at Bioware’s visible mistake.Also, if you think that her character is shitty then you defiantly are missing a lot of her content or you simply didn’t care, which is fine. Just nobody can actually like a character when they will willingly close their eyes and minds about them.Let me give you info on Sera.Sera is not Transphobic, surprise. At the winter palace she quotes nobles, she quotes their awful and disgusting gossips and then she criticizes them. They say something transphobic about someone we don’t even know of or seen. Unlike fandom said, she says nothing about Krem. If you want her to be transphobic, play with a trans Inquisitor. She will call your female inquisitor “her gracious ladybits”, gendering her parts, but is it really fare to blame Sera? The whole game never has trans!friendly dialog. Sera is not the first gendering your PCs bits. Those questions you ask Krem are so ridiculous too? Also saying “I’m no plural” like the person was trying to offend you, haha okay nice, you defiantly know a lot. Just a tip, addressing you with they pronouns makes sure nobody missgenders you. Welcome it warmly next time.Sera, racist? Again, surprise. Very unlikely a racist elf would even have a rage attack over killed elf servants. Very unlikely would her trailer appearance show her mourning over elves killed by demons(by playing the game her localization was the Emerald Graves where you see houses burned and destroyed, probably city elves, like her), if she was racist she would not give two fucks about Briala taking the throne, you know why? Because Briala’s affair with Celene caused a march on Halamshiral that killed many rebellious elves. At the Winter Palace Briala sent her own elf servant for her death, this from someone that says she stands with the elves. Someone who spent her life under the good life of being a servant to an empress. Not the best life but so much easier than being hungry in your bones as a little kid and so hungry that you can’t even fight. What does Briala know anyway? Sera thinks the same thing about Lavellan, “an elf stands for us all”, yeah like what does Lavellan know besides calling elves that suffer for real knife-ears? How many times they were beaten the fuck out? How many times they spent days with no food? How many times did they got underpaid or not paid at all in a world where coin makes sure you breathe? What kind of authority and experience does Lavellan have to stand behind that many? “Let’s just all kill all humans and make the elven empire reborn and make the fake elves our slaves or underclass” because someone has to be really naive to believe city elves would have a big place within the “Dalish Empire”. Sera takes no bullshit, she judges on actions not words. Lavellan up until there did shit, all talk. Her whole approval system works a lot on reactions to your actions rather than dialog. I laugh at privileged elves trying to teach discriminated and ignored elves how to live and behave. Her whole elfy thing is about the Dalish. The Dalish keep on on living on the past and they ignore the present. Right now elves die starving and the Dalish play with their elfy shit. Wow, like sorry she a doesn’t kiss your Dalish ass but she as a huge reason to be wary? All that I’ve told you. Also! Her whole life, like when you are raised in a world that is so unforgiving you have to be wary. You have to. It’s not a choice. Like “should a care about elven lore or eat”. It’s not a choice. Her problem is not even the elven Religion, she doesn’t like it because she sees it as “backwards and boring” in hwe own words, brings elves nowhere closer to anything better but instead throws them away and keeps them apart. But yet, for a romanced Lavellan she will read it. For you. This whole talk about Ultimatum? A lie. She asks you to look ahead, forget the past and work with the present and future, with her. SHE ASKS IT TO ANY INQUISITOR THAT WONDERS ABOUT MYTHAL. REGARDLESS OF RACE. So no, no racist card for you to use. And in fact no ultimatum card either, if you planned on using it, she asks for a future, if the inquisitor can’t deliver you are breaking up with her, she’s not the one doing it. I see no abuse from such a mature question from Sera, if she didn’t ask and if you stayed together disagreeing with everything? Now that is abusive, like someone can look at Sera in the eyes and tell her she doesn’t know what abuse is, lmao. For her, you either fit or you don’t, nobody as to squeeze up to please, and yet, at same time she judges fast. Okay like, for a romance she asks you for time so she can know you better, but that’s because she’s stubborn as fuck and if you can’t fit her she rather not be with you, she’s knows it’s abusive and she knows she won’t back down her views and her personality like, never, so she needs to be sure you’ll fit with her, she doesn’t want nobody kissing her ass, again, actions speak the truth words only spit lies. I mean… After the cookies scene, it makes sense and that adding to her background. It makes sense she won’t evolve, she has a whole different purpose in this game, she brings you close to being you and further from being the Inquisitor, she wants you to be a hero the little ones can trust and not be wary about, if you don’t agree with that, kick her out. Her personal reason to be in the inquisition, besides affirming her beliefs in Andraste, is to bring you down to a level of comfort for the little ones. She can help little ones out of the Inquisition, that’s not her reason to stay, she says it. She never ever lies to you. She wants the “inquisitor” to be more than your title, she wants give the Inquisitor a person, you. She does this with all inner circle members, take a look at the book cover(normal from someone as wary as her) but then she reads the book and only treats you as the person you ware and not what you are. Example. For her it’s not Seeker, or Seeker Cassandra, it was Lady Seeker once but now it is Cassandra, the smut-reader, caring and attentive and somewhat funny Cassandra. If you don’t think that’s some crazy ass refreshing and innovative writing then you are so short minded. That’s not all Sera is, she literally the only element in the game that let’s you know what little people think. They are not “okay let it be we are all fucked up already” they are frustrated, they want it back to normal, they want a world where they know the little coin they have will buy them bread for the night.She is more than a “plain weak” character. Asking Sera to evolve and accept Dalish is making her racist like the Dalish, to ask her to evolve and kiss your ass to ask her to stop caring about little people, after all I’ve said, to ask her to evolve is to ruin her whole character.Again, if all you are going to bring to a statement against of lesbophobia is, summing up, “sera is shit so it doesn’t matter, I’m saying this and I have no idea what most of her content is” then just be quiet.i’m all for defending sera because she was our first lesbian companion and LI and she deserved better but “Because Briala’s affair with Celene caused a march on Halamshiral that killed many rebellious elves.”are you seriously going to blame briala for what happened in halamshiral instead of, you know, celene - the racist white empress who was in a direct position of power and privilege over briala who has consistently lied to and emotionally manipulated briala over the entire course of their relationshipwho was so ashamed of the insinuation that she was sleeping with briala that she decided to burn down halamshiral to make a statementbriala had no fucking idea what celene was going to do in halamshiral, stop blaming her for what her abusive, awful partner did“elves that suffer for real”yeah maybe stop pitting elves against each other in an imagined hierarchy of privilege with respect to who suffers more and less??? the dalish aren’t fucking privileged. elven orlesian servants are not fucking privileged (you literally have dialogue telling leliana to fuck off when she tries to sell you this idea in origins, come on). no elves are privileged in thedosian society because elves are the racial minority and they do not have the power to oppress other elves. ALL elves suffer, albeit in different ways, UNDER humans because HUMANS are the racial majority in thedas and HUMANS are responsible for oppression of elves.sera cannot be “racist” against elves because she is a fucking elf just as much as the dalish cannot be “racist” against city elves because they’re all fucking elves. the dalish are elitist as fuck, certainly, but the idea that they don’t suffer at all and are magically living Super Deluxe Privileged Lives in the Forests while City Elves Undergo Real Suffering ™ is literally hilarious to me (since it’s not even true)like you are literally doing the very same thing you criticize the Dalish for - prioritizing the experience of one subsection of elves are the Authentic Elven Experience while generalizing the others and throwing them under the busstop criminalizing the dalish for wanting to reclaim their past and a culture that was decimated by humans lmao it’s gross as fuck. i know the game itself + the masked empire encourages the whole “lol dalish so obsessed with old elven rocks when there are Real Problems” attitude but it’s not cool. reclaiming and protecting your culture, cultivating a sense of pride in it and in your identity in a world that constantly shits on you and tells you that you are inferior because of your race and culture is really fucking important i haven’t played the sera romance so i’m not going to comment on that but “like someone can look at Sera in the eyes and tell her she doesn’t know what abuse is” uh are you implying that just because someone has experienced abuse means they can’t perpetuate it?? “she’s knows it’s abusive and she knows she won’t back down her views” are you defending abuse “Asking Sera to evolve and accept Dalish is making her racist like the Dalish”what. expecting sera to respect lavellan’s identity is not the same as asking her to become dalish herself.(also in what universe is calling someones’ religion “backward, demonic and stupid” an acceptable thing to do?)“After the cookies scene, it makes sense and that adding to her background. It makes sense she won’t evolve”that is precisely why she needed to evolve. the cookie incident is crucial to her character because it was the first time in her life that her identity as an elf was used against her. she has been been holding onto that hurt from such a young age and she is so, so angry it hurts to watch sometimes. she has so much internalized self loathing about being an elf which is Not An Healthy Attitude at all and she deserves to make peace with it. to say that “it makes sense that she doesn’t evolve” is absurd, because internalized racism is something you can move past?? and it doesn’t mean she has to give up her crusade for the little people or her beliefs as an andrastian? if anything, it will give her a clearer picture as to why the people she wants to help are suffering instead of the current, very reductive notions she has about the worldsure, defend sera but certain aspects of her writing make people angry and uncomfortable for legitimate reasons; not all criticisms of sera stem from lesbophobia and misogyny and can be waved away as such -- source link
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