alioninherowncause:cybrslut:[TRIGGER WARNING: child sexual abuse, incest]Lena Dunham’s actual
alioninherowncause:cybrslut:[TRIGGER WARNING: child sexual abuse, incest]Lena Dunham’s actual response and justification of her sexually abusing her younger sister. i want to start off by saying that the site that originally posted the accusations is a right wing site, and not very reliable. however, all evidence has come from lena’s own book that she wrote. no one has twisted her words.Lena wrote that at age 7 she looked up her 1 year old sister’s vagina and found pebbles. for some reason news sites are only reporting on that event and not how lena described how she did “anything a sexual predator might do” to coerce her younger sister in to kissing her for prolonged periods of time and that she even masturbated in bed next to her. “This was within the spectrum of things I did” she wrote, ie she did other things to her sister. This happened over a period of years. For some reason news sites are hardly mentioning and some even leaving out that she tricked her sister in to kissing her and that she would masturbate in bed with her, among other things. they only reported the story from when she was 7. imo that’s twisting the story to portray lena as a curious, ignorant child. however, this wasn’t just one event, this lasted for years. Lena grew up. Lena did this as a preteen. she should’ve known better and shouldn’t be bragging about it now.Children have innate curiosity about bodies and genitalia, showing privates to each other, touching your body, and kissing isnt abnormal, especially with kids their own age. what is abnormal is for a child, who was somewhere between 7-12* years old to coerce and trick a toddler in to sexual activities and to do so continuously. children can be sexual abusers to other children, and it happens more often than we like to thinkthat’s not being a weird child, that’s absolutely revolting and wrong. and for her to be proudly telling these stories 20 years later is horrific. to be an adult and proud of the sexual abuse you did to a child is boderline pedophilia imo.lena has a history of racism, fetishization of lgbt people, and she even outed her sister to her parents, so this is just another thing to add to the list of how she’s a shitty person. now can everyone please stop calling lena dunham a feminist?*i’m estimating those ages. we know it lasted for years, but not how long, and it started at 7. it could have been a few years or many years, i dont want to overly estimate. however i do want to put emphasis on that she was of an old enough age to know better and the age gap is large at these young ages and puts her in a position of power. Actual quote from Grace Dunham: , “Without getting into specifics, most of our fights have revolved around my feeling like Lena took her approach to her own personal life and made my personal life her property.”Grace has implied that this happened throughout her life (and we know that Lena was masturbating in bed with Grace for years, by her comment about ‘puberty’.) Grace has said in interviews and in her poetry that Lena has used her as her own personal journey, as her property- and now she’s essentially been outed (not only as a lesbian, which Lena outed her as to her parents without her permission as well!) but as an abuse survivor to her parents and the whole world. Without her consent.Fuck Lena Dunham and fuck you if you defend any aspect of this. -- source link
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