strawberrypatty:soyeahso:deducecanoe:tookmyskull:silver-boots:tookmyskull:ravenbasslady:cantpronounce:dieupardonne:anigrrrl2:cantpronounce:fuckyeahshezza:cantpronounce:ohmoriartyy:cantpronounce:Oh, really Steven? What did we get instead?“She’d just have shot Magnussen, gone back to being Mrs. Watson. They’d have carried on solving crimes together. with this lethal killer nurse wandering along behind them. picking off anyone who might put them in danger. That would’ve been the show”Yes, she would have carried on lying to her husband. She would have carried on manipulating anyone she pleases. She would have continued emotionally abusing and controling not only her ‘beloved’ John but whomever else she liked. She would have carried on running from her past, regardless of whether she hurt John in the process or not. She would have carried on putting her own husband and future child in danger by failing to mention the fact that she has a dangerous past and a countless amount of people who would gladly kill her and those close to her. She would have carried on treating John like a prize to be won, a pretty little trophy to put on her shelf. She would still much rather lie, manipulate, use, kill and betray if it’ll guarantee that she get what she wants. And she would have still shot Sherlock the first chance she got. She would have carried on hiding behind her ‘Mary’ facade, like the snake she is.Mary Watson doesn’t exist. She never did. Its. a. lie.What a show that would have been.Yes.But what did we get now? She was forced to reveal herself. Nothing fucking changed - in fact, Sherlock even solved her problem for her.Now they can go investigate and she’ll be the trained killer behind them who makes sure nobody puts them in danger. Isn’t it the same thing?Or are you trying to say, Steven, that that’s not what’s going to be??Ugh. I don’t know if the Moff is talking out of his ass or what but this “gone back to being Mrs. Watson” shit makes me roll my eyes so hard they might just fall out of my head.Apparently we’re all supposed to be glad she shot Sherlock - glad about it! Glad that she’s so “strong” and “dangerous” and we’re all supposed to be rooting for her to quietly tag along and keep “the boys” out of danger. Or no, hang on, she’s to KEEP them in trouble! She’s so dangerous and awesome and all that. How fucking lovely.I think she still would have ended up doing something to Sherlock in the end - sooner or later her past will catch up with her and then Sherlock would have to get involved and she’d try to stop him. I mean, seriously, this idea that Mary can just join in on the crime solving and it’ll be a happy little family is SO fucked up.Seriously, what if Sherlock hadn’t said anything then? What if he comes back to life and decides not to tell John a single thing. What would Mary do? Confess to John? Apologize to Sherlock? No, she would carry on as though nothing had happened and keep on lying. She would go to bed with John every night knowing she’d put a bullet in Sherlock and John would have no idea.And I’m supposed to find that cool? Awesome? Fun? How great is Mary, right?I’m getting really sick of being told that I’m supposed to love Mary because she’s so “badass” and “awesome” when all I see is a liar and someone willing to murder to make sure she gets what she wants.this turned into a rant on mary sorryFUCK YOU MARYI’m just really unable to get behind a show that asks me to appreciate and support a character that’s abusive, manipulative, and a liar and multiple murderer.If that ends up what I’m asked to do, I can’t continue watching that show. If Mofftiss truly believes that what Mary did is forgivable, and that the characters I fell in love with in S1 and S2 would forgive it…I’m more than disinterested. I’m disgusted. I’m offended.Don’t you dare tell me that shooting the unarmed protagonist of the show is something I am supposed to forgive. Don’t you dare ask me to swallow that. Don’t you make me love characters and then tell me I am supposed to equally love the character that victimizes and hurts them.Fuck that shit. FUCK.THAT.I love Mary as a character, because she’s so fucked up. But I hate her. Like, I really kinda hope she dies, in a character kind of way. Because she shot Sherlock. She’s lying and abusive. Yes, I think she was an interesting character, but I cannot and will not forgive her.I can’t even see where exactly she was interesting.What breaks my heart is the notion that we’re supposed to just up and accept this, as if women have no sense of what’s right and wrong when it comes to love. It’s an awful, cynical message to send to women. Whatever you do in the name of love, even if it hurts or kills someone— well, that’s all right, as long as it was for love. NOT COOL. First of all, this has nothing to do with “women,” but with “a particular character who is a woman.” Second, both Sherlock and John have also killed and hurt others for love. So does that make them cool because they are men? Moriarty has killed lots of people just for the fun of it. I don’t see anyone throwing hate at him. Is he somehow cooler because he’s a man? Would the Johnlockers hate Mary less if she was just a sweet little kissy face ankle twister? I doubt it. She’d still be in the way of your fantasy ship, so you’d hate her, anyway. So all this ranting about you hating her because she’s a player is just hypocritical bullshit.Wow, now I wish Sherlock hadn’t shown up and Mary had offed Magnusson as she originally intended, and then gone back to being Mrs. Watson. I would’ve watched the HELL out of that show! And then, instead of all the twisty plot machinations & excruciatingly-manufactured-but-still-largely-unsatisfying drama & questionable hand-wavy “explanations” & death-sentence-commuted-at-the-last-minute non-cliffhanger, all the secrets would be simmering just beneath the action, sans histrionics, but with a bounty of suspense & mystery & actual character development. For everyone!I’d love that show. But because he’s been so forthcoming with that description, clearly it will never happen.Yes to all the above, but think of all the potential goodies (which probably will be blown off, but then…AUs) More Janine. More Mary. The “other one” turning out to be a sister. Give me MORE badazz wimmin, please. Because all this simpering about how poor little baby John and poor little baby Sherlock just can’t get it together cuz of BIG BAD MARY is long past making me wanna gag.So much more Janine. But yes. Mary and Molly fighting crime and buying lipstick.So sick of the Mary hate. It’s like they are looking for reasons to hate her. She is my competency porn. Sherlock had to be a total dick to get into that office. Mary used skill. Basically Sherlock messed it up. Mycroft told him to lay off and he didn’t. Maybe he knew Mary would sort it.Mary is finally a female character that I wNt to cosplay and be. Don’t take it from me. She is complex and flawed and has moments of selfishness and moments if wanting to do the right thing. She is a person to me and not just a random chick there to advance the dude’s plot or get fridges to give the make hero angst.I’m just sitting here laughing at the irony of this gem. “I’m just really unable to get behind a show that asks me to appreciate and support a character that’s abusive, manipulative, and a liar and multiple murderer.”Like I’m fucking dying here y’all. Seriously. SERIOUSLY? I just… Lost ability to can, folks. Really have. -- source link
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