The Sims 4: Zoo SetHi everyone! This is something I’ve been wanting to do for a lonn
The Sims 4: Zoo SetHi everyone! This is something I’ve been wanting to do for a lonnnnnng time, but I never got around to finishing. But here it is, finally! This set includes everything you need to make a zoo in the game- animals, decorations and even a lot, in case you don’t want to make your own zoo from scratch ;)This Set Includes:82 decorative animals (ripped from the Zoo Tycoon 2 PC game)African Elephant CalfAfrican LionAfrican Lion CubAfrican LionessAmerican BeaverAmerican BisonAmerican Bison CalfAtlantic Rock CrabBairds TapirBengal TigerBengal Tiger CubBlack LeopardBlack Leopard CubCalifornia Sea LionCamelCamel BabyCaribouCaribou CalfCheetahCheetah CubChimpanzeeChimpanzee BabyCrested GibbonDolphinElephantFennec FoxFlamingoGalapagos Giant TortoiseGemsbokGiant BullfrogGiraffeGiraffe BabyGray WolfGray Wolf CubGreat White SharkGreen Sea TurtleGrizzly BearGrizzly Bear CubHammerhead SharkHippopotamusHippopotamus BabyIbexJaguarJaguar CubKanagrooKangaroo JoeyKoalaKoala JoeyKomodo DragonLemurMallardMandrillManta RayMeerkat PupMooseMountain GorillaOrangutansOrca WhaleOstrichPandaPanda BabyPeacockPeacock FowlPenguinPenguin BabyPygmy HippopotamusRhinocerosRhinoceros BabyRockhopper PenguinSheepSnow Leopard CubSpringhareStriped HyenaThompsons GazelleToucanWarthogWhite BengalWhite Bengal BabyWhite RhinoWolverine BabyZebraZebra FowlOther Decorative Objects:3D Zoo Sign- 18 swatchesAnimal Exhibit Signs (Get to Work required)- 31 swatchesBanner Stickers- 13 swatchesMap Clutter- 2 swatchesTicket Clutter- 6 swatchesWelcome Signs (Outdoor Retreat required)- 12 swatchesZoo Flags (Get Together required)- 11 swatchesSim Zoo & Aquarium Lot- A renovation of vpmh87’s zoo lot (check out their original/CC-free version on the Gallery)! 50x50 lot, works as a museum, so Sims will come and look at all the animals. Comes decorated with plenty of animals and sea creatures. The lot uses Outdoor Retreat (I at least recommend having this pack if nothing else), Get to Work, Spa Day and Dine Out (just one sign).All meshes are included and everything is base game compatible unless otherwise noted. The animals are all pretty low poly (most are around 400-500 vertices/polygons), which means you don’t have to worry about your game having lagging issues with a lot full of them. I play tested my lot and the game ran smoothly with the amount of animals and CC I had in it :)If you’re looking for more decorative animals, check out @sssvitlans tag :) I might add more decorative animals if/when more models are ripped from Zoo Tycoon 2.You can easily find the set by searching “Zoo Set” or looking for my custom thumbnail:Please make sure The Sims 4 is updated to the most recent patch (1.29) for this set to show up in your game!Click here for more info, screenshots and download links! -- source link
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