rqgzine:And now, the second half of our contributors! This is such an incredible group of creators t
rqgzine:And now, the second half of our contributors! This is such an incredible group of creators to work with, and we’re so excited to show you the range of creativity that the RQG fandom has. Make sure to give everyone here a round of applause as well! For a quick update: we are currently in the creation process, and have successfully cleared the first check in. We’re still on schedule for the zine, and we’ll have more information for you all soon about the final concrete release date, sales, and, what I’m sure everyone is excited for, sneak peeks of the pieces that are going to be included in the zine! We can’t wait to show you how talented everyone is, and support a great charity in the process. [ID: A header graphic, followed by four graphics with the list of contributors for the Rusty Quill Gaming Fanzine. Each graphic has a tannish-pink border, interspersed with small, hollow white circles. At the top of the four graphics with lists is a framed header, reading (all caps) “contributor reveals.”The first graphic is a gif reading (all caps) “Contributor reveals for a Rusty Quill Gaming Fanzine”. There’s a pale rectangle in the middle with two rotating gears on the side, one blue and one white.The second graphic is of the key events contributors. It reads (all caps) “Visual Key Events” and lists each participant’s name, icon, and social media information. The top row, left to right: Daniele, llichk on Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram, whose icon is a drawing of Sasha looking up in surprise; Berry, raspberryhell on Tumblr and raspberryheaven on Twitter, whose icon is a drawing of a strawberry with arms and legs; Panda, areyouokaypanda on Tumblr and Twitter, whose icon is a drawing of Grizzop wearing sunglasses and smiling; and Phuong, pimvipart on Tumblr and Twitter, whose icon is a drawing of a purple-skinned, silver-haired tiefling surrounded by stars and a sun. The middle row, left to right: Kiera, kwsillustration on Instagram, whose icon is a drawing of a light-skinned person with long brown hair with a moth on their forehead; Aubree, teikouarc on Twitter, whose icon is a drawing of Sasha smiling as someone in trans colours sits on her shoulders; Annika, psrj on Tumblr and psrj_ on Twitter, whose icon is a drawing of Hamid producing a flame in one hand; and Izzy, bagelwhalee on Twitter and Instagram, whose icon is a drawing of a light-skinned person with long brown hair wearing a birthday hat. The bottom row, left to right: Hila, sketch-cat on Tumblr and hilasketchcat on Twitter, whose icon is a drawing of a purple-skinned tiefling with curly purple hair and tattoos; and Julia, cocoabats on Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram, whose icon is a drawing of a black bat wearing a tophat and red bowtie. The third graphic is of the fanfic contributors. It reads (all caps) “Written Fanfiction” and lists each participant’s name, icon, and social media information. The top row, left to right: Lois, roisu10 on Tumblr and Joanjun on AO3, whose icon is a drawing of a bow and arrow surrounded by leaves and geometric shapes; Tangy, dainesanddaffodils on Tumblr, whose icon is a drawing of Sasha kissing the top of Zolf’s head and saying a heart emoji; Tako, theallknowingowlagain on Tumblr and theallknowingowl on AO3, whose icon is a drawing of Shoin’s brain orb, half of which is infected with blue veins; and Bri, ohallows on Tumblr and ohallows13 on Twitter, whose icon is a drawing of a light-skinned woman with long blond hair in front of a bi pride flag. The middle row, left to right: Kaiden, sothisiswhatsnext on Tumblr and AO3, whose icon is a drawing of a light-skinned short-haired blond person making a confused expression; Sam. C, darling_sammy on Twitter and LotusFlair on AO3, whose icon is a selfie of a person with long brown curly hair, holding out a fist on which “BAMF” is written; Varya, rinnannon on Twitter and midnight_cowboy on AO3, whose icon is a drawing of a light-skinned person with brown hair holding a furby with a snake tail; and Enea, archivemothman on Twitter and goatsongs on AO3, whose icon is a piccrew of a light-skinned person with short brown hair, surrounded by hearts; the piccrew is by Sagravi on Instagram. The bottom row, left to right: Charlie, kimabutch on Tumblr and Twitter, whose icon is pixel art of a jellyfish with “void” written over it, over a lesbian pride flag; Katthew, eatacactusass on Tumblr, whose icon is a photograph of a light-skinned person sitting in front of graffiti that reads: “but we respect his craft”; Jack, nonbinarywithaknife on Tumblr and littleboxes on AO3, whose icon is a piccrew of a light-skinned person with short brown hair - the piccrew is by Makowka on Twitter; and Kellan B, kellanswritingblog on Tumblr and buzzbuzz34 on AO3, whose icon is a selfie of a light-skinned person with short brown hair, holding a red panda stuffie. The fourth graphic is of the collaborators. It reads (all caps) “Visual & Written Collab” and lists each participant’s name, icon, and social media information. The top row, left to right: Em, magnetarsss on Twitter and Instagram, whose icon is a drawing of a blue and pink flower on a circular green background; Elias, tiredtree on Tumblr, whose icon is a picture of a statue of a dinosaur hatching from an egg; Ray, starrjelly on Twitter, whose icon is a drawing of a tan person making the rockstar sign with their hands in front of a lesbian flag; and Mab, littleladymab on Tumblr and Twitter and lady_mab on AO3, whose icon is a photo of a light-skinned person with pink hair looking to the right. The bottom row, left to right: Kath, phenomenice on Tumblr and phenomenatrices on Twitter, whose icon is a photo of a light-skinned person with short blonde hair and blue veins drawn on their skin; Heather, hgb94 on Tumblr, whose icon is a drawing of a blue-skinned person with long blue hair, who is producing green flames; Jasper, moofbat on Twitter and Instagram, whose icon is a drawing of a light-skinned blonde person holding a stuffed bear; and Jenn, j-whirl44 on Tumblr and j_whirl44 on Twitter, whose icon is a photo of a light-skinned person with shoulder-length brown hair.The fifth graphic is of the miscellaneous contributors. It reads (all caps) “Craft Misc” and lists each participant’s name, icon, and social media information. The top row, left to right: Coins, baronetcoins on Tumblr, whose icon is a drawing of a light-skinned person with short black hair and glasses; Emi, choose__joy on Twitter, whose icon is a drawing of a light-skinned person with long pink hair in a bun, pointy teeth, and pointy ears; Em, ems-stars on Tumblr and ems_stars on Twitter and Instagram, whose icon is a watercolour drawing of a green frog; and Fera, whose icon is a photo of a black and white cat extending a paw towards the viewer. The bottom row, left to right: Zeno, zeno-is-a-paradox on Tumblr and zenoisaparadox on Twitter, whose icon is a drawing of a skull-shaped purple pin pillow with two sewing needles through it; Kit, sharpsnooter on Twitter and thesewing.kit on Instagram, whose icon is pixel art of a light-skinned person with short brown hair and glasses, in front of a trans pride flag; Jean, bimollymauk on Tumblr and jeancrochets on Twitter and Instagram, whose icon is a selfie of a light-skinned person wearing glasses, a blue headband, and a blue shirt, in front of green leaves, and Hannah, hannersannah on Twitter and woolybeggar on Instagram, whose icon is a drawing of a light-skinned person with long blond hair, scratching their head.] -- source link
Tumblr Blog : rqgzine.tumblr.com