From Chrystal Heights hotspot TheZone:Kat made her way inside The Zone.She strolled past Main Street
From Chrystal Heights hotspot TheZone:Kat made her way inside The Zone.She strolled past Main Street, thevanilla bar that served as the most immediate face of The Zone, but it wasn’twhere she was looking to drink right now. She headed for the black-painted doorunder the black light that led to the Edge bars and businesses, the darkcorners of The Zone that offered edgy pleasure and dark rewards, if you knewwhere to look. Not that Kat was one to takechances- and wandering the Edge bars was taking chances- but she was meetingSkylar for drinks, and Skylar wasn’t big on vanilla. At least there’d be two ofthem. Wandering the Edge bars alone was a recipe for disaster. Or at least anembarrassing baby belly.Fortunately it didn’t take longfor Kat to find her Irish friend. Skylar gave Kat a brief wave and walked overto her.Kat welcomed her with a smile. “Allright,” said Kat, her British accent clear, “what’s this club you want to checkout?” Skylar took Kat by the hand and led her towarda dark staircase at the end of a little-used hallway. “Arachnophobia,” shesaid, the excitement in her voice obvious. “It’s supposed to have a sort ofdark-themed ambiance. Kinda creepy, kinda edgy, lots of fun. So buck up, lass. It’llbe copacetic.”Kat gave Skylar a look, butallowed herself to be led down the dark staircase. “Need I remind you that thelast time you thought that, you ended up hyper-pregnant?”Skylar blushed, but laughed. “Abit of a miscalculation, I’ll grant you, but I’m pretty sure Alphas aren’thanging around spider-themed bars, yeah?”Kat shrugged. Skylar had a goodpoint, but Kat wasn’t planning on taking any chances. She was going to be onher toes, even if her friend did like living on the edge.The staircase went deeper than Katexpected, but it eventually opened into a hall lit by torches. Music could beheard. The music got louder as they got closer. Finally they found themselvesstanding in front of the club known as Arachnophobia. The entrance was round and evocativeof a cave opening. A tall, thick-shouldered bouncer stood in front.“This is a private club,” he said.“I need to see your membership cards, please.”Skylar rolled her eyes. “A privateclub? Are you taking the piss?”The bouncer looked bored. “Can’tlet you in without a card. Sorry.” Skylar and Kat turned and walkedaway. Kat shrugged.“Not a big deal,” said Kat. “We’lljust drink at one of the other clubs.”Skylar smiled. “Don’t worry,” shesaid. “I’ve got a plan.”That plan became clear a fewminutes later when Skylar pulled Kat with her and they meshed in with a small groupheading for Arachnophobia. The bouncer was apparently familiar with atleast some of the group, because he waved them in without checking for cards.“See?” said Skylar. “No problem.”Kat shook her head inexasperation. Skylar was crazy.Arachnophobia played up toits theme. The dim lighting left dark corners. Torches on the wall createdflickering shadows. The drink glasses all had webbing graphics. Webs filled thecorners and decorative spiders lingered everywhere. The ambiance was breathlesslyominous, tinged with a festive excitement. It made for a fascinating setting.The bar patrons matched the edgy atmosphere.Dark, gothy attire and aggressive tattoos were everywhere. Leather and chains-often on the same person- could be seen. Skylar got them drinks at the barand they walked around, enjoying the edgy atmosphere. They carefully avoidingthe front area of the club where the bouncer was stationed.They finished their drinks andordered two more, then moved toward the back of the club. A crowd was forming.Skylar and Kat pushed through to the front.It was a stage, one designed toresemble a cave setting. The backdrop appeared to be a giant web.The lights dimmed then and musicbegan playing. Guitars strummed and the drums maintained a steady percussion, adriving, almost hypnotic beat. It was music designed for dancing. Eroticdancing. A light behind the web backdrop onthe low stage turned on. A silhouette appeared, swaying in an erotic manner.The top of the silhouette was unmistakably feminine, with upraised arms andwhat looked to be large, swaying breasts. The bottom of the silhouette,however, was impossible to identify.A man stepped onto the stage andstood in front of the web. He appeared to be in his late thirties. Tall, powerfullybuilt, his dark tanktop did little to hide his thick chest and shoulders. One muscledarm was covered with mesmerizing tattoos from shoulder to wrist. His head wasshaved, with an intricate spiderweb tattoo covering his scalp from the base ofhis skull to his forehead. His goatee was dark and trimmed short, giving him anintimidating air. The man lifted the mic and began speaking, the drivingpercussion underscoring his words.“Good evening,” he said, he voice gravelly,yet compelling. “As you all know, I’m Damien, your host here at Arachnophobia.We are pleased to have your patronage this evening. But as fascinating as I nodoubt am, you are not here to see me, are you?”He paused as the surrounding crowdcheered. “Of course not,” he continued. “Youare here, of course, to be enticed by my mate Bella, mistress of the dark, hereto provide for your viewing pleasure. Welcome her now!”Damien left the stage then. Themusic played on and finally the figure moved out from behind the web. There wasa respectful murmur from the crowd as the dancer made her way onto the stage.Skylar and Kat stared, eyes wide.From the waist up, Bella appeared exoticallyhuman. Her hair was long and black, with wavy raven locks flowing over her bareshoulders and down her back. Her dark brown eyes gazed over the watching crowdwith interest and she ran a quick tongue over her slightly parted dark redlips. A thick leather bra supported her heavy, rounded breasts, putting herlush cleavage on display. Her bare navel undulated slightly, her belly buttonmoving almost hypnotically.Her upper body, however, wassupported by an arachnid lower body. Four pairs of spider legs grew from thebody segment supporting her torso. Her rear segment was larger and appeared tobe swollen. It didn’t interfere with her movement, however. Bella continued hersensual sway, the eyes of every person on her.The music grew slightly louder andBella’s dance grew hotter, more erotic. The multiple limbs appeared to allow herto move in a more sensual manner, rather than interfere. She continued hercaptivating dance, swaying from side to side, her dark eyes challengingeveryone who held her gaze.She moved from the stage, stillmoving to the slow beat of the music. She stopped at a table, still swayingerotically. She reached out and picked up the bottle that sat in the middle ofthe small table. She tipped the bottle back, taking a deep swallow of thegolden liquid. One of her spider legs lifted and pressed itself against the man’smouth, forcing it open. Bella poured some of the alcohol on her spider limb,allowing it to flow down into the man’s mouth. She ran a tongue across her redupper lip, then set the bottle back on the table. She turned and moved backonto the stage.The music finally faded, leavingthe club silent for several seconds. Then everyone clapped and whistled as thelights brightened once more. Skylar and Kat looked at eachother. The shock of the half-woman, half-spider was still with them, despitethe contrast of the unexpectedly erotic dance, but there was no denying theeffective of Bella’s presentation. Besides, there were likely stranger thingsto found in Chrystal Heights, or even The Zone. A hand clapped down on Skylar’sshoulder suddenly.“Hello again,” said a voice. “Didyou enjoy the show?”Skylar and Kat jumped, then sighedwith dismay. It was the bouncer.Suddenly Bella was in front ofthem. “What’s this?”“Gate-crashers,” said the bouncer,in a respectful tone. “They’re not members.”“I see,” said Bella. She turned toSkylar. “Is this true?”Skylar shrugged. “So what if it is?”Bella leaned forward and smiled,her features inches away from Skylar’s. “You’ve got spirit, little one,” shesaid. “I think you’ll be perfect for what I have in mind.”Skylar took a step back. “I don’tthink so, spider-lady.”Skylar turned to leave, but thebouncer was standing in her way. Before she could react, though, she felt Bella’shands on her shoulders and Bella’s breath in her ear.“Relax, little one,” said Bella. “Thiswon’t hurt at all. Well, not much.”Then Skylar’s eyes widened and shegasped as she felt a momentary sharp prick in her right butt cheek.Kat’s eyes widened as well, seeingthe arachne’s stinger coming from beneath her belly and striking Skylar in herrounded backside. Kat took a step back as well, trying to melt into the crowd.Skylar turned to berate Bella, butfound she was having trouble forming words. She felt the bouncer behind her,holding her up, keeping her from dropping to the ground as Bella’s venomcoursed through her. She could only watch helplessly as Bella began weavingwebs from a spinneret located beneath her spider-belly. Could only watch helplesslyas Bella began weaving those webs around her upper body.Skylar blinked, trying to ignorethe venom, trying to escape, but she was wrapped in tight webbing from neck towaist. Drugged and restrained, Skylar could only mumble in embarrassment as shefound herself hoisted by Bella and carried onto the stage.Kat had managed to stay out ofsight, but she knew she’d be stopped if she tried to go out the front door.Beside that, she couldn’t just abandon Skylar. She decided to slip around backstageand see if she could find some way to get her friend free from the clutches ofthe arachne.Kat pressed against the wall andslid along, aiming for the backstage door. She kept an eye on Bella and Skylaras she did so, prepared to intervene if necessary. Then her eyes widened.Bella was stripping off Skylar’sfootwear, jeans and panties, leaving the Irish girl’s bare bottom on display. Butthat wasn’t the only problem, or even the main one. The main problem was that an ovipositorhad emerged from beneath the arachne woman. And judging by the swollen sackbehind her, it wasn’t difficult to figure out what Bella had in mind.The ovipositor pressed againstSkylar’s tight rear opening. It was obvious that Skylar was trying to resistthe insistent ovipositor, but the venom coursing through her had relaxed herrear entrance completely. Her traitor sphincter muscle offered no resistance asthe ovipositor penetrated her, moving deep into her back passage.And then, one-by-one, the eggsfilling Bella’s swollen sac began travelling down the ovipositor, stretchingthe Irish girl’s backdoor as they moved into her.Skylar struggled, but she hadlittle strength. She could only lay there on her belly, wrapped in webbedrestraint as the spider woman filled her with eggs.Bella leaned forward, speakingonce again near Skylar’s ear. “You’ll be an adorable incubator for my eggs,”she said. “I’m glad you came along when you did. I was getting tired ofcarrying them all the time.”Kat shook her head as she realizedSkylar was getting filled with eggs. She needed to intervene now before Skylarended up waddling around for months with an egg-filled backside. As she movedtoward the stage, however, a hand on her shoulder stopped her.“I wouldn’t,” said a gravellyvoice. “She wouldn’t appreciate it.”Kat turned. It was Damien, the manwho had introduced Bella.“I have to stop her,” said Kat. “She’s…sheimpregnating my friend!”The man nodded. “That’s true,” hesaid, “but that’s not so bad, is it?”Kat opened her mouth to argue, butshe was having a hard time concentrating. “Well…I mean…well, she shouldn’t dothat…right…?”Damien smiled sympathetically. “Iknow what you mean,” he said, “but I wouldn’t worry about it. Your friend willbe fine. Just stay here with me for the time being. Don’t worry about them.”Kat blinked. Her nipples were hardand she was lubricating like crazy, far more than she ever had before. Herbelly muscles were twitching. Damien’s words were melting every anxiety, everyinhibition within her. Kat gazed at the stage, the sightof Skylar receiving egg-after-egg causing her own hips to twitch in response.She had to…had to help…had to…Damien pressed closer, his fingersbrushing Kat’s belly. “Don’t worry about them,” he said. “Just think about you.Your heat. Feeling so good.”Kat opened her mouth to protest,but nothing came out. Her rigid nipples were pressing against her restrictivebra. Her lungs were filling with his scent. Her hips were unconsciously wrigglingat his proximity. Her panties were soaked.Damien reached down and pulled thehem of her skirt up over her hips. Kat blinked as she suddenly realized herpanties were gone.Oh, gawd, thought Kat,taken by a moment of clarity. Damien’s an Alpha and Bella’s his mate! We’vegot to get out of here or we’ll…we’ll…And then Kat moaned as Damien benther over and slid his thick Alpha cock into her.Kat felt the erotic weight of hishands on her shoulders as he slid his thick back-and-forth inside her. The fatbulbous head of his dick hit every hot spot inside her pussy, and she couldfeel her wet channel squeezing his shaft. She shuddered as his hips pressedagainst her rounded bottom, his heavy balls slapping her clit. She came, thencame again. And again. Her hips were bucking. Kat knew-she knew- she couldn’t let Damien cum inside her. She knew. But thevolcanic heat in her belly and pussy, the electric, impossible intensity pulsingthrough her with every tiny movement, had locked her muscles. Kat could onlystand there, bent over and helpless from paralytic pleasure, as Damien poundedher silly.And then, just as the final eggwas passing through Bella’s ovipositor and into Skylar, Damien came.Kat’s eyes widened as she felt asudden surge of warmth shooting into her womb. Hips bucking, she closed hereyes and moaned as his release triggered hers. Her hips wriggled and writhed asDamien continued pumping the overheated Kat, filling her with his hot, potentseed. He continued pounding her through her orgasm, draining his cock, making sureevery drop ended up in Kat’s unprotected womb. Finally satisfied, the Alpha pulledhis softening cock from the exhausted Kat. He reached forward and patted theBritish girl’s quivering bottom.“Nice,” he said. “Stick around foran hour or so. I want to see my trophy before you go.”Kat blinked, still trying to gether thoughts together. And then his meaning struck her.He was an Alpha. He had justimpregnated her, without a doubt. She was going to be carrying his baby in herbelly whether she liked it or not.Oh, gawd. Not only was shepregnant, she was hyper-pregnant. His potent semen was already turning her intoa baby factory, her belly was already starting to swell. Her breasts weregrowing heavier as they filled with milk. And she was already getting tooaroused to think.Skylar suddenly appeared, her walknow a waddle due to her equally swelled belly. “Fucking hell,” she said. “Thebloody witch stuffed me full of eggs. I won’t be able to sit for a week. Noidea how long until they drop.”Kat dropped her skirt back intoplace. “We have to go,” she said to Skylar. “I, umm, won’t fit in these clothesmuch longer.”Skylar managed a chuckle. “I leaveyou alone for 5 minutes and you end up knocked up.”“Really funny,” said Kat. “Let’sgo.”But suddenly the bouncer wasblocking their way again.“Oh, gawd,” said Skylar. “Now what?”The bouncer held out a card towardeach of them.“Your membership cards,” he said. “Welcometo Arachnophobia.” THE END@prettykittypryde2002@skylarsilva98@thehypnodaddy -- source link
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